Respected Guruji,
I am stating my birth details. Guruji please tell me how will be my career and financial condition? Because i am facing many problems in my studies currently ...
TIME OF BIRTH:- 08.38 am
DATE OF BIRTH:- 28/04/1984
PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY:- Mumbai / Maharashtra / India
SEX:- Male.
Your current status :- Studying
Educational background :- Bachelor degree in engineering (computers)
Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:-
Guruji still no good event has occured only problems.
my elder brother is mentally retarded and my mother is suffering from colour blindness (only 20% vision), father have retire from services and yet i am not doing any job.
Family background
Father : Retired from service.
Mother : house wive.
Brothers : elders brother.
Sisters : elder sister married