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  1. Hello everyone, I have joined this forum only recently and I would like to have your views on this subject. I became more curious about this as I was seeing my daughter's horoscope. She was born on 9th Nov 2008. When the sun is in libra and debilitated. All people who are born during that period of the calendar when sun is in libra will have sun, atmakaraka debilitated. Will they have any kind of remedial measures for it. I went through the explanations for neechabhanga but being just beginner, could not understand all the different explanations. I would like your views on this. I would also welcome if anyone of you can read my daughter's horoscope and say if the debilitation is cancelled. Date of birth 09/11/2008 Time of birth 1.40am Place of birth wythenshawe, Manchester, UK My email id is malavikaraji@
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