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    A doctor by profession, a webdesigner and astrologer by hobby. astrologytree@gmail.com
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    Patiala, Punjab
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    Astrology, Web Designing
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  1. Hello Anusha Ji, Please accept my regards. Although I am not able enough to comment, still I will like to express my opinion with a hope that I will be corrected and hence I will get something new to learn. In Rashi chart there are four planets in Virgo (2nd from UL which is also 3rd from AL) and Moon is with saturn although about 17 degrees apart and in own house which is also AL. In D9 Moon and Sun are with Rahu-Ketu axis ans Sun-Rahu are in 5H with venus in Lagna. Although UL and 7H both are reasonably strong in both houses. I also think that this person's married life will not be smooth and may be full of ups and downs. Also this persons seems to be having very unpredictable personality may this can also be the reason for possibility of rough married life. Although I was wondering that is this person really interested in Marriage. I think he may not really be interested in marriage. I hope you will correct me Further I am interested in Psychological setup of this person. I will be thankful if you can throw some light Kind Regards Atul
  2. Hello USR Ji, Nice to see you here. With you glare of this forum is back. I hope other stars of the forum will also come soon. and I hope students like me will get to learn more things from you Regards
  3. I think my posts are missing. This forum really working?
  4. Respected Audarya, It is really pleasing to see you working again. We all missed you all this long time. Seeing you working again seems like coming back to school again! Thanks
  5. Hello, Effect of venus and moon on UL, A7, 5H and 7H shows that a person most probably will have a love marriage. Effect Venus and moon on same except UL will show that a person will have a strong affair but it may not translate into a marriage Hope it helps Regards
  6. Well as Forum is going to be read only, and we are now allowed to exchange our email ids, then I will like to share my id with you you can contact me at astrologytree@gmail.com or at my blog. Astrology Tree Kind Regards Atul
  7. Revealing more information is not a good idea Although I will like to share My email id with you, but then I will be breaking the rules of the forum. And sincerely, I donot want to do this. Well if you want to contact me you can leave a comment on my blog please remember I do not charge any fee or any thing else similar to this. If you find that I am taking any undue advantage you can complain to the admin Kind Regards Atul
  8. Saturn is giving you mixed results. It posses malefic properties being lord of 6H and also ruling 7H it is supposed to be benefic as it is it's mooltrikon sign. As it is exalted in 3H so it will not harm 3H. But its' aspect on House of education, house of Luck and 12H can posses some malefic properties along with benefic properties. and your chart clearly indicates your profession as a doctor. And your chart shows that this will be the most profitable profession to you Best of luck
  9. Auspiciousness and strength are two different things. Mercury is too weak in shad bala. being vargottama and being included in parivartana It's auspiciousness is increased. But It still lacks the drigbal and sthanbal it need to exert it's effects. And for parivartan yoga, we usually think that it erases all afflictions, but this is not so. in ancient texts planets included in exchange should be considered as conjunction. In this case both planets share a free flow of energy between them. Hence their effect is combined resultant. Another fact is that, when a planet is carrying both malefic and benefic properties (Which most of the time every planet does) then it will exert both of it's properties and it does not get cancelled. So a person gets both malefic and benefic results from the planet period depending upon the what percent of it carries benefic and malefic properties respectively. hence in this chart, Budha has although become auspicious but being weak it is still unable to give full performance. Vargottama planet is supposed to give good results but it need enough energy to transmit those results. Being vargottma does not cancel it's badhak properties and also can not hide it's weakness. if you look at the palm of the native you will find that the mercury mount is also not that stron although the mercury line may be in good position. Dear friend, As I told I am just a learner of astrology, I will be thankful If you correct my mistakes Kind regards Atul
  10. I agree with Respected sasisekaran ji, for Gemini Jupiter is considered Badhakesh, and hence it adds one more negative point. Dispositor of gullika is also considered inauspicious. But gemini being dual sign, 7L is considered Badhakesh. Kind regards Atul
  11. Yes I live in Patiala Distt. My village is 25 Kms from patiala. I often visit Patiala. It will be nice to meet you. Wish you good luck
  12. BTW, worst post I expected here was to ask "Does this forum need Blood test or saliva test done before registering?" ThankGod no one asked something like this (Although I tried to ask earlier but edited later on after I gained some conciousness )
  13. Respected friend, I am not a learned Guru But a learner of this subject. But I will like to put my view on the topic. I am sorry for interfereing in this thread. Jupiter in 9H clearly indicates that it's Kendradhipati dosha gets cancelled. and in fact it is considered a good Rajayoga. But there are few facts about Jupiter which should also be taken care of. 1) Jupiter is weak in Shadbala having 90% of minimum wanted 2) Jupiter is debilitated in D-9, further reducing Jupiter's strength 3) Jupiter is placed in Saturn's House which is enemy to jupiter 4) Jupiter is placed with Mercury, which is also enemy to jupiter making jupiter uncomfortable 5) Rahu is in 8H and 10 is getting Rahu's aspect. 6) Rahu is neutral to jupiter, which didnot helped Jupiter express whatever positive energy he had In strength calculation, Jupiter Kasht fala comes out be 48.75 as compared to 11.22 Isht fala. Also Lagna Lord is also much weak to help jupiter express it's result of Rajayoga and gajkesari yoga These factors were most probably the responsible for Jupiter not giving what expected Kind Regards Atul
  14. respected rrbtito Posting same question in too many threads only causes clutter to gather around. I think it is not a Good way to get attention. Forum manners must be followed and harmony must be maintained
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