respected sir,
yeah its in left ear sir.the doctor has told i have a hole in my eardrum.this hole ll heal up for some but not for many.doc has also told tat in my case chances are less and i wud be going for a surgery called myringoplasty or tympanoplasty(depending on the size of hole) probably after 4months(after my degree)
without this surgery i can suffer from hearingloss permanently,various infections wich in worst case can affect brain and finally various kind of infections.
doc has told tat i hav this hole right from birth ...but i started having its effects(ear pain,stinging,puss ) from october 2008( i had dived into water from a good height and was abt to drown(first time in waters) wen my frenz puld me up)...from tat day i am having its effects)