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Can you tell me when will I be getting a job?
srinivas1 replied to hsdhanota's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Things will turn to your favour after 24 - Aug -2009 when Venus- Mercury -Moon period operates and chances are there to get the job Cheers Srinivas -
Jupiter exalted in Taurus ascendant
srinivas1 replied to g0ld3n.tig3r's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Hi Gold and Pitcha, Any planet which is in Rasi Sandhi generally becomes weak and can not give complete results. Even if the the two planets are in Rasi Sandhi, combustion is not exempted if that planet is very near to Sun. But there is an exception for mercury as mercury will be very near degrees to the sun most of the times. So in astrological terms there is no combustion for mercury. Coming back to Sun – Sun is a Royal planet and it should be strong enough in the chart. He signifies the strength of any chart. Though he is a natural malefic, he is a neutral by nature and possessed with Rajoguna. If he is strongly situated in any chart, he will bless the native with status, wealth and fame in the society. But here in this case, Sun being in Rasi Sandhi in 9th is a bit weak. Though he is in vargottama position (which is a +ve factor), he is placed in enemy Saturn house and he is getting aspect from Jupiter (8th Lord). Thus Sun has become more weak in the chart. I am looking into the chart and give my predictions in some time .. Cheers, Srinivasa Chakravarti. -
Hi Vipvats, Following are my predictions. Your Lagna is Leo and Venus (3rd and 10th lord), Mercury (2nd and 11th lord) and Mars (4th and 9th lord) are situated in Lagna. This is a good combination in lagna. However your lagna lord (Sun) is very week and placed in 12th house and highly afflicted since he is along with Saturn (6th and 7th) lord and Saturn is a bitter enemy to Sun. In your Navamsa also Sun was placed in Lagna. So on a whole your 1st house implications are afflicted as lagna lord is very week in 12th house. This was a bit negative factor to consider and moreover your lagna lord sun is with Saturn in 12th house (in a movable sign cancer) which indicates that you can be in foreign countries for a long time and you can earn some amount of money also there. But Expenses are also surely indicated as Saturn being 6th and 7th lord is aspecting the 2nd house. You need to control your expenses and most of your money will be spent on unnecessary things and unexpected expenditure. Combination of Venus (3rd and 10th lord), Mars (4th and 9th lord) in Lagna gives Dharma Karmadhipati yoga which is really a good raja yoga combination and will give you prosperity in Foreign lands as mentioned above (sun is in 12th house). And another indication to get settled in foreign country was Moon (12th lord) was placed in 4th house. This will give you the settlement in foreign countries. 2nd house: Dhana yoga was indicated as mercury Mercury (2nd and 11th lord) and Mars (4th and 9th lord) combination in Lagna which is good for financial prosperity. But a negative factor here is 2nd house is being aspected by a malefic Saturn which may create some problem in your family and some family issues may be there. You need to control your emotions. Currently you are running across mercury mahadasa and Saturn Antardasa from 2008 June. Some adverse results will definitely occur in malefic antardasas in Mercury mahadasa. You need to follow remedies for Saturn antardasa. Do fasting on Saturdays, go to navagraha temple on Saturdays and worship lord hanuman. These will give some relief to you. 3rd house: Your 3rd lord venus is in Lagna along with Mercury (2nd and 11th lord) and Mars (4th and 9th lord) which was good and you will get help from your co-borns. Rahu is in 3rd house and Rahu dasa will give you excellent results. 4th house: You will have your own house as Mars (4th and 9th lord) is in Lagna along with Venus (3rd and 10th lord) and Mercury (2nd and 11th lord). Jupiter is aspecting 4th house and you own some land properties also on your name. Jupiter in 10th and aspecting 4th house will definitely give you a very good fame and prosperity 5th house: 5th lord Jupiter is placed in 10th house which is a good indication for prosperity and will give you fame and status in the society. From Moon ascendant (Chandra lagna) Jupiter is 2nd and 5th lord for Scorpio ascendant is in 7th house and moon 9th lord was placed in lagna which is a very good combination for wealth and prosperity and fame. 6th house & 7th house : You 6th and 7th lord Saturn was heavily afflicted as he is in 12th house with Sun. Your Saturn can not give vipareeta raja yoga though he is in 12th house being the 6th lord because Saturn is with bitter enemy Sun (Lagna lord) and in navamsa also he is weak as he is in scorpio along with Mars. Here for Saturn 7th lordship dominates over 6th lordship for Leo Natives as 7th (Aquarius) is his Moolatrikona place. 7th lord is in 12th house is a negative factor and you may need to face some trouble also regarding your marriage. 8th house: 8th house lord Jupiter is in 10th house which is again a bit –ve factor and will give you some obstacles in your career as he is being aspected by moon (12th lord ) from 4th house. This may cause you digestion problems. You need to take the diet control. 9th house: 9th house was occupied by Ketu and 9th lord Mars is in Lagna which is again a good factor as indicated by me above. 10th house : I have already mentioned above reg the 10th lord placed in Lagna and Jupiter placed in 10th house. 11th house : 11th lord Mercury is placed in lagna was good for wealth as mentioned above, but at the same time expense have to be controlled as Mercury is with Venus(10th lord). Venus is a malefic as he has kendradhipatya dosha for leo natives. Wealth is surely indicated in the chart as there are some very powerful dhana yogas as mentioned above, but at the same time negative points are also there which actually cause lavishness in spending etc.. I have already discussed the negative factors too in the above. 12th house: I have already discussed about the sun and Saturn combination above.. please refer. On a whole chart is good for wealth but at the same time precautions need to be taken for health and to control the expenses. Cheers Srinivas
Hi Vipvats, For any chart, all the rajayogas are entirely dependant on the strength of Lagna, Lagna Lord, Moon, Sun and Jupiter. Espicially Lagna and Lagna lord should be strong enough to get the fruitful results for the rajayogas present in the horoscope. Otherwise, they can not give 100% results. Basic principle is Lagna should not have any malefic afflictions or any malefics should not aspect/conjunct lagna and lagna lord. I am going though your chart and will give you my predictions in some time.. Cheers Srinivas
Effect of Exchange of houses of debilitated planets.
srinivas1 replied to a topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Dear Vasu, Interesting chart ...Here is my analysis on your chart. Both Mars and Moon dasa will give good results for you as they got neechabhanga. Moon dasa will give excellent results when compared to Mars dasa because Mars is a bit afflicted here (in 5th house) with 6th lord Sun eventhough he is exalted in navamsa. You have a clear cut Lagnadhi yoga as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in 6th, 7th and 8th houses respectively. It will boost your wealth in the respective dasas.Financially this is an excellent yoga and results in affluence. And you also have Grahamalika Yoga as Planets are arranged from 5th to 9th in 5 consecutive signs like a malika. This is another good yoga which is capable of nullifying most of the evil effects caused by the other planets in the horoscope. Just like Gajakesari Yoga.. GrahaMalika Yoga is also an excellent yoga if it starts from trinal house and ends in trinal house here in this case it started from 5th (Lakshmi sthan) and ended in 9th (Another Lakshmi sthan). It will give you wealth, conveyances and other comforts in life. One additional good point here is the planets which are there (Mars and Moon) in starting and end points of this yoga are in parivarthana. Because of this, you will get excellent results in both Mars and Moon Dasas in terms of wealth and other comforts also. But one more negative point is that expenses are also indicated as 12th lord Saturn is in 2nd house. A bit +ve factor here is Jupiter the lord of lagna is aspecting Saturn here eventhough he himself was placed in 8th. His apspect is like a cover over the malefic effect of Saturn. But expenses are also indicated here surely because your lagna is also week as it is having a papakarthari (Malefics in 12th and 2nd) and lagna is also getting aspected by 8th lord Venus from 7th house. Worship lord hanuman and fasting on saturdays will surely help you from the bad effects of saturn. Cheers Srinivas1 -
Hi Saturn in this position will surely help you in terms of money since the dispositor Sun is strong in 10th having digbala and Saturn is also in vargottama. But at the same time expense is also indiacated as Saturn is also with Rahu and getting aspected by moon (12th lord; lord of expenses). It may trouble you mentally also like restless etc.. Eventually you earn a lot of money as you have combination of mercury (2nd, 11th lord), Venus(3rd, 10th lord) and mars(4th, 9th lord) in 9th house. This is a good combination and Your lagna lord Sun is very strong in 10th position which is again a good factor here. It is Sun and strong 9th house that are saving you from the malefic effects from Saturn - rahu combination in lagna. Intersting chart .. all over.. Cheers Srinivas
Thanks Riaz Brother
Effect of Exchange of houses of debilitated planets.
srinivas1 replied to a topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Hi, Parivarthana between 5th and 9th house is aspicious generally both being lakshmi houses and trines. In this case, being debilitated planets, they exchanged the houses. I agree with K here, parivarthana is just like a conjunction, and it yields good results in this case. But we need to assess the other factors also here like neechabhanga, aspects of other planets etc.. I am just looking into the chart.. will post my detail analysis in some time .. Cheers Srinivas -
Jupiter exalted in Taurus ascendant
srinivas1 replied to g0ld3n.tig3r's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Small correction here .. Jupiter is 8th and 11th lord for taurus lagna and not the 12th lord. sorry for the typo mistake above.. -
Jupiter exalted in Taurus ascendant
srinivas1 replied to g0ld3n.tig3r's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Hi Gold, Jupiter in 3rd being the 8th and 12th lord is aspicious in money matters and it may give beneficiary results in terms of gains, spouse and public relations. But being 8th and 12th lord placed in 3rd house will surely take you away from your native place and settle in other place. Jupiter being aspected by Yogakaraka Saturn here is some good point here and will give you good aspicious results in it's dasa and antardasas. Here Jupiter Dasa will give you good benefic results than Saturn Dasa. Because Saturn and Jupiter are in Samaspataka position (7th from each other). They exchange their results between themselves and give the results accordingly. Regarding the planets on which Jupiter is having an aspect :~ aspicious results of those planets will be reduced here because Jupiter is the worst malefic (8th and 12th Lord) for taurus lagna. Here lordship dominates the beneficiary nature of Jupiter. But eventhough in the experience, For Taurus lagna it was obeserved that, being an extreme natural benefic aspect of Jipiter on houses will defenitely boost the implications of that house provided lagna lord venus is strongly disposed in the chart. But if the same aspect is on lords of the houses, it will reduce the benfic results given by the planets. Hope this clarifies your doubts. Cheers Srinivas -
Hi Respected Guruji's Can you please predict which stone I need to wear according to my kundli? Please let me know your thoughts on this. Following are the birth details. Date & Time : 25-April-1980; 11:36 AM Place of Birth: Eluru, Andhra Pradesh.
Dear Riaz brother, Thanks a lot for your views on my query. I have got my doubts cleared. You are correct. 11th house is the house of gains through business because it is 2nd from the 10th house which is the income through one's profession or business. I accept we need to look at 11th house also to predict one's business prediction. Thanks for the comments brother. it is not that I am good, but I have an enthusiasm of learning things and widening my Knowledge ( I always believe that everybody in this field is a learner as Astrology is a Ocean). I am not getting time these days to share my Knowledge due to workpressure. However I will try to make some time out of it. I am coming to Hyderabad (India) after a long time in September and meet you there Thanks again.. Cheers Srinivas1
Dear Guruji's, Please express your views on this. Sun in 10th house (in exchange with 10th lord in 2nd house) and aspected by jupiter 9th lord. Is this combination supportive for business also for a cancer native? Business is primarily related to 7th and 10th houses and lord's strength in the chart in my opinion. Please correct me if I am wrong here. Experts comments are always welcome here and it would be helpful for our analyzation. Thanks Srinivas1.
Dear Respected Guruji's, Can you please let me know if business suits me or not.If so which business I need to prefer? How about any water related business ? If it suits, is it ok if I start it from October 2009, once Moon - Ketu period is over by Sep 2009. Below are the birth details. 25-April-1980 Time: 11:36 AM Place : Eluru, Andhra Pradesh. Thanks in advance. Cheers Srinivas1
USR Ji, Riaz Ji, others please help
srinivas1 replied to amar1's topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
Dear Riaz, Absolutely right!! One should server and respect Parents.Parents are the direct gods for everybody. If you worship parents, evrything will come towards you. "First are parents, then only anything else in the world" Srinivas.