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  1. Dear Sir, My birth details: DOB: 10-Mar-1978 TOB: 02:30 PM POB: Bhopal,India Sex: FeMale Status: married Current location: Pune, India Profession: IT industry husband's details DOB: 02-Feb-1976 TOB: 08:29 PM POB: Pune,India Current location: Pune, India Profession: IT industry Question: What are the prospects of having a healthy child?? Recently lost my 1 day old baby boy on jan 22, 09 . When is the good time to conceive at the earliest??? Also we wanted to have 2 kids. how can we go about it? Pls suggest any remedial measures if required. Last year I already did puja for kaal sarpa dosha at nashik. Thanks & Regards. Mrs. Shinde
  2. Respected Members I need your help and guidance with respect to having a healthy baby.. I delivered baby boy on 21 Jan 09. Unfortunately the baby's heart rate was not stable. He did not breath on his own and we lost him the next day. If anyone can help me out with this. When can I be a mother? My DOB: 10.03.1978 TOB: 14.30.00 Latitude: 016/30 N Longitude: 077/50 E My Husband's DOB: 04.02.1976 TOB: 20:29 POB: Pune/ Maharashtra Latitude: 18/32 N Longitude: 73/52 E Rgds, Thanks in Advance !!! Mrs.Shinde
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