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  1. Jai Ma! The Maa Kamakhya Ashram will also be having a camp at Kumbha Mela and you will have a chance to meet "Shri Kapalik Mahakaal Bhairvanand SaraswatiKaal Ugranad Saraswati" and others. For more information visit kapalika.com Virabadhra
  2. Puja is not useless but Puja is also not Tantra in its self.
  3. Jai Ma! I am not 100% but I feel very close and can ask my Guru but the reason why Lord Shiva is projected on the peak like such is 1.The Himalayan mountains are said to be the dwelling place of the great Devi/Devas and 2.Shiva is all great all conciseness and all knowing and this peak represents the highest look out. Virabahdra
  4. I recommend one see a good Tantric,but do your home work there are many fakes out there.
  5. Jai Ma! All are invited to visit the camp of Guruji at the up coming Kumbha Mela in Haridwar, India. Shri Mahakaalji will have the camp for this tradition and will be in Haridwar during the month of April. For those who wish to have a great experience and experience this spiritual festival from the inside, then you are welcome to stay at our camp. The camp will have the tents for sleeping, as well as food, drink, and toilet facilities. Moreover, it would be a great chance to meet with Guruji and other sadhaks. Shri Kapalik Mahakaalji will be giving talks both in Hindi and in English, and will be available to give Diksha to those who are inspired for it. We will be having pujas and devotional activities as well. As far as I know, we are the only camp of Vama Shakta Tantrics at the Kumbha Mela. If you are already going and have other arrangements, then feel free to come and say hello to us and have a cup of tea. We look forward to seeing you there. For those who wish to stay at our camp (for more than just visits) please contact me and I'll reserve space for you and keep you informed as the time approaches. We will have more details on the Kumbha Mela in the coming months. If interested please visit our site kapalika.com Virabahdra
  6. Jai Ma! Welcome! The Tantric Vidya represents an advanced form of spiritual sadhana where the sadhak embodies the highest principles of Awareness and Energy. This site will inform about various aspects of the Kaula path, and provide opportunities for those who wish to move in this current. The current of this lineage is from the Vama Shakta tradition that comes from Shri Bam Dev of Tarapith, who was one of history’s greatest Tantrics, and is expressed today by Shri Kapalik Mahakaal Bhairvanand Saraswati, who is one of the greatest living Tantrics and a true Kapalika. This site represents the cyber and American branch that is in service to Maa Kamakhya Ashram of India, and is under the direction of Kaal Ugranand Saraswati. Shri Bhairvanandji and Kaal feel that while there is much information now available to people, the actual state of the true Tantric Vidya has been in decline. It is the hope that the time is now ripe for the re-emergence of the Kaulas, both in the East and in the West. While this tradition represents what is commonly called the Vamamarga, it is the traditional Vamamarga, unrelated to all manner of immaturity and fetishism that has become attached to this word. Without the Guru there is no Tantra, and without the process of Tantra (the sadhanas of establishing the energies within and assimilating/realizing them both as they are and as expression of Self) there is no marga/path either right or left. Finally and ultimately, this site is in service to those for whom the fire of sincerity burns bright and who hunger for the depths of Primordial Reality and living in integrity with that Realization. For those of you interested in this path and learning from a true Kaula please visit our page at; www kapalika dot com
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