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  1. His advices may bring trouble to you, think twice and take another person advice before following his advice.
  2. Not really. You can figure out when you read couple of times. But that is not important when your thoughts are noble. God bless you.
  3. I like your intention. Reciting Hanuman stotra and hanuman chalisa every day will protect this type of attacks IMO, though I am not sure but heard.
  4. ^ Yes. Sentences contradict each other.
  5. As Mike explained and as per my knowledge, a 3D Murthi should be prayed with daily rituals. You should offer Naivedyam every day atleast either with a combination of cow Milk & sugar in a small silver bowl or new steel bowl or sweet payasam. Deepa Araadhana ( New cotton wick lit with cow ghee or with oil atleast) should be given. Cleaned flowers and cleaned fruits are also can be offered. Incence stick at least smokeless should be burnt. It is a symbolic offering that you are burning your ego or desires to a final form that cannot be reversed. Initial prayer should always be performed on Ganesh followed by other gods. Gods are to be prayed by offerring turmeric powder and Kumkum ( Yellow and Red colored powders, prepared from fresh crop - Available in Srilankan stores) and Akshantalu ( prepared with rice and turmeric powder) with three fingers (other than index and middle fingers). Harathi (with Camphor) can be given at the end. You should put bindi on your forehead before praying and sprinkle akshintalu on head after prayer. Forget to mention, you should take bath (preferable headbath) before prayer and wear fresh colths while praying. Though worship demands your time and effort, you will be blessed with desirable will power to sail through your life hurdles. Don't look for any return or warranty but pray with selfishness. God bless you. PS: The prayer procedure I provided above is a typical South Indian style. There can be different versions changed over time.
  6. It is a vedic ritual (Sacred thread ceremony) indicating second birth in pursue of education accepting teacher as Father.
  7. Right. Supreme god is one either Maha Vishnu or Maheswara. Most of the people would prefer to call say for example Ganesh or Kumara as gods instead of demigods.
  8. I think I am aware of Ahankara or Ahankari. A person who possess Aham is called Ahankara or Ahankari. We call that person as egoist in English. I am skeptical to tranlsate it as false ego as did by Prabhupada. I always view Aham as ego as an undesirable attribute yet we can't get rid of it, though it varies in degrees between person to person. I believe AHAM is an attribute of a living form like the wetness of water. How religous we are, we will view women as women and dog as dog. We always fail to see the common among all just because of material comparison. Aham can be in various forms at action level, oral or spoken level or thought level. Unfortunately Human beings are not immuned to cease it completely as the AHAM is the attribute of a biological body and biological needs bring out the AHAM always. I have to agree with you it will disappear during spiritual union with the god but come back again. I have not seen a person or a religious preacher who will not display AHAM in any form. I figured out you are referring the AHAM displayed in physical level as false ego. I think Budhists and Christians also believe in Karma and reincarnation but they cannot understand the metaphysical complexity of Hinduism.
  9. Weren't Varun and Indra were Vedic gods? I agree Hindus are not praying them now.
  10. I am not aware of latin origin. Let us discuss original Sanskrit word AHAM, which is transliterated as Ego. I have not seen using the word AHAM in good sense and not aware there is one more attribute called bad AHAM. When you identify yourself as "I" with reference to "NOT THIS and NOT THAT" which is a part of Maya is also Maya. But ?How? cannot you identify yourself when you are in a bodily form? When you say "I", how can get away from AHAM. It is only possible when you cannot see yourself for ever IMO.
  11. I think somebody explained before. What is unreal is ego. What is false is ego. There is no ego in real or truth or absolute but it manifests in maya. The ego ceases when liberated from maya, the material world or visible universe. One cannot destroy ego but can hide by controlling senses. Though ego disappears in sound sleep but only temporarily.
  12. ^ Dictionary interpretations will not reflect true meaning of Sanskrit words. The visual meaning is different from literal meaning. I hope you read Puranas to understand about Gods and God head. Maha Vishnu is not demi-god head or head of demi-gods.
  13. Definitely not you and me but there are people who can see percieve divineness. Some people call logical regression.
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