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A lot has to do with intellect and perception. There is an underlying theme it appears in the Upanishads that those that worship the Absolute are the highetst in rank followed by the worshippers of the personal God. Then come the worshippers of incarnations such as Rama, Buddha, or Krishna, and at the basic level those who worship ancestors, deities, fire, gurus or spirits. Kind of a subcaste with a caste. There are references to higher knowledge is that by which the Absolute is apprehended and lower knowledge is that given by certain Vedas. It takes a very fine mind to be able to comprehend & relate to that which is formless-beyond time and space. I am not among such beings. I prefer to worship a form and can relate better on that level as can many people. Mukti is attainable for all and fortunately great intellect is not a requirement. It is wonderful that in Hinduism there is a path for everyone reguardless of intellectual abilty or type of perception. I know many who have attained mukti, have realized the "Absolute" yet are still great bhakti of one deity or another or a personal God or incarnation. Still all the various ways of relating add to alot of bickering and dispute. The quote that you posted, looseley translated: Cosmic Reality is One, the wise perceive it in many ways." addresses this and should indeed allow great compassion and understanding for the perceptions of others. It's like when Ramakrishna fed food to a cat that was intended for Kali. Someone reported him. However Mathur Babu understood that he was perceiving an Absolute-the Divine Mother in everything-and said to let him go and not to say anything to him. To Ramakrishna the cat was the Divine Mother-she was everything. All was an absolute to him vibating with consciousness-even the pillars and window sills. However many onlookers saw only sacrilege and judged him harshly for it. That saying is like a double edged sword. It can create great self righteousness in a being or it can create understanding and respect for the perceptions & insights of others such as in the case of Mathur Babu, Ramakrishna and the "Cat".
Thanks for the reply-I could not find any concept of avatars in the Vedas. Just in Mahabharata & Bhagavad Purana (which seemed alot like finding the names of the 7 archangels in the bible). It names 22 but then says the number is beyond counting.
According to ancient tradition, karmically, to kill or eat a pig is similar to killing or eating a human being as the pig is very close in consciousness and dna to humans. In rural India there is a village where the people eat pork. They are very cruel to the pigs. There is not a household that is alright there-such hatred for each other, divorce, poverty etc as eating pork affects the anahata chakra making spiritual progress very difficult. Florida need help in banning a very cruel practice. Following is info: Please vote YES on Amendment 10 on November 5!!! Welcome to the YES! on 10/Floridians for Humane Farms Web Site. Floridians for Humane Farms is a coalition of conservation and animal welfare organizations, and concerned citizens who are dedicated to the passage of Florida’s Amendment 10. The YES! on 10 campaign has placed a groundbreaking ballot measure on the November 2002 ballot to outlaw the cruel confinement of breeding pigs on industrialized factory farms. The amendment seeks a ban on ‘gestation crates' - barren metal enclosures where breeding pigs are kept, pregnant, for the vast majority of their lives. These crates are just two feet wide and so small that the pigs cannot even turn around. Shortly before giving birth, the sow is moved to a farrowing crate in which she and eventually her piglets are housed until the piglets are weaned. Then, the mother pig is impregnated again and returned to the miserable life in a gestation crate. These female pigs are forced to live in the crates for years, enduring as many as ten pregnancies. Amendment 10 provides an exemption for farrowing crates because there is some evidence that they provide protection for the piglets from the movements of the mother. Thousands of pigs may be crowded on factory farms - creating misery for the pigs while putrefying the air, contaminating groundwater and threatening human health. Concerned Floridians have taken an unparalleled step to outlaw this acute factory farm abuse and to keep additional corporate pig factories out of Florida by gathering nearly 700,000 signatures to place a measure to limit the intense confinement of pigs on the Florida ballot for the 2002 election. Your help is urgently needed with this vital effort. Thank you for visiting our website and for your concern about the humane treatment of Florida’s animals. Please click the topics at left to read more about Florida Animal Cruelty Act and to find out how you can help. Together we can make Florida a more humane state. Please contact us at: Floridians for Humane Farms 1859 South Dixie Highway Pompano Beach, FL 33060 954.946.1691 info@bancruelfarms.org from a link at www.farmsanctuary.com
Crosss-cultural traces of Vedic Civilization
Dharma replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
This is off subject but the mention of astrology made me think of it. I wondered how the astonomers could see all those images in the stars. I could see the big dipper but that was about it. Anyway a few years ago came across a mystic named Don Tolman who had these cyberoptic posters. Anyway if you stared at them and kind of crossed you eyes all these symbols would appear. Kind of like those 3-d posters. The philosophy was that there is an area in the brain about the size of a postage stamp that has some special cells called glial cells or something like that. Geniuses like Einstein are suppose to have very large cells in this area. Anyway after practicing with the posters you could hold up your finger cross your eyes and see images in the stars like the ancient seers. Like in 3-D. Problem is that you would see beings in forests or sand or any natural pattern as well. Anyway saw the guy in the movie "A Beautiful Mind" doing this with the stars and thought of it and how some of the images in the stars are pretty much Universal. Could be why. It's a different way of "seeing." Through one eye instead of 2. -
Here is a link on the mummies http://www.discovery.com/stories/history/desertmummies/desertmummies.html Used to make Russian Easter eggs and the swastika was an ancient symbol used in some of the tribal designs. You see it used in advertising and traditional design in India. I think the first book on AIT was Sir John Marshall's Mohenjo-Daro & the Indus Civilization This civilization engaged in sea trade with Mesopotamia and had a language with over 250 characters. Think it had the first planned cities known in history. Even paved bathrooms with hand flush toilets in the houses! The same measurements were used in all of them. It is said the people were controlled by the food supply rather than the use of arms. What is said to be the most amazing is the lack of change. The shape of the pots did not change, the boundries did not expand, the copper ax heads did not change, the alphabet was not modified. So they are assuming ancestor worship-reverence for the old ways. It is also thought that water was worshipped or at least treated as sacred. Yoga was practiced. The Aryans were thought to be invaders, a northern non urban people. I think it is this account that says the Aryans were first mentioned in Mesopotamia records around 1800BC and were moving into Iran and Northern India as well. They were less materially advanced than the Indus Valley civilization and lacking in arts and sciences. But were better in metals and weaponry. They were divided into 5 tribes and remained illiterate for a long longtime. Their priests memorized everything. Anyway it is my understanding that the original people were more advanced in art, technology and science.
Modern Architecture & Sacred Space
Dharma replied to Gauracandra's topic in Most Interesting Threads
Here are renderings of Kalki center currently under construction. The architect is from LA I believe. It is built according to principles of vaastu. Click the links right under Golden City. http://www.srikalki.org/CGoldenCity.html It includes: 1) Dhyana Vihars (meditation centers) 2) Prarthana Vihars(prayer halls) 3) Homa Sthals 4) Samskara Shuddhi Sthals (spiritual cleansing centers) 5) accommodation for devotees and visitors 6) an educational center for problem children 7) a center for training rural youth 8) a center for rehabilitating the poor 9) self sufficient rural communities . The Golden City project is a very large multi-crore project that is very unique in several aspects. It is a project aimed at helping members of our society who are in very great need of such help. Sri Amma’s and Sri Kalki’s grace shall flow in abundance here. -
quoteIt's a shame that many Indian girls in the Western hemisphere are so quick to take up the mantle of the "independent, ambitious" careerwoman. Possibly because in the West we were taught to ape men. It is what was expected in the business world. Problem is then we find we don't really need men so much and its scarey to men. I think maybe the plan might have backfired. Even the Amish women say "It takes a mighty fine man to be better than no man." Up until the recent sexaul harrasment and discrimination laws you pretty much had to be tough, act like a man or at least know karate if your husband expected you to work, as some the the employers and supervisors were very predatory in a sexual way. Alot of ultimatums were given to women by their male employers in previous decades. Still goes on but now there is some protection of the law. Here the working wife and the beautiful wife are prized above all others. Did you know that here beautiful women generally marry more well-to-do and interesting men? Kind of funny. Makes for alot of plastic surgery anyway! Your wife sounds like a very lovely person.
Here is an excerpt from The Dharma of Kalki-An introduction "Women have long been victimized and have been vulnerable across the length and breadth of the globe. Even today, even in the most developed nations of the world, the vulnerability of the women is pronounced. Superficially there may have been changes, but deep down, the vulnerabilities remain. Especially when it comes to matters spiritual, even though India has been a country with women saints and philosophers being widely respected, the situation has been very dsmal except during the earliest days of recorded history. There have been many encouraging developments in the land where Mirabai and Andal have been revered as saints. Recently, an interesting trend in Maharashastra has been the fact that there has been a sudden spurt in the number of femal Purohits, not just from the Brahmin community but from all castes and creeds of society. However our land, which has encouraged even in Vedic times, girls to attend Veda Pathashalas, a land which a great Avatara Purusha, Sri Parshvanath had 38,000 Sanyasinis under a Sanyasini leader, Acharya Sri Pshpakula and 3,27,000 of lay women devotees under the leadership of a spiritual teacher named Acharya Sri Sunanda: a land in which the Brahmavadinis had grown to great stature and fame; in that very same land Kalki has now arisen reminding us of the consequences of a life-style which disrespects women. He is emphatic in stating that no house, community, or nation will prosper if there is disrespect shown to women. At the same time, He has placed a very great responsibility on the shoulders of all women. He wants them to awaken to His call and spiritually rejuvenate themselves, so to become His agents for a global transition into a different state of consciousness. One of the essential pre-requisites for the establishment of the Dharma of Kalki and the reception of His Grace undoubtably is the growth in the spiritual status of women. No macro-level transformation in the world is possible without the fulfillment of this cause. For in His Mahavakya, He says clearly, "Respect women and You shall receieve My Grace immediately." ___________ Interestingly many of the female devotees and dasas of Kalki Bhagavan & Ama, more so than the men are jiva mukti. I was still surprised to here one of the male Acharyas announce at a retreat that in the spiritual realm women are superior in every way. (not half as surprised though as the men I suppose). Another interesting phenomenon is that when many of the young men in that dharma are looking for wives they appraoch the dasas of Kalki and ask who is close to enlightenment, who is making spiritual progress, whose heart is flowering. The focus is not so much on beauty, income or social status. The enlightened or awakened wife is prized above the others. If there is financial struggling the devotees are urged to look at their relationships with women-particularly the mother as definately a household with an unhappy woman will not prosper, as you mentioned in your post. In many causes treating the women of the house with respect and working on perfecting one's relationships with women brings more financial gain than sending them out into the workforce. Like the saying goes: "If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy."
Tomorrow it may be something different, but right now I see the 10 avatars of Vishnu as a man made creation. A way for the Brahmins to gain an in with the Satvatas by linking Krishna with Vishnu. So no. I do not see my teacher as a man made creation. I do see him as an avatar as he is indeed changing the truth. I imagine if man en mass become enlightened as a result of his taking birth he will be deemed by the masses as the Kalki avatar. It is hard to see him otherwise (than an annihilator of ignorance or darkness) in the midst of a mystical experience or an enlightenment experience.
Tomorrow it may be something different, but right now I see the 10 avatars of Vishnu as a man made creation. A way for the Brahmins to gain an in with the Satvatas by linking Krishna with Vishnu. So no. I do not see my teacher as a man made creation. I do see him as an avatar as he is indeed changing the truth. I imagine if man en mass become enlightened as a result of his taking birth he will be deemed by the masses as the Kalki avatar. It is hard to see him otherwise (than an annihilator of ignorance or darkness) in the midst of a mystical experience or an enlightenment experience.
I do not always do as I'm told. He told me what would happen if I called him Kalki and I'll risk it. Seriously, I cannot easily pronounce the name he is known by in Western nations-Muteswara Bhagavan. So I call him as the Indians do. The Annihilator of Ignorance. For me it is the truth reguardless of predictions. Heck the weather men even in the Arizona desert (how hard a job could that be?) are wrong every other day even with our so called scientific temperament. Don't take alot of stock in predictions. Sometimes phenomena arises contrary to or in spite of predictions. For the most part what's predicted doesn't come down at all. Can't really think of one that came true.-Like where is Krishna in the Vedas? Just because it's my truth and that of others doesn't mean it has to be yours. Kalki Bhagavan has more than enough devotees. The worst that can happen is if more start following him around. It is better if people take dikshas for enlightenment from him and find mukti within their own traditions-help their own people. Seriously, enlightenment is very much in danger of becoming just another religion a bbunch more concepts, beliefs and ideals to further enslave man. Also some use the surname Krishna yet clearly they are not Krishna. And some use Jesus as well. So I do not see the harm. Clearly most folks can determine between the Krishna next door and Krishna in the same manner there is enough intellect in most to understand the name tag on Jesus behind the counter at the Circle K. Do you really feel all that mislead? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif He is a great being with alot to offer. There are 800 or so Kalki's in India 500 of them are in jail. Here's a great site on predictions. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/9941/
I do not always do as I'm told. He told me what would happen if I called him Kalki and I'll risk it. Seriously, I cannot easily pronounce the name he is known by in Western nations-Muteswara Bhagavan. So I call him as the Indians do. The Annihilator of Ignorance. For me it is the truth reguardless of predictions. Heck the weather men even in the Arizona desert (how hard a job could that be?) are wrong every other day even with our so called scientific temperament. Don't take alot of stock in predictions. Sometimes phenomena arises contrary to or in spite of predictions. For the most part what's predicted doesn't come down at all. Can't really think of one that came true.-Like where is Krishna in the Vedas? Just because it's my truth and that of others doesn't mean it has to be yours. Kalki Bhagavan has more than enough devotees. The worst that can happen is if more start following him around. It is better if people take dikshas for enlightenment from him and find mukti within their own traditions-help their own people. Seriously, enlightenment is very much in danger of becoming just another religion a bbunch more concepts, beliefs and ideals to further enslave man. Also some use the surname Krishna yet clearly they are not Krishna. And some use Jesus as well. So I do not see the harm. Clearly most folks can determine between the Krishna next door and Krishna in the same manner there is enough intellect in most to understand the name tag on Jesus behind the counter at the Circle K. Do you really feel all that mislead? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif He is a great being with alot to offer. There are 800 or so Kalki's in India 500 of them are in jail. Here's a great site on predictions. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/9941/
For the thousands upon thousands who have experienced an awakening of the Antaryamin or received enlightenment experiences or full enlightenment through the grace of Kalki Bhagavan, Heaven has met Earth-the Kingdom has come. The Golden Age is here. The Golden Age is a process- an evolution in human consciousness as well as an astrological occurence. Anyone is welcome to wait another 400,000 years if they want to. But would like to remind anyone caught up in calendars or the man made measurings of time, did Krishna not appear to Arjuna as Time? Why would the Lord be bound to a measure of men?
For the thousands upon thousands who have experienced an awakening of the Antaryamin or received enlightenment experiences or full enlightenment through the grace of Kalki Bhagavan, Heaven has met Earth-the Kingdom has come. The Golden Age is here. The Golden Age is a process- an evolution in human consciousness as well as an astrological occurence. Anyone is welcome to wait another 400,000 years if they want to. But would like to remind anyone caught up in calendars or the man made measurings of time, did Krishna not appear to Arjuna as Time? Why would the Lord be bound to a measure of men?
Here is some writing of my first encounter with Kalki. I was an atheist at the time and was pretty much dragged to a Vara Yajna in the USA by a business associate. It was in Feb of 1997. There have been so many miracles in my life since then-they just keep coming. Regardless of who he is or isn't he has given enlightenment experiences to thousands and in some instances full enlightenment, as well as the experience of the Awakening of the Antaryamin. He offers something that scriptures and many gurus do not-personal experience. A following of over 16 million in less than a decade does not generally happen through mere dogma or teachings alone. ********************************************* "Om" The crystal clear bell-like voice of monk, Sri Lena Bhagavad Dasa rang through the large meeting hall. "How curious, a female monk," I mused, shifting in my seat and glancing at the rapidly accumulating snow outside the window. The 2 day yajna had just begun and I was a long way from home. Already thoughts of the return trip home through such a storm were on my mind. "Sat Chit Ananda" I stared at the people sitting on the floor at the front of the room-all Indians-and marveled at how they could sit so still, in apparent comfort, and so close to one another. Some of the women were dressed in gorgeous saris, and they looked like delicate flowers in a winter garden. I felt big and stiff and awkward, somehow alien and out of place in my old, faded jeans, cowboy boots resting by the door. I was relieved to have on matching socks without holes in them, as removing one's shoes was the custom. I squirmed again in my chair and yawned, turning my attention once again to the blizzard outside."This is going to be a very long weekend," I thought. "I wish I was home" "Parabrahma" The Sanskrit chant rose in power and clarity, almost visibly shimmering in the air, considerably brightening and rippling the energy of the room. Suddenly, and with quite a jolt, I realized that I was no longer in the Community Center of Murrysville, Pa, but had somehow been miraculously transported to a very small cave at what appeared to be the very edge of the Universe! As far as the eye could see-above, below, and beyond, was an infinite, star studded void. I turned around and examined the tiny cave. It appeared to be made of flesh: part of a living, breathing organism, perhaps. Amazingly there was no fear, and I realized that with just one small step forward, I could forever become a permanent part of this glorious starscape. "Purshothama" I turned again, half expecting to see the room that I had so suddenly vacated. There was no change. I was still standing at the edge of the Universe. I began to laugh. Joy came. Bliss followed. My heart was exploding with feeling. Should I jump, step, dive, somersault, or cartwheel into infinity? I wondered, rocking with laughter. What is proper? I was delighted. "Paramathma" "No! This can't be real! It's only a meditation. No wait! You're dreaming!"Like a great winged beast, my mind swooped down, cawing and shrieking. Talons flexed, ready to snatch me up to carry me from that place. The moment fractured into a thousand fragments. The starscape began to ripple and tear. A legion of doubts buzzed before my face. "Just open your eyes and this will all be gone,"they giggled an hissed. "Sri Bhagavathi Padmavathi Sametha" So I opened my eyes. What else could I do? I had to know. I was still standing in the cave, the Great Beyond before me. "Sri Kalki Bhagavathe Namaha" "My God, this is real! I've come home!" And I wept with relief. "Om" And that was the beginning of the journey for me. Much like a blind pig finding an acorn, I had stumbled onto the elusive and seldom discovered Path of Transformation & Enlightenment. During that weekend yajna, many questions that had been puzzling me were answered. I saw my conception, birth and first seven years of life. Then through a series of chants, prayers, mystical experiences & Divine intervention, corrections were made. Childhood hurts and traumas dissolved. Old baggage was shed, and while some pain was still there, my load had lightened considerably. I experienced my last death, and saw how I had gotten caught up in the cycle of births and deaths for so long. I discovered what it is that keeps one reincarnating on this plane, and what learning (unlearning) has to occur to enter higher realms. During an amazing past life experience, I experienced a state of repentance for an incident. As a result, a chronic health problem of 20 years vanished. We were then taken 50, 500, and 5000 years into the future on an eye opening and haunting vision quest. Mankind must be enlightened. There is no other way. I saw my destiny and the agreement that I made before coming here. I was sheon the true condition of my heart and while choking back tears of shame followed by relief, I watched as my heart was slowly purified. And I saw God. When I left that place, nothing was ever going to be the same. The ground rocked. Single moments became infinite. The senses were clearer. It didn't matter if I was slicing vegetables, cleaning the sink or watching a sunset-there was pleasure. I felt very much alive for the first time since childhood-I had somehow been salvaged. I traveled through the following weeks watching an extraordinary course of events unfold before me. Life had become somewhat like the George Burns/John Denver movie, "Oh God". Supreme consciousness had taken a form that I could hear, see, and touch, and It appeared from time to time turning the most mundane event into a mystical experience." ********************************************* Here is a picture of Kalki Bhagavan: http://paranormal.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers.tripod.com%2Fkalki_venk%2FMiracle%2Findex.html