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KrishnaBhakta replied to ancient_paztriot's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Can someone direct me where I can buy a pre-1977 Bhagavad Gita as it is? --------Dervish Hare Krishna you may buy the original version of the Bhagavada Gita, As It Is, from: http://bhaktivedanta.org/gita/ -
Hare Krishna yes, prabhu, you are right. but one thing is missing: we, as spirit souls, do have a past, a present, and a future. the thing unique is that the past has no beginning and the future has no end, but it is certain. and the present is now. we have a past, it just has no beginning. and a future, which has no end. also, in other religions it is taught of an eternal soul, but: in christianity, it is believed that the soul in a human body is different and more important than the soul in, say, a dog, cat, or a horse--from a conversation with a friend, which is why they don't think slaughtering other animals is wrong. Also, reincarnation is sometimes wrongly used as: the self dies and then is born again. i thought that was the definition also. but, the true definition is: Main Entry: re·in·car·na·tion Pronunciation: "rE-(")in-(")kär-'nA-sh&n Function: noun 1 a : the action of reincarnating : the state of being reincarnated b : rebirth in new bodies or forms of life; especially : a rebirth of a soul in a new human body 2 : a fresh embodiment --- http://m-w.com ------- transmigration is a better word according to my opinion. well, sorry for your time. Haribol
Why do we believe what we believe?
KrishnaBhakta replied to Starman's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Hare Krishna another thing you need to know is this: do not think that Krishna will make you completely happy just because you try to remember him and chant his name and offer prasadama. there will be tests. Krishna, before accepting you, wants to know that you are sincere and want to advance in Krishna consciousness. you may ask for money and a nice house and a nice car and such; he may even give that to you; but will that make you happy? No. it will only bring more problems. i said this to someone before: when you pray to God--Krishna--in times of trouble or bad times, and Krishna helps you by taking away that problem if you pray with full heart--that is, you remember Krishna more than normal. many quit praying after the problem is solved. but think about this: how good would it do to you if you prayed to and remembered Krishna even in good times? that is where many fall: they remember Krishna when the times are bad, but not even a fraction of that when Krishna has taken away their problems. hope this makes sense to you. also, if you don't have live near a temple, you can use PalTalk: http://paltalk.com go in groups; then religious; then the Rupanuga Vedic College Online. it is a group that has live class on the Bhagavatama and Gita, one in morning and other at night. there is a lot of bhajans, Krishna lectures--by Prabhupada and Danavir Goswami--Krishna katha, and more. anyways, do not feel lonely, and know that Krishna is with you no matter where you go. you, the soul, live in the heart of the body and so does Krishna, so none other is closer to you than Krishna. WHAT JOY! other religions say: if one doesn't follow this religion, conver them, and if that doesn't work, kill that person. this Krishna consciousness movement says: it is an offense to even talk about Krishna consciousness with someone that doesn't show interest. never lose your trust from Krishna, know that what he does is for your good, to make you come closer to him, even if it is something that you think is bad. he knows what is good; most of us don't, me being no exception. Haribol -
i'm not going to argue about this. i know that in the vachnamrut it even says that one should meditate on the form of Krishna with Radha next to him. but, most followers of swaminarayana do not worship Krishna. pramukh swami is not part of the movement started by swaminarayana. nothing to argue about. for some reason, the original movement had some problems and something, and it split; also, i have never been to a temple where they follow pramukh swami and seen a deity of Krishna. when doing puja, even though swaminarayana said to worship Krishna, not many followers of swaminarayana chant Hare Krishna or such. they chant swaminarayana. don't think you can argue with that. i don't want to start another argument on this, so it would be good if you left it to this. Hare Krishna
Trusting Krishna? Are you kidding? ---------streetstraw so, you are saying one should not trust Krishna. why not? just because he takes away material things away from you because you have to much material attachment, and he wants you to gain spiritual attachment, rather advancement, wherein lies true happiness, does that make him bad? NO!!!!!!!! if you can't trust Krishna, who else can you trust? your mind, which has deceived you countless times? yourself, who is a part of Krishna? if you can't trust the whole, then how can you trust a part of the whole? i ask again, who can you trust, if not Krishna? there is none other if not Krishna, for he is the goal of life. not trusting in him will make you only less inclined to perform devotional service. why is this? well, if you don't trust Krishna, how can you trust in his powers, his form, his name, his pastimes, or anything that has to do with him? this will only make you think of Krishna less than he is, for he is the SUPREME in all aspects; none is equal to or greater than Him. having doubt in Krishna----not trusting him----will make your faith drop so low that it will be hard to bring the faith back. it will lose interest eventually, sooner or later. so, the only thing you can depend in life and beyond is Krishna, then where is the question of not trusting Him? it's not like he plays with our lives and wants bad for us. he wants good for us. he wants us to go back home, to Godhead. have faith in Krishna. Just chant, and leave the rest to Krishna.
Hare Krishna. last post was from me.
Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances all Vaishnavas and fellow devotees. ************** by: Guest, Krsna is just another part of the maya. *********************** why do you say this? maya is Krishna's potency, i believe. Krishna is not a part of maya, but the other way around: maya is a part of Krishna. another point to note is: Krishna is withing everyone's heart, seated there; the soul, the self-you, are also seated in the heart of the body. so, who else is closer to you than Krishna? what he does is best for you, and you must accept that he, Krishna, is the Supreme enjoyer, so his mischief is for his enjoyment, so to say. if you can't trust him, ask yourself this: "is there really anyone that i can trust, if not Krishna?" a lot of people don't accept that they are a spirit soul, but think themselves to be the body. so why tell them to accept who you are, if they don't even know who they are? what do you mean 'go with the flow'? in this age, if you do this, this leads nowhere, but to misconceptions, to confusion, to infamy. i'm sorry if i misunderstand your view. we are not part of maya, but maya is a part of our lives, and of Krishna. we are really part of nothing but Krishna, as we are part and parcel of Him, but it is due to maya that a lot of living entities have forgotten Krishna, but we can get rid of the shadow of maya by devoting our lives to Krishna, even if it means a little everyday. so, i am sorry, but, yes, i do trust Krishna, and so should everyone else, it is just that His ways are different than how we want, for he knows best, and just about everyone of us doesn't know the best. why think: "i can trust Krishna only if he listens to me?"? he is all pervading, and antaryAmI, all knowing, so if you become even a little, like 0.000001% Krishna conscious, he wants that 0.000001% to increase, he wants you to get rid of material attachment, not give you more and more money so the only thing you want to worship Krishna for is money. he wants the love of Krishna to flourish in you, not love for material objects. that is why, to be a pure devotee of Krishna, one has to get rid of material attachment, because material attachment only leads in getting us to a lower state than we are in now. do not think negative of Krishna just because he doesn't listen to you always, and answer all of your prayers with a 'yes'. he knows what needs to be done in order to increase your love for him. but if you desire, say, money, more than love for Krishna, than he will listen to you, but don' think that you will be happy with money, and not with love for Krishna. why pray to Krishna for money when you can pray for an increase in love for Him? it just doesn't make sense, well it does, but it's dumb. if you have pure love for Krishna, yes, he will make sure that you have enough money to live peacefully, in His service. He knows what is to be done. so live only in His service, and put complete faith in him, as i have come to have complete faith in Him very recently also, and yes, it does feel good that Krishna is ishavara, the Supreme Controller, because we're just not good enough. we're only minute ishavaras, contollers in extremely small quantity, or power, so we may have the characteristic to control, becausse it is also in Krishna, and we are a part of him. know your self as this: you are not the body, but the soul that inhabits the body. your dimensions: 1 thousandth the size of the tip of a normal body hair. you live in the heart of the body, and yes, the organ heart that oxidates the blood of the body to transfer it to the whole body, not some imaginary place. you are a part and parcel of Krishna, yet He remains as the complete whole, never losing any part of Himself. i have tried to explain some aspects, and may have made a mistake here and there, so please forgive me fellow souls.
Well, Govindarama, my new year's resolution is, as it has been only like one year that i have known of Krishna consciousness, is to get closer to Krishna, more than closer than ever before. Also, another resolution that i have is to read the book: Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; so i can think of Krishna's pastimes more than i do, because they are the same as Krishna himself. I would also like to read the Gita As It Is. It is the book of Knowledge, the song of Krishna, the eternal word of Godhead. May we all be blessed by Krishna by Him giving us devotion unto His Lotus feet. Hare Krishna. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
i have a question. can this not be reported to the FDA, to inform them that there are a lot of vegetarians here, that they make it a law that if there is any kind of an ingredient in a food produce, or in a drink, it should be labeled. even insects are in the animal kingdom. so shouldn't they be listed under the animal product topic? just curious. but anyways, can't we inform the FDA?
Please accept my humble obeisances. Hare Krishna thank you yasodanandana. your answer was very helpful sorry i haven't replied in a while. i really admire your way to answer, it tells us exactly what you are talking about, without confusion. Hare Krishna. and, is this ok: sometimes, i get the feeling that he doesn't want to worship him? i know that i must and do my best to keep faith in him. however, sometimes i get the feeling that he doesn't want me to have faith in him. today, i was chanting the maha mantra in the morning (i do only 2 rounds as of now). i normally chant silently, but today i was chanting loudly. when my mom heard this, (as i am in a body that is only 16) she started telling me to chant 'swaminarayan' not hare rama. i don't think she heard me chanting the whole mantra. but anyways, i have heard that one must say the mantra and hear it to get benefit from it. but it is times like this that make me feel that Krishna doesn't want me to worship him. so, my question is "is this ok, or should i take it seriously that Krishna doesn't want me to worship him?" or should i think of it as nothing, and continue advancing in Krishna consciousness? it's just a question that has gotten into this mind. i do have faith in Krishna, and think that everything is going as He wants it, thus i am asking this question, because since he is ishvara-supreme controller-why does he do this to me when i am trying to devote my life to him. for some reason my mom doesn't understand that even swaminarayana said to worship Krishna. i am going to try to explain this to her, many thanks unto Govindaram for advicing me on this.
Hare Krishna, Govindaram prabhu. Get yourself to 'trust' Krishna. some have replied 'don't trust him, because he takes everything dear away from you.' when this is the case, just say to yourself 'everything is his, nothing is mine. let him take what is his, there is nothing wrong with that. there is no wrong in taking back what is already your own.'
is the Hare Krishna maha mantra addictive?
KrishnaBhakta replied to KrishnaBhakta's topic in Spiritual Discussions
******************************************************************************** KrishnaBhakta, Just saw your site and it looks great! Only thing you need to do is go thru it and change the word "Kanea" over to "Krishna." I have had this problem myself in the past. For some reason the Sanskrit doesn't always copy over correctly. ---Pritaa ***************************************************************** thank you for mentioning this to me. i fixed this. in addition, i added a section about Srila Prabhupada -
is the Hare Krishna maha mantra addictive?
KrishnaBhakta replied to KrishnaBhakta's topic in Spiritual Discussions
by addiction, i meant 'want to rely more and more on it, to want to chant more and more, to want to remember Krishna all the time'. i did not mean any type of intoxication. It was just a thought that came to me when i decided to put on my site: BEWARE: this maha mantra (mantra of deliverance) has been reported addicting. Chanting the mantra has many effects upon the chanter, but none that have been addicted have complained, and have accepted the nectar of the mantra. this is on: http://srikrsna.0catch.com/maha-mantra.htm any more replies are greatly appreciated. Thank you Pritaa, Jay Shree Krishna -
is the Hare Krishna maha mantra addictive?
KrishnaBhakta replied to KrishnaBhakta's topic in Spiritual Discussions
what about the desire to chant more and more? does that not mean addiction? it's just that many think of addiction as a bad thing. always wanting to associate with VaishNavas is kind of a positive addiction also, so to say. i do not mean brainwashed, but purification of the brain, the body, the mind, the soul-the self. addiction, but in a positive manner, right? -
is the Hare Krishna maha mantra addictive?
KrishnaBhakta replied to KrishnaBhakta's topic in Spiritual Discussions
I read in some post, that these devotees, that used to do drugs, started chanting the Maha Mantra, and soon their addiction to the drugs wore off, and they got addicted to the mantra. that is why i ask.