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  1. Namaskar Mitra....Offering all members of India Divine and Audarya Fellowship a Free Rudraksha and Ratna Recommendation from our India based Rudra Center website www.rudraksha-ratna.com please also see the original article Rudraksha for Health and Self Empowerment on our articles section with one of our other articles describeing the Mantras for the Devata of each of the different Mukhi Rudraksa listed in the Siva Purana and SriMadDeviBhagavat The Eight Mukhi Lord Ganesha Rudraksa is worn to move and remove all obstacles in life that are causing problems with the Holy Mantra Aum Gum Ganapatayei Namaha The Seven Mukhi Goddess MahaLakshmi Rudraksa is worn to give wealth in all areas of life and to pacify the planet Saturn....and the time of life Astrologers have identified as Saturn Return The Six Mukhi Lord Kartikeya Rudraksa saves from worldly sorrows and the 5 Mukhi Kaalagni Rudraksa pacifies Jupiter and calms heart.....worn with the 3 Mukhi Agni Rudraksa the blood pressure is calmed Please see our Puja Items, Vedic Gems, Traditional Rudraksa and Sphatik Crystal Malas, Devotional CDs, Books and Parad Items Wishing you and Family the Best of Health Happiness Success and Prosperity Aum NamaSivaya Sivaya Nama Aum Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra DharmaDev Arya
  2. Namaskar Mitra......inviteing all members of India Divine and Audarya Fellowship to read the original article Rudraksha for Health and Self Empowerment on our Rudra Center website www.rudraksha-ratna.com Offering a Free Rudraksa and Ratna Recommendation to all who apply on our home page.....Please also see our Puja Items, Vedic Gems, Devotional CDs and Books.....Authentic Traditional Rudraksha and Sphatik Crystal Malas and Parad Items Wishing you and Family the Best of Health Happiness Success and Prosperity Aum NamaSivaya Sivaya Nama Aum Dhanyavaad cha Pranams Mitra DharmaDev Arya
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