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  1. Dear Amar, sorry I couldnt reply to your private message as it seems the website has a restriction ( may be as I am not a member), so finding your earler posts and replying. I am not an astrologer rather than a learner only but the lttle bit of I have seen it seems there will be some troubles till 2011. Till then please do not try to go abroad and take care of your parents. If something happens to them you will be in more trouble. I would suggest you to look for a local government job - chances are high that you will get one. If not try to teach in some local college or private institute/ coaching institute - you will live on your own with that for now. I had a problem witth your chart - that of you said and that mars and rahu mahadasha? I had a different version. Anyway dont be afraid of Sade saati and mangalik. The first one is causing you many trouble but you donot have to keep a high head, just lay low. your boss, relative & friends even parents may look down upon you now but the situation will change for better after 2011. And never, I repeat neve be angry or say bad things to any one of them in spate of anger - just listen whetevr anyone says - donot react. As for mangalik there are plenty of mangalik girls also, you will find a suitable partner but it may be bit late. For now just concentrate on step by step rebuilding. It may be very much a humiliation for you but take a simple-lowpaying job teaching - it is your best chance for now. Pray regularly to god and try to observe fast/not eating nonveg on saturday and do see a good astrologer if you want. All the best and face the bad times with grace-it will ultimately make you a better person.
  2. Dear Amar, sorry I couldnt reply to your private message as it seems the website has a restriction ( may be as I am not a member). I am not an astrologer rather than a learner only but the lttle bit of I have seen it seems there will be some troubles till 2011. Till then please do not try to go abroad and take care of your parents. If something happens to them you will be in more trouble. I would suggest you to look for a local government job - chances are high that you will get one. If not try to teach in some local college or private institute/ coaching institute - you will live on your own with that for now. I had a problem witth your chart - that of you said and that mars and rahu mahadasha? I had a different version. Anyway dont be afraid of Sade saati and mangalik. The first one is causing you many trouble but you donot have to keep a high head, just lay low. your boss, relative & friends even parents may look down upon you now but the situation will change for better after 2011. And never, I repeat neve be angry or say bad things to any one of them in spate of anger - just listen whetevr anyone says - donot react. As for mangalik there are plenty of mangalik girls also, you will find a suitable partner but it may be bit late. For now just concentrate on step by step rebuilding. It may be very much a humiliation for you but take a simple-lowpaying job teaching - it is your best chance for now. Pray regularly to god and try to observe fast/not eating nonveg on saturday and do see a good astrologer if you want. All the best and face the bad times with grace-it will ultimately make you a better person.
  3. Dear Atul, last week I tried to see the bisrth chart of yours with my minuscule knowledge and I was unable to send you a private message as the website didnt gave me the chance ( I need to send 30 post before a pm?? may be I have to become a member first). Anyway the chart I saw, reinforced my view of a great astrologer in becoming. Your Birthchart and Navamsa both have many combinations of an astrologer and not to forget all the good Yogas which I give real importance (the Vaishnav yoga is very good int his respect). I think you are going to learn the field mostly through your own It seems to me that you are from a prosperous family adndd probably inherit much specially from your maternal side, though you want to earn and stand by yourself. I do find that you are somewhere bit uneasy or hurt from your past family relation. Please let me know if I am wrong. Proffessionally now Rahu may move you from place to place with respect to your career. Though you will have lot of patience and grit I will not be surprised you trying for many things or learning different subjects one after another. Since rahu is in very good position it will not affect you much financially rather mentally and I think a Goverment or realted job will be handy for you. Your study/proffession must be related to speed . If not an engineer or a surgeon by proffession you may study economics (in modern days MBA even). I will not be surprised if you later chose to be an astrologer as your chart seems to let you know good remedies. One things for sure I am going to make you my astrologer and disturb you from time to time. One word for caution you will have many good friends but some troubles are also seen. Are you sarcastic at times in your dealings with them? I may be entirely wrong . Do let me knowafter you have read then I will delete the post also, as I couldnt sent the pm.
  4. Atul that was great, mars is not only making me logical but at times even causing hatred or anger towards the religion, quite opposite my general nature. Yes I do need extra effort for these you are very much right but again sometimes I feel I have some gift or rather blessings from the above. The ketu in fifth has been there in many charts of seers, though some say it is for issue related problems or birth of daughters or even not marrying, many give its importance in knowledge of secret vidyas but then again you need other good combinations to support it. My query about the yogas was because is it so that good yogas nullify many rista's or bad effetcs? Also when the yogas will give me definite effect. You are making me confident of my field but as you mentioned in your previous post of staying in country shall I look for a company or government job in India after finishing my phD (hopefully that will be by mars antardasha/end or start of Jupitar dasha) or try to go for post doctorate for a few years and then comeback-a trend generally followed in this field. If time permits I will be really obliged if you see my horoscope thoroughly - I have not much hurry, and moreover I am finding your study and interpretations are really genuine. Thanks again and willing to keep the thread alive With regards Asani. p.s may I have your birth chart, if it is not a problem, I am just curious.
  5. Hi dear, you should consult a good astrologer and please denote whether its am/pm with latitude/longitude of your birthplace. considering it am and taking kerala's letitude/longitudde i think this is the right time for you to be married within this year as you have moon antardasha and jupitar in your 2nd from moon (in transit). Another good peiord may come in 2012 mid to 2013 end. A cautious note, your astrologer is probably right in the sense that your wife may have ill health after marriage if not worse God forbid. A remote chance is that you may again have to marry (though you should consult a better astrologer for your marriage, I am just a novice). If you marry, it can be to a distant relative or cousin or someone you know earlier and her family may be rich but again there may be some problems after marriage. Please consult some one well versed in this field and try to take cure for Ketu. With regards all the best Asani
  6. Hi dear, in Indian astrology 9th house signifies father (probably because it is house of guru and earlier fasther was guru). For father's longivity 10th house is seen as it is 2nd (marka) from 9th and also 3rd house as it is 7th from 9th. Although i personally believe other Yoga's in horoscope and the overall chart should be seen before concluding anything. Some good Yoga's in childrens' chart can bestow well being to parents. Some learned astrologers will tell you better, I am just a novice. Regards Asani
  7. Dear Ravi, yes I do agree with you in some reason, but as Atul pointed out wont a combust moon though bein vargottama will hamper my administrative aspiration? Also apart from the M,V,J,S wont rahu also should be taken into account? You are dead right, I have been in many of the good institutes till now. Please see the other information you may need in the reply to Atul's comments which may help you study in detail. I also had anothher question, and ro tell me if you happen to interprete any other aspect in my horoscope. Thanks for seeing my horoscope and I request you to look a bit detail, specially the Navamsa chart and the yogas, i personally believe they have much to tell. Regards and thanks again for some wonderful prediction Asani
  8. Dear Atul, I also indulge in little bit astrology myself and I have seen your analysis are really good. Not flattering you but I am sure you will be a good astrologer one day. Yes I am a good speaker and had a nice academic career. As pointed out by another astrologer in this thread I am from some wellknown institute though not iit,iim rather presidency college and delhi university both known in India. Presently I am pursuing phD in molecular microbiology in a csir institute. As pointed out by you I was and still am is keen for research but for the last few years several failures and hindrances has made me frustated, I think it may be due to reahu's dasha's end effects. Still now I have no intention of business as such, but if anytime late I do start somthing I will definitely remember your comments. For the other information you need, my starting few years of life was full of trouble with diseases, specially pneumonia, cold related. The mercury antardasha was really good for me from 2000-2003, giving me rank in the university level - should be as mercury is related to many good yogas in my horoscope ( If time permits please discuss about the yogas in my horoscope, I believe there are many). Again venus antardasha was up and down but I got my financial and well being life kind of started and got married when jupitar was 7th in transit from moon, I belive Venus is mahayogada in my chart, And I had a good time also. Apart from these I have visited many shrines and religious places, so my second query was about that. I do not have Sadhu yoga or Pravrajya yoga but ketu in fifth with jupitar in lagna and in my navamsa chart saturn aspect with moon has something to do with??? I have no brothers and sisters, only son of my parents, and brng brought up in educated environment. Oh yes I do play some musical instrument and the peak time for that was in jupitar,saturn and little bit mercury antardasha, but after that it has been a long gap in that field too. Do tell me what else information you need and now if rulling out administration or business for the time being, when my good days with science will come, do I have to wit till mercury antardasha in Jupitar dasha???? Yes I am tempted at times for abroad as for phd or post doctorate in our field one is better if placed in a good institutein US or europe I was curious about administrative service as Rahu is in eleventh and it is ending with mars antardasha where mars is in sixth in my navamsa........ but looking forward to see your detailed comments. Thanks and again congratulating for making a good analysis so far, and do carry on please. regards Asani
  9. Dear All, I am in a dilemna about my career choice. Please let me know about whether to go for Administrative services like IAS or look for scientist in a institute or company or going for any other proffession like teaching in college etc. Anothere query is that whether I will be spiritually enlightened ever? presently I am having rahu's mahadasha and chandra antardasha. My birth detail: 2nd June 1981, 14 23 IST (2. 23 pm), Calcutta. With due regards Asani. p.s do please reply
  10. Is my horoscope or rather the present dasha is so bad that no one is replying? It is not only about my personal query, I had some common question also. Webyogiji/ Sanjeeva Raoji/Sandhuji/Amateur/Taipei (if i remember the names correctly) from the forum please comment Thanking you with regards
  11. I see a lot of people viewing but no comments..... Astrologers please have a look
  12. Regards everyone, This is my first post in the forum so greetings from my side. I am a research student in biology with profound interest in Astrology. Like many I also started to learn this acclaimed Shastra to check mine first though now I have stopped seeing mine and whatever time I get I try to learn more and help others , the little I can. I apologize to give my birth chart to start with but I think it is one of the interesting ones with respect to Yogas but not having support of good Dasha’s till now.. Please give your comments whether the best one is by mer/ven as Dharmakarmadhipati or by any of the other ones like Parijata/ Laxmi/ Bhadra/ Trilochana/ Chamara/ Parvata/ Mridanga/ Yogada or Mahayogada or any other rare one’s which I don’t know. I would also like to know in general of the following that which are most important and in sequence: Yogas – Good Dashas in life –good Antardasha- Overall planetary position – Some strong planets – Some very week planets – Exaltation/Aspect. Many professionals give importance of Antardasha’s over Dasha’s, if it is so why not give importance to Pratyantardasha’s also? Date of Birth 2nd June 1981, 2 hr23 min afternoon (2.23 pm IST), Kolkata (earlier <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Calcutta</st1:City>), <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Wb</st1:City> , <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>. I am passing through Rahu’s mahadasha & Moon’s antardasha. Thanks and regards Asani
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