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  1. Ok i have a big question for all you jnanis. I am an average grihasta and am inspired and loving narasimha avatar. I also love Hanuman avatar ever since I was a child. Now to begin with, Krishna said in the Gita: "Whenever Dharma, or the situation of law and order, is endangered on this world, I incarnate onto this world to re establish Dharma, law and order, and to protect the Sadhus or saints and to detroy the evil elements of the society. " Back when Krishna took form, it was to save a side of a war between a king and his family, when narashima was born, it was to kill a arrogant king and to protect his devotee, parasurama to protect brahmins etc etc. Ok, so Lord Vishnu takes avataras whenver the society goes to chaos. Look at todays world, corrupt politics, stupidly devoloped lifestyles. Corrupt police. And even bigger than that, if you thought killing or dieing or natural disaster was bad, look at sri lanka and the genocide.. millions being tortured to death and massacred (think about how bad torture is.. children dieing before parents by the sinhalese army)... ...Where is Lord Vishnu's avatar?????:pray: It makes me wonder.. at the moment im having a very athiestic time. I feel like i've lost faith in all avatars. Help me. I saw some horrific pictures of the srilankan genocide of these poor tamil folk and it just makes me think where Sri RadhaKrishna is. I mean I know that Kalki is the next avatar stated to come in like another 1,000 years or something, but isnt the world already bad enough.
  2. I mean I know that Krishna said his next avatara is kalki which is many 1,000 years to come. But isn't the world already geting bad enough
  3. Ok i have a big question for all you jnanis. I am an average grihasta and am inspired and loving narasimha avatar. I also love Hanuman avatar ever since I was a child. Now to begin with, Krishna said in the Gita: "Whenever Dharma, or the situation of law and order, is endangered on this world, I incarnate onto this world to re establish Dharma, law and order, and to protect the Sadhus or saints and to detroy the evil elements of the society. " Back when Krishna took form, it was to save a side of a war between a king and his family, when narashima was born, it was to kill a arrogant king and to protect his devotee, parasurama to protect brahmins etc etc. Ok, so Lord Vishnu takes avataras whenver the society goes to chaos. Look at todays world, corrupt politics, stupidly devoloped lifestyles. Corrupt police. And even bigger than that, if you thought killing or dieing or natural disaster was bad, look at sri lanka and the genocide.. millions being tortured to death and massacred (think about how bad torture is.. children dieing before parents by the sinhalese army)... ...Where is Lord Vishnu's avatar????? It makes me wonder.. at the moment im having a very athiestic time. I feel like i've lost faith in all avatars. Help me. I saw some horrific pictures of the srilankan genocide of these poor tamil folk and it just makes me think where Sri RadhaKrishna is.
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