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  1. There is a time for everything. I guess she will gradually rise above to a level where she wants more, finally getting a higher taste and living peacefully from there on.
  2. May be it is as easy as they say it is and maybe we just make a big fuss about it in our heads, like seeing a snake when we are supposed to see a rope? . . . . . . . . . . well, may be not. Good luck, I will be waiting with my first aid kit especially made for you for you know what when its all over. But still, good luck. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. First calm down, take a deep breath and think!. Just because things have not been going well for you does not mean you end your life. What you need is self-esteem. Be proud of yourself and stop taking BS from anyone who you don't want to take BS from. WHy should we not take BS? - BECAUSE IT IS A FACT WHEN PEOPLE SEND YOU EMOTIONAL POISON THROUGH THEIR INSULTS AND STUPID COMMENTS- IT IS A DAMN FACT THAT THOSE COMMENTS ARE NOT DIRECTED TOWARDS YOU BUT THEMSELVES. IT is a fact!- and what you need to do is either ignore them or STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. IF you ignore them and it does not solve the problem, then STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. And stop and think- The reason RAYARU gave your enemies darshan and not you is because HE IS THERE WITH YOU 24 hours a day 7 days a week. SO Suck it up, Ending your life will not solve the problem. Do not run from reality, confront it, challenge it.- That is the essence of bhagavad Gita. Confront situations- also think!- if Rayaru is served by you then why would he be mad? = Krishna who is the all powerful and all seeing Supreme Being sees everything and understands everything, then HOw can He not understand you?- The fact is HE can and HE IS. You have to do your part, you have to be strong in any situation and FIGHT(metaphorically) and WIN for Krishna. SO SUCK IT UP, whatever situation you are in , the only way you survive is by thinking! and confronting!!!. GOD HELPS PEOPLE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. The true surrender to God happens when you are helpless and when that happens just surrender to the will of God, until then learn to confront situations and stop being so weak.
  4. If he drinks water during his lectures or not, if he sits on a cushion or not, if he goes from New york to LA by walk or by an airplane - criticizing him on these types of things is ridiculous. I apologize if anyone is offended by this, but in my opinion the purest vaishnavas would try to help other spirit souls in the world by sending them back to krishna, they would try to find bliss in making krishna happy, than live with krishna themselves. They would try to face all sorts of trouble at any age even at age 80 to go and spread the bliss that comes from God. Also, whats with the criticism on dancing? isn't it our eternal right to dance with harinama?
  5. Once I went through a phase, whenever I chanted my mind started having mental pictures of things breaking etc. Can this be related in some way to what you are saying?
  6. Consistency is more important I guess. Thank you for the advice. I also want the feeling to last longer, but as govindaram pointed out, it lasts for a few hours and then your mind wanders into stress about getting things done etc. Well, this could change though, maybe consistency will make krishna be with me a little longer , thus making me more blissful , I have see. Thank you for letting me share this here /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  7. I always complain to the dieties that I have no time, but today I could not escape. Suddenly I woke up at 4:30 am , and could not go back to sleep. Then I took my shower, did a little puja and started chanting, still continuing in my blissful state i post! HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE, HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE.
  8. "You need to apologize for your offenses here, guest, if you really want to be a Krsna devotee. " A vaishnava can tolerate anything said about them, when it comes to something that is offensive to krishna is offensive to the vaishnava. So, yea, you better apologize for the offense buddy. Anyway, I myself apologize for the wierd posts that I put up here. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  9. All men are mortals- Premise/fact. Bush is a 'MAN'- Premise/fact. Bush is a Mortal- conclusion. There is only one God and rest are mortals- Premise/fact. Krishna is God- Premise/ fact. Then the rest are mortals- Conclusion Bush is a man, He is a mortal- conclusion. ] When God comes, He reveals himself to the pure devotees as the Almighty. When Bush comes, He reveals himself to the both pure and unpure devotees as an idiot. Note: Being "mortal" is pertaining to the body, not to the eternal soul.
  10. "I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him."(Bhagavad Gita) He's your friend always, so we just have to accept it and be His friend- which is quite hard with all sorts of "materialness" in us.
  11. "I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the abode, the refuge, and the most dear friend . I am the creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting place and the eternal seed."(Bhagavad Gita)
  12. Isn't it a fact that Krishna loves us, so why fake something? The thing we learn the hard way is "stay honest always". I think ya should just think about how you should love Him, because it is a God given fact that He definitely loves you.
  13. Thanks for the chastisement, you are right. I will go and chant now, rather than read things here.
  14. That place is an attraction to all. For the tourists/scientists, it is a wonderful presentation of the Ancient Indian art, but for devotees it is a place where their every wish is fulfilled. It is very amazing.
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