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Posts posted by kingmaker

  1. t supreme god was shivam .. t other gods were created by humans as a way of different identity ... out of two cows which cow is t best ? hahaha pls dont practice fanaticism .. krsh is jus a avatar ,, t ultimate god doesnt have to take avatars nor pray for boons from a soo called demi god shiva claimed by t vaisnavas... newer generation always claims beta than t old jus lik vaisnavate wu have a very short history usin texts in t name of god as a embarkment to have a identity

  2. Kṛṣṇa is t spellin of sanskrit ( indo european language) 2nd oldest .. krishna is t pronounciation of dravida language ancient tamil.. well krish n christ u can knw t simillarities.. krsh t aspect of t (father- narayana) so is jesus christ .. so its clearly a newer form of pratice created by t indo europeanz.. while "fanatics" claim they r t great cuz of their ignorance or lost of identity ..

  3. haizz wadeva it is ... books r edited .. hari n hara is t same .. time by time goess .. new new fanatics appers n claims avatar is t ultimate .. if its ultimate .. ther is no nessescity to ask for boon from lord shiva (mere attama) claimed by those fanatics.. as per history well documented tex.. shib was t ancient first practice of dravida.. narayana (father) is a indo european creations..

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