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  1. I enjoy all of these posts....the length of them doesn't bother me...please keep posting them.
  2. Can someone please tell me what these 150 most important verses from the B-G are and also list the 27 very most important verses from the B-G? thank you!
  3. I agree with what you've said. The idea that it doesn't have to make sense totally to me at this point in time is ok with me...I can understand that. My question was simply HOW to deal with my mind when I come across the 'seeming' wild claims. Thank you for your response it makes sense to me. What does not make sense to me is to be called a 'demon' by one person in here...where did THAT come from? And if it's true that I am a 'demon' what hope is for me then?
  4. Yes, my mind has to be open to things that inconceivable to me presently....but my mind also wants to bring up to that Galileo suffered much persecution because of his proof that the earth isn't the center of the universe, as the Bible claimed....which leads on to the point of, 'if there's one error in the Bible, then you have to suspect there may be more, so how can you have faith in it?" The same thing might be said of the vedas, and the thought that the moon is farther away than the sun?
  5. Hare Krishna, All of me tells me this knowledge is correct and if followed will do what it says it will...liberate us, and position us in our rightful position as eternal, loving servants of God. But at times as I read I come across what 'appear' to be outlandish claims, such as the moon being farther away than the sun, gaurada, and many more. How should I approach these things when my so called logical mind wants to reject these claims?
  6. Hare Krishna, I recently had a qualified vedic astrologer read my chart and it seems to be right on....it explained many things that had puzzled me for so long....along with a lot of other information that was valuable. My question revolves around HOW can this information be so accurate and is the information ever requested or looked into by your spiritual master?
  7. Thank you......it all makes sense to me, I just need to trust myself and begin the TRAINING seriously.....the problem I have is that I'm far away from devotees and a temple and left to myself I tend to deteroriate and assume my habitual impure way of doing things.
  8. Hare Krishna, At times I feel that if I'm experiencing any kind of discomfort or pain that I must be on the wrong track, and need to change what I"m doing....maybe even the 'practice' I follow.... This was helpful because the need to stay the course despite the impediments.
  9. Hare Krishna, Why are we drawn to this krishna consciousness movement? How can we be sure this is the way anymore than all of the other religions are sure their way is the way? What evidence do we have that this information is what it says it is? How can we be sure we're getting accurate information, from God, and pure?.........just because someone tells us it's so?.........don't the other religions do the same thing? All I can say to most of these questions is that this feels right most of the time? Is that the only way to really know; how it 'feels' to us? Thank you for any thoughts you offer.
  10. hare krishna, At times I get depressed and think that everything I've worked for is for nothing now after beginning to practice. Does this stage pass?......I feel so alone and listless at times.
  11. Hare Krishna, Thanks everyone...it all helps very much.....sometimes I get depressed and lose the will to continue and slip back into doing things that don't give me TRUE happiness. Part of the purification process?
  12. Hare Krishna, Why is it necessary that we have to sacrifice to know God?
  13. Hare Krishna, Thank you for the responses! I will set a more realistic goal for now.
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