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Everything posted by Starman

  1. Hare Krishna, Yesterday I came across Gauranga Dharma. I don't know much at all about it what is it about, and what does it have to do with KC and Shrila Prabhupada's work? It mentioned chanting Nityananda, and one other that I can't recall at this time, in preparation for chanting the mahamantra.
  2. Hare Krishna, Thanks for the responses. As for my experience with KC it started a few months ago. For the past 2 years before encountering KC I'd been practicing Nichiren Buddhism. In Nichiren Buddhism they chant 'Nam myoho renge kyo'.....the mystic law. For the first year or so it made sense. But it's a VERY dry, ritualistic practice that makes no mention of God. In fact for the past year I'd been talking to the 'leaders' in Nichiren Buddhism about how I was feeling stale, cold and more and more frustrated with the practice. So, the timing on finding KC isn't an accident I feel. Prabhupada also answers my basic questions about God, and who and what we are. The idea of the necessity of a spiritual master, and the need to develop love of Krishna are some of the missing pieces that I knew had to be out there. Well, in KC they are there and more than I could've imagined.(volumes and volumes). I had even started to study vedic astrology the past year so this led me more and more to understand the significance of the KC movement. Astrology isn't mentioned much and I've stopped looking to my chart for the answers and have over the past 2 months made the decision to chant and develop relationships with devotees, and read as much of Prabhupada's books as I have time for. The timing has been wonderful for the simple reason that I've had several months off and the money in savings where I could afford to use the time in my studies and practice of KC. The savings are running short and I am looking forward to working again....but I am hesitant to dive back in knowing I have the tendency to get lost in my work, and before long I'd be working 70-80 hours per week with no time for my spiritual practice. Furthermore, I'm not nearly as interested in working like a 'dog' anymore.....the reasons for working like that do NOT make sense to me anymore. You can imagine how my wife is worried that I'm not going to be 'playing the game' anymore and how this might affect her spending and lifestyle. What I'm struggling with now is whether to start this new part of the journey fresh and make a break with my family. As I mentioned before I'm not sure that I can do the practice and work in the world like I did before. I'm feeling more and more like I want to move near a temple, etc.....and get a pt job and TRULY go into this practice with determination. As for whether my wife will change her mind with KC I feel as certain as I can that this isn't likely at all. Why? because for her it has to be popular, and KC movement is too 'weird' for her. She's extremely conscious of the 'right' things to do if you know what I mean. I've heard something to the effect that you liberate your relatives lives for a hundred generations, past and future(or something similar to this?)...so what better way could I help my family and myself?
  3. This is a question that will take awhile to explain. I've just recently found the KC movement and it makes great sense to me in every way, and I want to try and prioritize my life to make the most spiritual advancement possible realizing that time shouldn't be wasted. Some particulars to begin with: I'm 45, married for the past 22 years, and we have 3 children, girl 21, boy 19, girl 17. Our marriage has been a struggle and it seems that it may always be this way...'enjoy what there is to enjoy, and suffer what there is to suffer'....is the basic attitude at times. Anyway, the dilemna we're in now is this: My wife and I have very different views on what is really important, it seems. She seems to be perfectly content to continue to live the 'American Dream'(uh, er nightmare /images/graemlins/smile.gif), and I'm ready to make big changes and dedicate and devote my life to God. This isn't a whim, and I don't think it's escapism either. This is something that I've been seeking for the past 20 years or so. I've covered a lot of territory in finding KC, everything from Christianity, to Zen, to Sai Baba, to Rajneeshism, to Sivananda, Wiccan, Unity,Scientology, etc. It appears that my wife has ZERO interest in spiritual advancement.....and that's fine....I'm long past the point of trying to 'talk her into religion'. So, to make the best progress personally, and for my family, I think that I may have to make the decision between my wife, family and Krsna, very soon. I realize that it seems selfish in one way, but I also realize that it might be doing everyone a huge service to become involved 100% in my spiritual advancement. Here are some other considerations, astrologically I have the same lagna as Prabupada(capricorn)...what seems difficult for others, namely the 4 regulative principles etc, are generally easy for me to implement(strong Saturn). Furthermore our marriage has been very tough on all of us and maybe the best thing for all of us is that my wife go her way, and I do what's most important to me. My question is this: Will it hurt my family more to stay, and be constantly pulled and lulled into the materialistic lifestyle, or is it in my best interest and the best interest of my family to TOTALLY dedicate myself to KC and even move to New Vrnd. or to some other KC location? Any comments or thoughts are appreciated. Feel free to ask ANY questions, I'm ready to truly make a commitment and I don't want to dabble or be superficial in my approach to KC....I understand that a half-hearted approach leads no where.
  4. I'm very new to KC and I'm having a bit of trouble with a few terms. Any help understanding these is appreciated greatly! what do these words mean: Hari bol Hare Krishna(when used to open a letter, or greet someone) Plenary Audarya and more to follow later /images/graemlins/smile.gif Thank you!
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