Dear Guest,
You made me smile very much at your comment"going to a temple at 48 is very strange" It is strange how I lived my life without knowing about Krishna until I had gone around the sun 40 times. It is strange how I had been a guide and mule packer in the Sierra Nevada for about 30 summers then decided to take theater and dance lessons from a man who turned out to be a disciple of Prabhupad's. This I did not know until after he died and I walked into an art gallery and met his friend, another devotee of Prabhupad's who told me about Krishna. That was wonderfully strange. I am soooo veeerrryyy fortunate to have been told about Krishna. I was told that I have exhausted my material desires and that is when Krishna came into my live. We are not these bodies and it is strange for you to imply that there is an age limit to Krishna consciousness.I wish I were so fortunate to have known of Krishna at an earlier time in my life, for I would have been able to dedicate more time to Krishna, my life would have been much more purposeful. I have no children, no mortgages, no real attachment to anything but Krishna. I believe Krishna has readied me for this time to go into a temple and devote the balance of my life to His service. Naturally, I have visited the temple I want to join. I have been unable to speak personally with the temple president so far but I also do not live close by to it. I have the support of many young, long time devotees in temple life. They do not see me as "strange". What is strange is really the wonderful and magical works of Lord Krishna. I am pure spirit soul and I think you are having a preconceived notion in your mind of maybe a middle-aged burned-out Target shopper checking into new age crystals or something.