Hi All,
I was curious about MKS, especially since I seem to have 3 planets in MKS - Rahu (9th), Sani (First) Mercury (Seventh). I know there are ambiguities if Mercury in 4th or 7th as MKS.
I also seem to have good planets in 4 (Moon), 7 (Mercury) and 10 (Venus). Not really sure what this means, so would like to hear your views on the same.
I also appear to have a graha yuddha scenario between Sun and Mars, and Mercury wins. Further, both Sun and Mars, as well as Venus appear to be in Vargottama.
Further, JHora says that my Rahu and Ketu (3rd) are in Moola Trikona. I am currently in the Rahu Dasha that runs till 2019.
My details are as follows:
DOB: 31/05/1983
Place : Chennai (India)
Time: 17:02 Hours.
I have a few questions:
1) What are the MKS effects for my horoscope?
2) How will my career be, given that the owner of the first house is in 10th (Venus) and is aspected by the planet in the first house (Sani), while Sani is Ucha?
Many thanks in advance for answering my questions!!