Hello everyone. I came across this website by chance and found it pretty useful.
I am having some problems in my life and I would like to share.
Someone told me that someone has done Chinnamastika yog (or prayog) on me. Same person had done something called Kalratri yog(or prayog? ) in past (around 2 years ago). Also I was told that Marak, Uchchatan and Vidweshan have been done too (over last 8-9 years or so). I was saved by a priest, but it had almost got me to verge of divorce, not to talk of physical upheveals.
My questions:
1. What are these things? I know a little but want to know expert view.
2. How many such things are there?
3. How long does each last?
4. What is best way to get rid of it as I am having problems due to these. I would like to stop it.
5. The person who told me all this said that whoever is doing this at me can see/know what I do all the time. How is it possible? I have verified that it is true.
6. The person said that when everything on that person's side is over, all will return back at her (the person who did it). How long will it take? Can that person keep doing same thing on me all her life?
I do puja everyday - how can these things hurt me? Is puja useless?
Please answer.