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  1. Reading requested: Thank you in advance for your information! TIME OF BIRTH: 10:43 AM DATE OF BIRTH: April 21st 1977 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY: Fort Collins, Colorado USA SEX: Female Your current status : Art, Music, Fashion Educational background: College study in Landscape Architecture Work Industry and current salary: Unemployed Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember: I was diagnosed with Diabetes when I was 11. I almost died from a low blood sugar when I was about 24. I was in and out of the hospital multiple times for diabetes related issues between the age of 23 and 26. When I was 16 I was informed I had broken my back in 3 places due to gymnastics. Told I would need to be in a full body caste for a year. I did acupuncture instead and am now fine (still with some major back pains). Relationships: I was in a relationship for 10 years, no proposal only a promise ring. I found out after 7 years he had cheated on me for the first 5. Second "real" relationship: Dated for a month he proposed after he moved away I learned he had 6 kids and another fiance. Recent past: My roomate was shot and killed, my mom died of cancer and I was forced to give away my dogs... may seem insignificant in comparison to the prior but it was traumatic none the less. Family background: Parents were married for 40 years. Two older sisters Father : Business / Service / Industry etc..: Entrepreneur Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc: Entrepreneur Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details: None Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details: Two older sisters working for the family business. Thank you so much! I have recently learned I was in Rahu Dasha for the past 17.5 years and am coming out this October... questions are in regards to career and relationships and if I am on the right path?????
  2. Sorry... Fort Collins, CO USA! Thank You!!!
  3. I am just looking for more information on this: I got my first astrology profile done on Jan 1st of this year. My astrologer said I was in Rahu Dasha and that it would be over on October 3rd, 2009. I am wondering if my social "dramas" will at least lessen when this happens and what I can expect to change in my life? And if you have any other info on my horoscope... Birth info: April 21st 1977 10:43 AM. Thank you so much for any information on this!???
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