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  1. hello bhairo child i don't know if you stil read this forum if you i have a problem i would rather discuss in private i need your help in making a decision please reply to this so i know you're there and i can tell you my problem my email is zalinab28@ thanks
  2. where is this temple located i want to visit
  3. i have personal experience with this i have seen it done to people with shakti before and when my dad started to manifest kaal bhairo and hanuman i did the same for him they answered questions and jharay people who were sick the reason for having someone with you it that while manifestation is going on you don't know what happens you need some one with you to tell you what happen and what was said while you were in a trance and i find that though the devis and devatas want to help they may help some one who want to do bad but in our eye it is a bad deed but in the devatas eyes they see it as helping so you need some one to help them distinguish the difference but thats been my experience if anyone else had a differant experience please let me know
  4. :namaskar: where in trinidad is this temple located i would like to visit mataji
  5. hello this is zalina and i would like to ask pujarie 5 two questions i hope you would answer them for me as you seen to know alot about the devis and devatas and you probably manifest them also as i value your knowledge and experience i would like ti know from you these two things 1----can someone take away or tye your shakti from you? and 2---how come when poeple go to some one with shakti some get help and others don't for example if five people go to one person with shakti only three get help and the other two don't please can you explain this to me i apreciate the help thanks alot and have a blessed day
  6. hello this is zalina and i would like to ask pujarie 5 two questions you seem to know alot about the devis and devatas and you probably manifest them also and i value your knowledge and experience so my questions are 1-can somebody take away or tye your shakti from you and 2--how come when poeple go to someone who have skakti some get help and others don't eg if 5 poeple go to the same one person with shakti 3 get help and 2 don't get help please explain this to me i appreciate the info and thanks alot have a blessed day
  7. hi my name is zalina where exactly in caroni is that kali temple when i return to trinidad i'd like to go there since thats the closest location to where i live thank you i've been to the joyce road temple before
  8. hi this is zalinaand i have a nav durga mantra that includes her nine forms i think this is probably the mantra you looking for :--- om prathamam shailaputreecha dwiteeyam brahmachaarinee triteeyam chandraghanteti kushmandeti chaturthakam panchamam skand maateyti shastham kaatyaayineeticha saptamam kaalraatri cha maha gowriti cha ashtamam nowmam siddhidaatri cha now durga prakeertitah i hope this helps
  9. hi my name is zalina and i'm new to this forum but not new to people bieng possesed by mataji when asked about mata there are so many of her forms known to us in trinidad but yet still there are so much more of her form we don't know we may know mther lakshmi and other may know that same form by another name i ther a way to compile a list of each devi and all their names and a picture to go with it so that we are more educated with her various foms and stories thank you very much if anyone can help
  10. om shakti maha shakti i am curiuos about parmeshwari mata and her puja in trinidad they kill a [hog] pig i would like to know the significance of the killing and what is the proper way to pray to mataji thanks
  11. hi i would also like to add that maa also manifests when the drum or tapois bieng played
  12. om shakti maha shakti it is a great feeling to be possesed by mataji if you have some one with you when manifestation takes place let them do arti and offer friuts to be eaten then ask which devi it is why she is here and what does she want or need for you to do usually when asked a question maa gives an answer
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