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Dr Jayanth G Paraki

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Dr Jayanth G Paraki's Achievements


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  1. Vedanta for health care professionals- value of knowledge Dr Jayanth G Paraki MBBS MD (Alternative Medicine) Consultant in Holistic and Alternative Medicine Clinic for Holistic Healing Bangalore INDIA Knowledge and Epistemology Epistemologically in an experience two things are involved, I and You, the subject and the object. During consultations, the doctor assumes the form of I (subject) and the patient You (object). Hence, the dialogue that ensues (the consultation process) is meant to arrive at a conclusion (the possible diagnosis) through a question and answer session. As we shall see later, this session proves to be the most vital link in the ensuing process of diagnosis and treatment. The initial working diagnosis is further corroborated by specific laboratory tests until a final diagnosis is reached. At this stage, a definitive conclusion based on facts is essential to think of a treatment plan. There are several questions at this stage. How true are the collected facts? Is it free of perceptual errors? Does it remain true after a certain time has lapsed? Have I as a 'Doctor' identified myself with the experience of my patient? Have I correctly determined the cause of my patient's illness? Am I truly knowledgeable so that I can trace the evolution of the illness from the very beginning? Most serious illnesses of a chronic nature have the cause submerged in obscurity. What is visible is the external manifestation of an underlying change process. For example, a cancer of the breast need not always have a cause in the breast itself. It is more likely that the malignant change process has begun in more subtle planes of the mind and eventually manifested as a cancerous tumor of the breast. It is said that all gross manifestations in the material world is preceded by subtle manifestations in the inner world of consciousness. In other words, all patients with chronic disease have a history of dis-ease for several months or years before the gross manifestations. They must be motivated to search for the primal cause through the collective experience of the conscious and the unconscious. In Vedanta, the true seeker of Absolute Truth is said to be on an endless journey of time and space that eventually culminates in Self Realization. This approach is to be encouraged for all patients and could lead to a journey of self-discovery that ultimately leads to the root cause of their ailments. Inner Transformation Could the transformation of normal cells to malignant cells have a spiritual basis? If this is true, then there is a powerful tool available for reversing the malignant process. The process of inner transformation and self-realization through a synthesis of Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga and Kundalini yoga is an appropriate approach to complement and harmonize with the medical treatment. I would like to emphasize at this point that all known forms of medical treatment for benign and malignant diseases is aimed at the gross manifestations of disease only. While such an approach is essential and appropriate in the short term to halt the progress of disease (manifestations), it is harmful to believe that it is the central core of all treatment strategies. External treatment cannot be expected to result in inner transformation. As Sri Sankaracarya states in his Advaita philosophy and writes in a small treatise 'Pancikaranam', ontological enquiry should lead us to the determination of the primal cause of the fact of our experience, which the world is. There is only one Reality that exists and that must be sought. As it happens during oncological consultations, different sub specialists offer different views on the possible cause/ causes and then suggest equally differing treatment options. A surgical oncologist naturally favors surgical treatment while a medical oncologist will suggest chemotherapy. If Reality is one, then these differences will negate the benefits of treatment in the long run. Then the apparent 'cure' is not real but due to imaginary attribution (Adhyasa) only. The faith in the reality of our treatment plan is so deep rooted in our minds that it is very difficult to get to the stage of seeking suitable alternatives. However, a holistic approach is imperative if the resurgence of disease in a 'cured' person is to be avoided. Yoga in Healing A combined integrated approach wherein the 'doctor' administers medical treatment while the patient simultaneously embarks on a rigorous practice of inner transformation and realization will prove to be the most effective weapon against disease. Inner transformation is achieved through a synthesis of Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga and Kundalini yoga. Correct knowledge passing through the minds of 'doctors' is a healthy safeguard in the battle against disease. An important question arises here - what am I witnessing during my interaction with my patient? What am I seeing? If I have to get convincing answers to my questions in order to make a diagnosis, could it be that true that my questions itself have to address real pertinent issues? In medical language, the method of history taking may have to be re-discovered in the light of new knowledge to include questions that indicate trouble in the mind more than in the body!! In the past, rigorous yogic (mystic) discipline, which was not an end in itself, helped to purify the mind so as to enable it to reason most correctly. But such discipline is almost impossible under present conditions. The modern mental outlook is pre-eminently scientific owing to the great progress science has made. And the best method of forcing the mind from its inaccurate ways of thinking is to imbue it as fully as possible with the scientific spirit. However, the materialism inherent in medical education today is much to be lamented. A judicious admixture of science and philosophy is to be recommended for all seriously concerned with the healing profession. The understanding is, identification of the real cause of an illness requires clear perception and reasoning. The ability to make reason (Buddhi) as the highest means of enquiry into an illness (and reduce dependence on laboratory investigations) has far reaching implications. The study of Vedanta as a whole is to be recommended for all health care professionals eager to excel in intuitive diagnosis. This in turn helps him to discover his SELF. Traditionally, Western system of Medicine has taught that diagnosis implies recognition of symptoms (manifestations) and signs (changes) that conforms to a known disease (name). For example, a patient who has joint pains (manifestations) and deformed fingers (signs) is diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. Thereafter. The process shifts to either confirmation of diagnosis by laboratory tests or immediate treatment for pain relief. Despite tests being negative, the same thinking is allowed to persist albeit giving a new name (sero-negative arthritis) to allow conformity of opinion to continue. Here, reason is forfeited at great cost. Whenever we attempt to diagnose (perceive) an illness in a person (object) we find four hindrances in the way. These hindrances are created by avarana-sakti (the veiling power of Maya). These hindrances cause errors in judgment, incomplete understanding of the nature of an illness and finally a definite limitation to the possible treatment options we can offer. However, patients by their own efforts can remove the veiling power of Maya and contribute to their healing. This pro-active partnership is central to the philosophy and practice of Holistic Medicine. Study of Vedanta provides powerful insights into the reality of sickness and healing in an incomparable manner and is to be recommended for all health care professionals who are eager to replace the monotony and drudgery of routine daily practice by zest and enthusiasm. Vedanta for health care professionals- value of knowledge Dr Jayanth G Paraki MBBS MD (Alternative Medicine) Consultant in Holistic and Alternative Medicine Clinic for Holistic Healing Bangalore INDIA Knowledge and Epistemology Epistemologically in an experience two things are involved, I and You, the subject and the object. During consultations, the doctor assumes the form of I (subject) and the patient You (object). Hence, the dialogue that ensues (the consultation process) is meant to arrive at a conclusion (the possible diagnosis) through a question and answer session. As we shall see later, this session proves to be the most vital link in the ensuing process of diagnosis and treatment. The initial working diagnosis is further corroborated by specific laboratory tests until a final diagnosis is reached. At this stage, a definitive conclusion based on facts is essential to think of a treatment plan. There are several questions at this stage. How true are the collected facts? Is it free of perceptual errors? Does it remain true after a certain time has lapsed? Have I as a 'Doctor' identified myself with the experience of my patient? Have I correctly determined the cause of my patient's illness? Am I truly knowledgeable so that I can trace the evolution of the illness from the very beginning? Most serious illnesses of a chronic nature have the cause submerged in obscurity. What is visible is the external manifestation of an underlying change process. For example, a cancer of the breast need not always have a cause in the breast itself. It is more likely that the malignant change process has begun in more subtle planes of the mind and eventually manifested as a cancerous tumor of the breast. It is said that all gross manifestations in the material world is preceded by subtle manifestations in the inner world of consciousness. In other words, all patients with chronic disease have a history of dis-ease for several months or years before the gross manifestations. They must be motivated to search for the primal cause through the collective experience of the conscious and the unconscious. In Vedanta, the true seeker of Absolute Truth is said to be on an endless journey of time and space that eventually culminates in Self Realization. This approach is to be encouraged for all patients and could lead to a journey of self-discovery that ultimately leads to the root cause of their ailments. Inner Transformation Could the transformation of normal cells to malignant cells have a spiritual basis? If this is true, then there is a powerful tool available for reversing the malignant process. The process of inner transformation and self-realization through a synthesis of Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga and Kundalini yoga is an appropriate approach to complement and harmonize with the medical treatment. I would like to emphasize at this point that all known forms of medical treatment for benign and malignant diseases is aimed at the gross manifestations of disease only. While such an approach is essential and appropriate in the short term to halt the progress of disease (manifestations), it is harmful to believe that it is the central core of all treatment strategies. External treatment cannot be expected to result in inner transformation. As Sri Sankaracarya states in his Advaita philosophy and writes in a small treatise 'Pancikaranam', ontological enquiry should lead us to the determination of the primal cause of the fact of our experience, which the world is. There is only one Reality that exists and that must be sought. As it happens during oncological consultations, different sub specialists offer different views on the possible cause/ causes and then suggest equally differing treatment options. A surgical oncologist naturally favors surgical treatment while a medical oncologist will suggest chemotherapy. If Reality is one, then these differences will negate the benefits of treatment in the long run. Then the apparent 'cure' is not real but due to imaginary attribution (Adhyasa) only. The faith in the reality of our treatment plan is so deep rooted in our minds that it is very difficult to get to the stage of seeking suitable alternatives. However, a holistic approach is imperative if the resurgence of disease in a 'cured' person is to be avoided. Yoga in Healing A combined integrated approach wherein the 'doctor' administers medical treatment while the patient simultaneously embarks on a rigorous practice of inner transformation and realization will prove to be the most effective weapon against disease. Inner transformation is achieved through a synthesis of Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga and Kundalini yoga. Correct knowledge passing through the minds of 'doctors' is a healthy safeguard in the battle against disease. An important question arises here - what am I witnessing during my interaction with my patient? What am I seeing? If I have to get convincing answers to my questions in order to make a diagnosis, could it be that true that my questions itself have to address real pertinent issues? In medical language, the method of history taking may have to be re-discovered in the light of new knowledge to include questions that indicate trouble in the mind more than in the body!! In the past, rigorous yogic (mystic) discipline, which was not an end in itself, helped to purify the mind so as to enable it to reason most correctly. But such discipline is almost impossible under present conditions. The modern mental outlook is pre-eminently scientific owing to the great progress science has made. And the best method of forcing the mind from its inaccurate ways of thinking is to imbue it as fully as possible with the scientific spirit. However, the materialism inherent in medical education today is much to be lamented. A judicious admixture of science and philosophy is to be recommended for all seriously concerned with the healing profession. The understanding is, identification of the real cause of an illness requires clear perception and reasoning. The ability to make reason (Buddhi) as the highest means of enquiry into an illness (and reduce dependence on laboratory investigations) has far reaching implications. The study of Vedanta as a whole is to be recommended for all health care professionals eager to excel in intuitive diagnosis. This in turn helps him to discover his SELF. Traditionally, Western system of Medicine has taught that diagnosis implies recognition of symptoms (manifestations) and signs (changes) that conforms to a known disease (name). For example, a patient who has joint pains (manifestations) and deformed fingers (signs) is diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. Thereafter. The process shifts to either confirmation of diagnosis by laboratory tests or immediate treatment for pain relief. Despite tests being negative, the same thinking is allowed to persist albeit giving a new name (sero-negative arthritis) to allow conformity of opinion to continue. Here, reason is forfeited at great cost. Whenever we attempt to diagnose (perceive) an illness in a person (object) we find four hindrances in the way. These hindrances are created by avarana-sakti (the veiling power of Maya). These hindrances cause errors in judgment, incomplete understanding of the nature of an illness and finally a definite limitation to the possible treatment options we can offer. However, patients by their own efforts can remove the veiling power of Maya and contribute to their healing. This pro-active partnership is central to the philosophy and practice of Holistic Medicine. Study of Vedanta provides powerful insights into the reality of sickness and healing in an incomparable manner and is to be recommended for all health care professionals who are eager to replace the monotony and drudgery of routine daily practice by zest and enthusiasm.
  2. DRG-DRSYA-VIVEKA - Attaining the Supreme All human efforts at attaining The Supreme Being (Atman) are directed through the mind and senses. The ability to develop faith in the presence of the Atman is intimately bound to the nature of inquiry we conduct. The Drg - Drsya - Viveka treatise is an inquiry into the Nature of the Seer and the Seen. The essence of this treatise is that the Atman is realized through mystic or yogic Samadhi (concentration). After this state is attained, one can see Brahman wherever one turns one eye: Dehadimane galite vijnate paramatmani yatra yatra mano yati tatra tatra samadhayah "With the disappearance of the attachment to the body and with the realization of the Supreme Self, to whatever object the mind is directed one experiences Samadhi. The treatise consists of forty-six Slokas and is an excellent companion for the study of Vedanta. The following is a concise summary of all the slokas. I hope many readers will pursue the detailed study of this treatise with great vigor and enthusiasm. 1. The direct knowledge of Atman or Self is the means to liberation. 2. The Seer alone is unchanging, rest everything changes constantly. 3. Mind perceives, not the eyes. 4. Consciousness illuminates Mind. 5. Consciousness is Whole and does not suffer decay. 6. Mind and eyes are insentient; consciousness is reflected in them. 7. Consciousness pervades the whole being- from the gross to the subtle. 8. Ignorance of the real nature of Consciousness creates delusion. 9. Effects of Karma wear out as identification with the Ego diminishes and ceases. 10. In deep sleep, results of past Karma go unnoticed. By right effort, it can be wiped out in the waking state too. 11. Mind imagines ideas in dreams because of the reflection of Consciousness. 12. Maya is the cause of the appearance of the universe and extremely illusive. 13. Maya has two powers- projecting and veiling. The veiling power of Maya creates ignorance. 14. All creation is the unfolding of Brahman through its inscrutable power, Maya. From the causal standpoint, Brahman is both the material and efficient cause of the world. 15. Ignorance of the distinction between the subject and the object is the cause of one's sufferings in the world. 16. Persistent doubt prevents liberation and because the embodied Self is unreal liberation is not possible for it. 17. Study of scriptures leads to the knowledge required to distinguish between the seer and the objects. 18. The concealing power of Maya falsely attributes the six manifold manifestations to Brahman - birth, existence, growth, change, decay and annihilation. 19. Distinction between Brahman and phenomenonal universe becomes clear with the disappearance of the veiling power. 20. Names and forms are the chief characteristics of Maya. 21. Even after negation of name and form, there exists the common substratum whose nature is Existence- Consciousness- Bliss. 22. Concentration or Samadhi means one-pointedness of the mind by which the student feels his steady identity with Brahman. 23. Practice Samadhi within your own self- there are two types- savikalpa and nirvikalpa. 24. Desire centred in the mind is to be treated as objects. Erase unwanted desires to sharpen concentration. 25. Atman is self-luminous and unattached to the mind. 26. Constant practice of Savikalpa Samadhi makes the mind free from all distractions. 27. Savikalpa Samadhi relies on an external object such as sun or a spot of light to develop the power of concentration. 28. Existence- Consciousness- Bliss characterizes Brahman. It remains unaltered. 29. By practice, concentration becomes steady like the unflickering flame of a candle in a place free from wind. 30. With the realization of the Supreme Self, to whatever object the mind is directed one experiences Samadhi (concentration). 31. He who realizes Brahman attains liberation. 32. The real nature of Jiva is Brahman. 33. All ideas of limitation are illusory. No kind of limitation can be predicated of Atman. 34. Four great Vedic statements which summarize the entire teaching of the Vedas are (1) " That thou Art" (2) "I am Brahman" (3) " This Atman is Brahman" (4) " Consciousness is Brahman" 35. Maya limits the indivisible nature of Brahman and makes it appear as the world and the embodied being. 36. Both Jiva and Jagat are the products of Maya. Hence they are cognized so long as a man is in a state of ignorance. 37. Jiva and Jagat have empirical existence and disappear when one attains liberation. 38. Sleep or Nidra means Avidya, that is, a state in which the nature of reality is not known. 39. Knowledge clears ignorance and dream states are illusory. 40. The dream and the waking experiences on account of their mutual contradictions cannot be said to be real. The illusory Jiva thinks the illusory world as real. 41. He who is the empirical Jiva sees this empirical world as Real. But the real Jiva knows it to be unreal. 42. The Paramarthika- Jiva knows its identity with Brahman alone to be real. 43-44. Characteristics of Brahman appear to be inherent in the Jiva and Jagat. This is illusory. 45. The characteristics of foam such as fluidity merge in the wave of water. Water always exists. Foams, etc have no existence separate from water. They appear from and disappear in water. They are nothing but water in another form. 46. Existence, Consciousness and Bliss appear and disappear in Brahman. Its existence cannot be denied, in the past, the present or the future, or in the states of waking, dream or deep sleep. The aim of everyone should be to reach this Supreme level of Buddhi by continued inquiry. Some have not the patience to pursue it to the end. How then, it may be asked, is such high order of Buddhi to be reached and how so much of patience to be commanded? " This Atman is obtainable by love of truth, by austerity, by correct knowledge, by one's life of chastity (Brahmacarya) constantly practiced."(Mund.Up.III. 1.4) Dr Jayanth G Paraki Consultant in Holistic Medicine Clinic for Holistic Healing Bangalore 3348866 / 3461790 paraki@vsnl.com
  3. Prabhu, A valid point ! A model for internet based economic activities is the 'Organic loosely held Bodies'. It implies ownership of enterprise by employess even though they report to the top management. Economic independence is a must for all devotess and that is the central core of all counseling i do for devotees in Bangalore. Dr Paraki
  4. Organizations all over the world are adapting to rapid changes in different ways and an approach that has made invaluable contributions to resurrection of post war Japanese industry is the Deming philosophy of Total Quality Management. The Deming philosophy and principles of TQM is indeed applicable to health care management in small and big hospitals. There is an urgent need for health care professionals to be multi-skilled. Doctors and nurses have to introspect periodically and adopt a plan for self-improvement that should include acquiring new knowledge, developing a positive mental attitude and learning new skills to meet the rapidly changing health needs of people. The Clinic for Holistic Healing is a private clinic established in 1994 to develop and initiate a holistic paradigm of health, education and business activities which has an impact on the socio-economic, health, education and employment indices within a community. It has utilized organizational networking, professional management and knowledge sharing to achieve its goals. The last six years has seen the paradigm being applied successfully in the urban city of Bangalore. The paradigm has greater scope for application in the rural community of India and other countries. Nature of Consciousness Vedanta states that nothing exists apart from the all-pervasive Absolute, and this is True. Universal Consciousness is Energy that we observe all around and within us. The world in which we live is made of Universal Consciousness. This Consciousness is nothing but a play of God's energy. In short, Universal Consciousness is simply Energy emanating from God. The Bhagavad Gita As It Is states that Lord Krishna is the Supreme God and the source of all energy. All life forms derive energy for sustenance from the Lord. The Vedanta clearly states that the only goal of human beings should be to know the Absolute Truth. Knowing the Absolute Truth entails the comprehension of the 5 basic elements - isvara, the controller; jivas, the controlled (human beings); prakriti, the material nature; kala, duration of existence (whole universe, manifestation of material nature) and karma, activity. Purified consciousness means acting in accordance with the instructions of the Lord. This is the whole sum and substance of purified consciousness. Consciousness can be purified through the path of Bhakti yoga or devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna. This according to the Vedic scriptures is the highest endeavor one can make in life. Holistic Medicine The philosophy and principles of Holistic Medicine practiced at the Clinic for Holistic Healing, Bangalore, India is based on the philosophy and principles of Krishna Consciousness. As stated in the beginning of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, everything emanates from the ultimate source of the Personality of Godhead. The Personality of Godhead also inaugurated medical science or knowledge in medicine in His incarnation Dhanvantari, and thus the knowledge is recorded in the Vedas. The Vedas are the source of all knowledge, and thus knowledge in medical science is also there for the perfect cure of the diseases of the living entity. The embodied living entity is diseased by the very construction of his body. The body is the symbol of diseases. The disease may differ from one variety to another, but disease must be there just as there is birth and death for everyone. So, by the grace of the Personality of Godhead, not only are diseases of the body and mind cured, but also the soul is relieved of the constant repetition of birth and death. The name of the Lord is also called bhavausadhi, or the source of curing the disease of material existence. It is proposed to establish a center for Holistic Medicine at Bangalore. This center will then construct a holistic health hospital and well being retreat in accordance with the laws of natural healing.
  5. This is in response to E. Burke Rochford's "Prabhupada Centennial Survey: Final Report". Any plan and design for succesful community activities is dependent upon the philosophy, principles and system on which it is built. Mercifully, Srila Prabhupada has given us the knowledge to create a community based on the varnasrama system following the Bhakti Yoga marga. However, when it comes to the point of putting these ideals into practice the essence has to be utilised in planning of human activities(Karma Yoga.)Projects have to take into consideration the system of controls that it has created to ensure smooth functioning. In short, the system of Management is crucial to the success of the project. we have employed successfully Deming's Total Quality Management model for all our activities. A close study of the model indicates its suitability for Vaisnava Economic Developemnt. visit http://www.deming.org/index.html for more details. Deming's TQM is ideal if we need to take action on E. Burke Rochford's "Prabhupada Centennial Survey: Final Report".
  6. Multiskilled workers are able to perform and achieve results in quicker time than others. However, it should be accompanied by efforts at development of a steady and composed mental state. There is an urgent need for health care professionals to be multi-skilled. Doctors and nurses have to introspect periodically and adopt a plan for self-improvement that should include acquiring new knowledge, developing a positive mental attitude and learning new skills to meet the rapidly changing health needs of people. This is a holistic global paradigm that most people in most countries will find appealing. Organizations will find it beneficial to employ Deming's TQM model for its structure and functions. Organizations all over the world are adapting to rapid changes in different ways and an approach that has made invaluable contributions to resurrection of post war Japanese industry is the Deming philosophy of Total Quality Management. The Deming philosophy and principles of TQM is indeed applicable to health care management in small and big hospitals. Multitasking in an environment that favors a TQM approach will find increased efficiency and productivity while others are at risk of a premature burnout.
  7. Hare Krishna Vaisnava Dasa Prabhu, It is indeed a good idea to have a business directory. I might add to it; a directory listing of Vaisnavas by profession for ex., doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc will assist disseminate information about individuals and organisations. Incidentally, i am keen to interact with you more regarding your experience as an economic officer in a not for profit organisation. I have started a similar foundation in Bangalore, India to engage ourselves in rural community development employing a varnasrama model, which i hope is what Srila Prabhupada wanted us to carry out. Kindly provide an email to which i can send information. Dr Jayanth G Paraki paraki@vsnl.com
  8. Dear friend, Can you provide an e-mail address where i can send the detailed project? Look forward to you reply. Dr Paraki
  9. Try homeopathic Bryonia 30 potency for a few days for RA ------------------
  10. Vaisnava economic development is enabled by adopting a holistic paradigm of health, education and business activities. The end point of any economic activity should be empowerment. The primary needs of our rural population are literacy, health care and adequate employment with opportunities for realization of the human potential. The idea is to train rural youth, adult men and women in empowerment and team functioning, initiate preventive health through the holistic approach and create opportunities for employment. This is to be achieved through a sustained urban- rural cooperative effort. The broad objectives are to create a protocol for holistic health and nutrition package for primary school children, establish a network and partnership between urban organizations and NGO's and corporate sector for rural development, create a society of rural youth for empowerment and employment. The practical approach should be Innovative, reduce poverty and be sustainable. A project of this nature has been designed for a rural community near Bangalore, South India. The success of a project is dependent on the quality of management. We have employed Deming's Total Quality Management in planning and designing of the systems and processes. A PSO approach will be employed for execution of this project. The project aims to serve as a catalyst to other institutions, organizations and individuals to undertake major projects in other geographical areas. For details email me at paraki@vsnl.com Dr Jayanth G Paraki ------------------
  11. Total Quality Health is a positive state of well being and vitality and not merely an absence of pain or disease. It enables an individual to be full of energy, spontaneous and brimming with joy and enthusiasm. Control over thoughts, feelings and actions are necessary to prevent excessive discharge of energy. Mind Control helps to direct thoughts precisely, powerfully and with definiteness of purpose. Mind Control is achieved through a synthesis of Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. The Lord in his incarnation as Dhanvantari has given the knowledge to cure disease in Ayur-veda. Therefore He is known as bhavaushadi. Always surrender to the Lord to receive the right knowledge.
  12. A practical calculation to plot change over time. Example:- your of birth is 1960 1+9+6+0=16. The first phase of life is 16yrs 1960+16=1976. Expect major chages in 1976. 1+9+7+6=23. the second phase of life is 23 yrs 1976+23=1999 Expect major changes in 1999. You can proceed further and analyze. In terms of spiritual sadhana, where expectations cannot be quantified, this calculation helps to recognize our individual location on various levels of spiritual progress.
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