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About vaidyapradiphira

  • Birthday 05/14/1981


  • Biography
    i am a ayurved consultant
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Ayurved Consultant

vaidyapradiphira's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi, vitiligo can cure by ayurveda but it required full diagnosie when it start where it affect on ur body what is ur age? give ful info and after i will give u guideline and medicine
  2. hi, pradip it is true that if someone take kadu kariyatu for long time than it affects on sperm count
  3. hi, i m dr.pradip from ahmedabad-india i m working on hypothyroidism since last 4 years ur complain is normal take 2-teaspoon til tail (Luke warm)before meal twice a day. dont drink water after it just take ur food within 5-7 days u feel better, til tail is also helpful in hypothyroidism, obesity, cholesterol and b.p for more mail me
  4. panchkarma is not a thing its a therapy, sorry for confusion u have to go to a ayurved clinic in panchkarma there is five different procidure according to ur constitution the doctor adviced u . sorry for the site, the site is working but it is underconstruction, after some time try the link, its my site, i m updating it for futher query contact me
  5. hi, u can try ayurved panhchkarma treatment for more visit ayurvedhealing.com
  6. hi rinku, i know about it but try to understand it is only supportive therapy, it is not a treatment, if u REALLY want to treat ur mother than do some proper treatment. because day by day the diseases become incurable so make it fast do not do AKHTARAS on ur mother best luck
  7. hi rinku i m from ahmedabad talk to me on 9426543413 we will find some way definitely
  8. hi rinku first of all where r u from? cahrges may be differ if u want than i will find the no. of hospitals and send u till than why u dont consult any ayurved doctor near u and start medicine
  9. hi rinku i m dr. pradip from ahmedabad in ahmedabasd there is a kidney hospital in civil hospital campus this hospital is best for u there r so many kidney hosp. in abad but kidney hosp-civil is best and cheap one thing more the hosp. is operated by dr.trivedi the leading name in kidney diseases in all arrround d world take care bye
  10. consult ur nearest doctor he will help u better
  11. hi ashi2001 contact me with ur full detail vaidyapradiphira@.co.in have a healthy life
  12. in ayurved the concept is different. hormone concept is morden medicines concept. in ayurved we diagnose differently and then treat the patient.
  13. mixing unequal quantities is not Contradictory dont mix honey and ghee in equal quantities is Contradictory for more detail mail me ; vaidyapradiphira@.co.in i m ayurvedic doctor from ahmedabad-india have a healthy life
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