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  1. Don't mind my saying this but what you say is not exactly correct. Astronomically speaking Rahu/Ketu are formed by the intersection of the orbital planes of the Sun and Moon. When two planets intersect they describe a line. When the Moon in its orbit goes from below (south) the plane of the Sun to above (north) the plane of the Sun that is called the ascending node of the Moon aka Rahu. And when she goes from above the plane of the Sun to below it that point is called the descending Node of the Moon aka Ketu. Get a good book on spherical astronomy (like Robin M. Green's text book Spherical Astronomy) to get more details.
  2. If you check all the classics of Vedic astrology you will find that when it comes to Rahu and Ketu there is simply no consensus of opinion regarding there drishti, nicu/uca sthans, svakshetra, mulatrikona, etc. In my experience I have found that for Rahu-Ketu there is only the effect of conjunction. This can be easily tested by emperically observing the effect of these planets as they transit through a person's horoscope. So far by emperical examination I have yet to see any effect of "aspect" from these grahas except when they conjoin another planet or lagna during transit. However, I am more than open to any evidence to the contrary as I have not closed myself on this yet. More work needs to be done in examining the effects during transits to see if anything happens in other locations. But it becomes very obvious when they conjoin a sensitive spot in your chart like lagna, Moon, lagna lord etc. Try it and you will see what I mean.
  3. Kalasarpa yoga is a bogus yoga, it doesn't exist. See: tinyurl.com/lexwwv Many astrologers use it to scare people and then to get money from them to do pujas etc.
  4. It is a little difficult to understand what you are trying to say. However, to one who is expert in Jyotish he can understand everything about Black Magic. There is a text called Prasna Marga which is much revered in Kerala I referred to an article in a previous text which talks about this book. Anyway in Prasna Marga chapter 15 it gives exact steps how to determine if a person has been attacked by Black Magic or not. If yes was it by Maha Abhichara or Kshudra Abhicara (incantations or using evil talismans), how did it happen, who is the enemy who is the mantric who did the deed, why did they do it, etc etc and most important how to remove it.
  5. Why are you so sure it is Black Magic? I do believe in BM but all bad things are not caused by BM. Could just be BK - Bad Karma. Hence my question, what leads you think that it is Black Magic?
  6. Maha Abhichara and Kshudra Abhicara. Abhicara definitely exists. However, in my experience in many most cases when a person thinks they are being attacked by Abhicara it usually is not but rather just their own bad karma coming to haunt them. There is however a way to detect via jyotish if the person is actually being attacked by Abhicara, this is detailed in Prasna Marga. Here is a good article about Prasna tinyurl.com/44s6d
  7. This whole concept of choosing Isthadevata used in Jaimini is bogus. It is meant as a tool for predicting what a person’s ishthadevata will be and in that it falls very flat. To then use it to choose an ishtadevata is pure foolishness. Isthadevata is the devata that you have a natural attraction for that is something you only can feel. I know many people who have great devotion to their Ishtadevata and it is not even one of the Jaimini options. This feature of Jaimini is greatly flawed and should not be taken literally. Especially by amateurs who do cook book astrology. You can check to see that it is bogus by simply going to many people and asking what their ishtadevata is and then checking their chart via Jaimini method and you find that it almost always wrong. For example here in South India the vast majority of people have as their isthadevata Balaji who is massively popular and the most popular temple in ALL of India. To say that He is greatly beloved by masses would be an understatement. I know many people who go on pilgrimage monthly to have darshan. But if you check their chart via Jaimini Balaji or any Visnu incarnation will seldom be their isthadevata, only by chance does it fall as Visnu. So this system simply doesn’t work. You can of course try to predict their isthadevata using Jaimini, and again you will come up wrong 90% of the time. A system that can’t even get it right 50% is useless what to speak of less than 10% of the time. So it is then the last word in foolishness to decide the path of your spiritual life, of who you will personally worship via this bogus method. Whoever has popularized it has done a great diservice.
  8. Kalasarpa yoga is a a popular misconception used to scare people into getting remedial measures done, see tinyurl.com/33ek39 if you can't access that go to shyamasundaradasa.com/jyotish/resources/q&a/kala_sarpa_yoga.html
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