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  1. Could youm please help me find my Ishta Devata/Devi Mitchel D.O.B. 24th November 1981 Time: 10:45 AM Place: Mapusa - Goa INDIA Thank you
  2. And top of that people say I have a good birth chart.....If so then howcome I am going thru all this.
  3. Hi, I was born on 24th November 1981 in Mapusa-Goa. I was born at 10:45AM and a male gender. Since I am a Capricorn Lagna its with Ketu is it bad. My rasi is thula and in the tenth house I have Budh, Brihaspati, moon together. My saturn is in 09th house with Virgo and Venus in 12th house with Jupiter. Sun is in the 11th house with Scorpio and Mars in 08th house with its Lord being Sun. What gemstone should I wear. Will sapphire do as I am in Saturn Mahadasa. Also my career is so staganant I am not getting any promotion and I am in debts also. I am not married as yet and I have secret enemies but they are never successful against me. Can you please tell me my isht devata and what should I do for remedies.
  4. I have read you post and I totally sympathize with you. remeber one thing if this was your father spirit he will never trouble you. Infact he will appear in your dream and talk to you. Loved ones never harass you. I feel this spirit has been attracted to you. I have been through the same thing what you have gone through. Please visit a pscychic and a person who reads Aura colors and I am sure he will tell yuo that you have a purple/Indigo Aura which is spiritual aura. Even if you read your birth chart I am sure Rahu and Ketu are placed in such houses where you will come into contact with spirits of the otherworlds. Dont encourage it and leave these things alone least you might involve yourself too much and it will be difficult to come out of it. Try and get a elephant hair bracelet and wear it. It will protect you and if these spirits can hear you I am sure God will also answer your prayers through your spiritual aura. ALWAYS REMEBER A GOOD SPIRIT WILL NEVER TROUBLE YOU AND WHEN YOU COME ACROSS IT U WILL FEEL COMFORTABLE AND NICE> You are special and have these powers and please use it for the correct use. Because even I have gone thru this I used to talk to spirits of the forest and once this spirit followed me right until home. And I could not sleep as it used to come near my bed. then I prayed and asked this spirit to go away to his own realm. And please dont sleep in front of mirrors its not good for you. Once when I was sleeping in front of a mirror a couple came out of the wall and started to harass me in my dream. And when I wanted to wake up I could not move at all. Mirrors are portals to the other worlds. It has been used since centuries for magic as well as contacting and seeing things which a naked eye cannot see. Thast why you have tales like snowwhite...mirror mirror on the wall.......It always tell the truth.
  5. Devi Shakti is very powerful. I am a catholic and it has happened to me.....Once during diwali I did Lakshmi pooja and Mahalakshmi did visit my house and I dont know I started worshipping her everyday. I began to recite the Shree Suktam by heart within five days. And during recital when I meditate I see her with Elephants receiving abhishek in milk. When Lakshmi possesses the body you become very benevolent and calm with compassion and full of grace. Your hands will automatically turn into mudras. During Navratri alot of people get graces from divine shakti. One should recite the Suktams and Lalita Shahasranama.
  6. Hi, Its just a very private matter. I am a catholic and It so happened that one day a lady happened to meet me. And she has no idea of hinduism as she is from a different country and follows Islamic traditions. It so happend that she said that I was possessed by a Goddess. And she sat and read my whole face and described in detail that it was a very beautiful lady adorned with many jewels and is sitting crossed leg on a lotus with four hands. She is wearing a red sari with golden border and has two white elephants at the side and a many hooded snake above her head. She told me that the Goddess name was Maharani and she calls me by the name of Kumar. She has four hands with two holding lotuses. I did ask if the Goddess wanted anything in particular and she said that she was there to protect me and she came from the heavens. And also I have been having dreams about her. I have even visited the temples of devi. Could she be Mahalakshmi or Shakti form. Also the lady said that she cannot help me as she does not know a thing about hinduism. can anyone help me and please tell me what can this mean and what should I do please?
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