I was born on 24th November 1981 in Mapusa-Goa. I was born at 10:45AM and a male gender.
Since I am a Capricorn Lagna its with Ketu is it bad. My rasi is thula and in the tenth house I have Budh, Brihaspati, moon together. My saturn is in 09th house with Virgo and Venus in 12th house with Jupiter.
Sun is in the 11th house with Scorpio and Mars in 08th house with its Lord being Sun.
What gemstone should I wear. Will sapphire do as I am in Saturn Mahadasa. Also my career is so staganant I am not getting any promotion and I am in debts also. I am not married as yet and I have secret enemies but they are never successful against me.
Can you please tell me my isht devata and what should I do for remedies.