the hymn is addressed to parvati!! <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
people i know iskcon does manipulate things but i never knew that now it wud start addressing hymns of parvati to lakshmi
whatever u guys have been saying is just out of ur own assumptions n presumptions!!
sarvamangala mangalye is the hymn addressed by every hindu dyuring every possible marriage ceremony because parvati is the goddess of fertility and marriage!!!
and tryambake means three eyed n not watever u guys posted n parvati is the one..lakshmi doesnt have 3 eyes
gauri is golden or white!! and there is a story how parvaati got the name!! gauri is one of the nine durgas
for godsake durga is none but parvati
for those who were mentioning durga as a mixture of all the saktis..tht is utter crap...
durga is [parvati...parvati got the name durga because she killed a demon called durgasura
the chandi and all u were mentioning have nothing to do with durga..they r all incarnations of her but the original durga is parvati
the navadurgas or nine durgas are
shailaputri or daughter of mountain, parvati
brahmacharini,kushmanda ,chandraghanta,skandamata,katyayani,kalaratri,sidd hidatri and mahagauri!! all of which have a story ..u can google n check!!
mahalakshmi,mahasarasvati n mahakaali are not the lakshmi ,sarasvati or parvati....they r different,,,each have a for,m...mahalakshmi is the one who killed mahishasura,,,,mahasarasvati emerged frm the body of parvati to kill shumbha n nishumbha,,mahakali is the one who saved the world frm two demons madhu n kaitabh by waking up vishnu who was under a deep ignorant slunber influenced by yogamaya