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  1. The last reply to question was lang time ago. Please Stop wasting your Time
  2. hi, TIME OF BIRTH : 10.45am DATE OF BIRTH : 28.01.1968 PLACE OF BIRTH : Pudukottai Dist, Tamil nadu, India. SEX : male Your current status : Job Hunting Educational background : Engineering Work Industry and current salary : Construction(16 yrs) & IT (7 years) Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember I had constructed an auditorium building within 45 days time in OCT~DEC 1994. From 1999 Dec, I had been retrenched/terminated from every company I join or the company will bankcrupt. Every time it takes about 3 to 6 months to secure a job, so all my savings are gone during break time. Family background Father : Pawn broker (now retired at home) Mother : house wife Elder Sister : house wife, she is also struggling to live. I’m in a very difficult position. Can you please advice me about my future. I’m unemployed from the past three months. Shall I continue to look for Job? I worked in Construction for 16 years and 7 years in IT. Now I'm trying to get job in Construction. Does this will work? when I will get a permanent job? In future Shall I start any business? Does business works for me? What area shall I look into it? Kindly advice me. Thanks Nagarajan P
  3. Dear Astrologer, I’m in a very difficult position. Can you please advice me about my future. I’m unemployed from the past three months. Shall I start any business? Does business suitable for me? What area shall I look into it? Or Shall I continue to look for Job, when I will get the job? My D.O.B = 28-01-1968 Time : 10.45AM Place : Pudukottai Dist, Tamilnadu , India . I had been retrenched/terminated from every company I join. From the past 10 years, I’m facing this problem. Please kindly advice me. Thanks and regards Nagarajan P
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