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    Homeschooling mom

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  1. Sorry, I didn't read your post close enough. You didn't want srikhand. Whoops!
  2. My guess is your are talking about saffron shrikhand. It is made with yogurt that has been drained. Definately one of the best of the offering we offer to Gaura-Nitai every Gaura Purnima. There is a recipe in Adirja's cook-book. 2 1/2 pints plain yogurt 11 oz powdered sugar (I think you can use regular sugar on ekadasi or Visnu Tattwa appearance days, because of the cornstarch in the powdered sugar) 1/4 tsp powdered saffron or 5 saffron strands Hang the yogurt in cheesecloth over a bowl to catch the drippings. Drain overnight or at least 5 hours. Scrape it into a bowl. The drained yougurt should be thick, half is original volume. Add the sugar and the saf fon to the yougurt. beat with a whisk. If you are using saffon strands, steep them in a little ros-water before adding to the drained yogurt. There you have it. Hope it's what you were looking for. Govinda R
  3. This is the first time I have posted on here, but have been lurking in the background for some time now. I homeschool my 11 year old boy and have since the start. Just wanted to share an interesting site for anyone interesting in alternatve education ideas. It's called "The Coalition for Self-learning" [url="http://www.creatinglearningcommunities.org"]http://www.creatinglearningcommunities.org I'm a very strong believer in keeping our kids out of the public school system. This site gives some very interesting insites on different ways the society can approach the education issue. I could see how some of these concepts could be implicated in a devotee community and contribute to the community becoming a more closely knit family unit. Just another aspect in creating strong Krsna Conscious atmosphere within the community. Anyway, I have shared some of the chapters with a few friends and all have gotten some inspiration from reading them. Thought someone else might be interested since you all were discussing the homeschooling issue. Personally, I found the "Time" magazing article a bit biased and not informed about the real power the homeschooling movement will be having on helping to reshape the way this current culture is headed. As the years go on there will be a whole set of people thinking for themselves,outside the normal box that the government is trying to force us all in. I feel alot of us who joined Prabhupada's mission came because we could see the way this materialistic society was headed and we didn't want a part in it. Now , it hurts so to see that so many of us have fallen back into the mist of it and are putting our children in the hands of that society. There are many circustances that have forced into doing what we are doing at the present, but I am praying that we can wake up and remember the reasons we came to Prabhupada in the first place and try to find ways in creating the communities he invisioned for us. Sorry, I've been doing alot of research and this has become a bit of a passion for me. I must say that I am impressed with Gauracandra's posts and efforts to get us to try and find ways to come together and finally become successful in making solid comminities where we don't have to be isolated and having to spend so much time and energy just on economic developement and then have so little left in becoming Krsna Conscious, our main goal of life. Govinda R
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