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  1. OHM GANESHAYA NAMAHA! Respected guruji, My profile is as follows: Name : kavitha DOB : 3-sep-1973 Time : 5AM Place : Madurai,Tamilnadu Marital status -married Nakshatra - Moolam Lagnam : simmam Current Dasha : Chandra dasa planet positions 1st house : sun,mercury 2nd house : sukran 5th house: moon ,rahu 6th house : jubiter 9th house : mars 11th house: saturn,kedu One astrologer told that I will be having lots of trouble after 2009 as my lucky periods are over. He also told that I will leave my family and go to himalaya for peace.How will be my future as I have to take care of 2 children. Coinciding this few things started to happening.Suddenly I have to give up my consultant business which is going well as my husband got transferred I had to leave the business. Even though I spend my time after children I need to do something.So Planning to do higher studies.(MBA) Can study or go to work?I am in state of confusion. I need advice from experts like you.If got any remedy pls advice me so that I will get releief. (I want to know after this mahadasa period rahu maha dasas is coming. The astroleger told during this period only I will leave my family.) Thank you.
  2. Would be grateful for your advise on this horoscope : Name : kavitha DOB : 3-sep-73 Time : 5AM Place : Madurai,Tamilnadu Marital status -married Nakshatra - Moolam Lagnam : simmam Current Dasha : Chandra dasa Previously running a business.As my husband got transferred I had to leave the business and take care of children.Now don know wat to do. Can study or go to work ?How will be my future. Pls advice.Thank you.
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