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Posts posted by anurag_2002

  1. Respected webyogi ji




    Thanks for ur kind reply.Sir Pls suggest me some remedy so that I can get a job of some stability becs. currently I m getting the job offers where I can not stay for long or u can say the job profile is such that I dont like at all.

    The job which I want ,I m not getting at all.

    Sir U mentioned about wearing coral so I must inform u that untill sometime back I was wearing coral in copper in my rt hand ring finger and ruby in my left hand ring finger but becs of a advice of an astrologer I removed coral and put ruby in my rt hand ring finger.But situation is same even before and after wearing coral.Pls advice something so that my present job problem can be overcome.


    Pls help





  2. Dear Ashutosh Ji




    I request u to kindly analyse my horoscope and solve my queries.


    THE details of my KUNDLI are as follows:



    My Name:Anurag


    Place of Birth:Gwalior (M.P)


    Time Of Birth: 04:53 A.M


    Date Of Birth: 25/09/1973


    I have a few queries about my future life;


    1)Is there going to be any confirmed yog of videsh yatra in my life and if yes then when that will happen and for how long I can be there in a foreign country.


    2)When will I get married and will that be an arranged or love marriage.


    3)How my marital life would fair?Happy or sad for me?


    4)Will I be ever settled in a good job of reputation,if yes then when the chances are.OR Business would be a better option for me in compare to a job?


    5)I have a lot of differences with my father on virtually every issue.AT times our hot talks become worst.I don't know how to solve this problem.I think if I will live away from him that will solve this problem but then I can not leave my mother.Do u see any sign of this in my kundli.Pls suggest any remedy for this problem.


    Pls analyze my kundli and answer my above queries.


    Pls do reply,


    Thanks & Regards



  3. Hi Ravi


    Thanks alot for kind advice.Pls try and answer my other queries like my career settlement, my marriage & my differences with my father.Becs even at the age of 35 I am not married and not getting settled in my career.This is worrying me alot so pls analyse my kundli and advice.I get frustrated at times becs I m not getting success in my efforts.




  4. Respected Mylilangel JI




    I request you to kindly analyze my kundli and let me know about my current and Future.Infact right now I m not going through a good time at all and broadly speaking I have been facing the problems since last 10 odd years with a hope that one day my time will change in my favour.But the things are not improving at all.

    I am still not settled in any job.currently I am unemployed.

    I am still not married even at the age of 35.

    These are two major issues which I am facing right now apart from some other problems like lack of confidence,confusion in my mind,indecisiveness,problem of breathlessness in the time of anxiety etc.

    WILL I EVER HAVE A GOOD TIME & SUCCESS IN MY LIFE AND IF YES THEN WHEN.I request you all to pls give some time to my kundli and answer my queries.


    I read Hanuman Chalisa & Durga Chalisa on daily basis and I visit Hanuman ji's Temple on every Tuesday & Saturday.This I have been doing since last many years but still things r not improving for me.



    THE details of my KUNDLI are as follows:



    My Name:Anurag


    Place of Birth:Gwalior (M.P)


    Time Of Birth: 04:53 A.M


    Date Of Birth: 25/09/1973










  5. Dear Atul ji


    Thanks for ur reply.Pls advice me how can I improve my present situation becs I am not getting any success any where ,be it job or marriage.I am wearing ruby in my ring finger of rt hand.Any other stone do I need to wear to improve the things.

    Pls also advice is it ever possible for me in future to get settle down in any good job if yes then when.


    When do u see me getting married.Pls advice..


    In general how my life is going to be in future according to your estimation.


    Pls reply sir ,





  6. Respected Astrologers




    THE details of my KUNDLI are as follows:



    My Name:Anurag


    Place of Birth:Gwalior (M.P)


    Time Of Birth: 04:53 A.M


    Date Of Birth: 25/09/1973


    I have a few queries about my future life;


    1)Is there going to be any confirmed yog of videsh yatra in my life and if yes then when that will happen and for how long I can be there in a foreign country.


    2)When will I get married and will that be an arranged or love marriage.


    3)How my marital life would fair?Happy or sad for me?


    4)Will I be ever settled in a good job of reputation,if yes then when the chances are.OR Business would be a better option for me in compare to a job?


    5)I have a lot of differences with my father on virtually every issue.AT times our hot talks become worst.I don't know how to solve this problem.I think if I will live away from him that will solve this problem but then I can not leave my mother.Do u see any sign of this in my kundli.Pls suggest any remedy for this problem.


    Pls analyze my kundli and answer my above queries.


    Pls do reply,


    Thanks & Regards



  7. Respected Astrologers


    THE details of my KUNDLI are as follows:



    My Name:Anurag


    Place of Birth:Gwalior (M.P)


    Time Of Birth: 04:53 A.M


    Date Of Birth: 25/09/1973


    I have a few queries about my future life;


    1)Is there going to be any confirmed yog of videsh yatra in my life and if yes then when that will happen and for how long I can be there in a foreign country.


    2)When will I get married and will that be an arranged or love marriage.


    3)How my marital life would fair?Happy or sad for me?


    4)Will I be ever settled in a good job of reputation,if yes then when the chances are.OR Business would be a better option for me in compare to a job?


    5)I have a lot of differences with my father on virtually every issue.AT times our hot talks become worst.I don't know how to solve this problem.I think if I will live away from him that will solve this problem but then I can not leave my mother.Do u see any sign of this in my kundli.Pls suggest any remedy for this problem.


    Pls analyze my kundli and answer my above queries.


    Pls do reply,


    Thanks & Regards



  8. Respected Astrologers




    I request all the expert astrologers on this forum to kindly analyze my kundli and let me know about my current and Future.Infact right now I m not going through a good time at all and broadly speaking I have been facing the problems since last 10 odd years with a hope that one day my time will change in my favour.But the things are not improving at all.

    I am still not settled in any job.currently I am unemployed.

    I am still not married even at the age of 35.

    These are two major issues which I am facing right now apart from some other problems like lack of confidence,confusion in my mind,indecisiveness,problem of breathlessness in the time of anxiety etc.

    WILL I EVER HAVE A GOOD TIME & SUCCESS IN MY LIFE AND IF YES THEN WHEN.I request you all to pls give some time to my kundli and answer my queries.



    THE details of my KUNDLI are as follows:



    My Name:Anurag


    Place of Birth:Gwalior (M.P)


    Time Of Birth: 04:53 A.M


    Date Of Birth: 25/09/1973










  9. Dear Atul Ji


    Thanx alot for ur kind analysis on my horoscope.Sir I just want to know that looking into my horoscope what do u forsee for my present as well as future life.Becs. rt now I am not having a good time at all.And I am extremely worried abt the time which I m going to have after Jan 2010 when Rahu MAHADASHA will start in my horoscope.How that is going to react for my life,PLS LET ME KNOW HOW THOSE 18 YRS OF RAHU WILL BE FOR MY LIFE,becs I m going thru a tough time even now when RAHU has not even started off.


    Pls also tell me when do u see me getting a settled job & getting married according to my horoscope.


    Sir I hope U have understood my query.PLS REPLY..





  10. Dear Atul Ji


    Thanx alot for ur kind analysis on my horoscope.Sir I just want to know that looking into my horoscope what do u forsee for my present as well as future life.Becs. rt now I am not having a good time at all.And I am extremely worried abt the time which I m going to have after Jan 2010 when Rahu MAHADASHA will start in my horoscope.How that is going to react for my life,PLS LET ME KNOW HOW THOSE 18 YRS OF RAHU WILL BE FOR MY LIFE,becs I m going thru a tough time even now when RAHU has not even started off.


    Pls also tell me when do u see me getting a settled job & getting married according to my horoscope.


    Sir I hope U have understood my query.PLS REPLY..









    Respected Anurag ji,


    1) USR ji is a very experienced and learned astrologer. There is no possibility of arising any question on his wisdom.


    2) I also heard first time about neech bhanga rajyoga of chaya graha.


    3) There is no neechbhanga in your chart for Rahu


    A neech bhanga is considered when the dispositor or exaltation dispositor is in quadrant (House 1,4,7,10) from ascendent or The moon


    In your chart, Lagna is Leo, and is also occupied by Moon. Jupiter is Dispositor of Rahu in house 5, and Jupiter is in house 6 from Ascendent and Moon both. So no neech bhanga and hence no neechbhanga rajyoga.


    Another interesting thing in your chart is, dispositor of Rahu is jupiter and Jupiter is also debilitated (neech). And the dispositor and exaltation dispositor of Jupiter is in 11th and 9th houses respectively. So no neech bhanga for jupiter also.


    Good day


  11. Dear USR Ji


    Infact I have been informed abt this neech bangh rajyog of Rahu in my horoscope by an astrologer of international repute.So as far as the existence of any such rajyoga is concerned I dont think that he could be wrong.So Pls enquire abt its affect in my horoscope if it is there in my horoscope.But such yog does exist that I know becs of that famous astrologer.


    Pls reply with analysis of my horoscope





  12. Hi All


    I just want to know that whether there is going to be any Neech Bangh Rajyog of Rahu in my horoscope from January 2010 onwards.If it it YES then what changes it is going to bring in my life mainly in my career and in my marriage becs. I m not yet married.Also I would like to know that in general how this would affect my life because right now I am not having a good time at all in terms of my career as well as my marriage.Will it be beneficial for me in all fronts or it might be bad for me in few respects.Infact I have been facing some rough time in my life since last many years.


    My Name:Anurag


    Place of Birth:Gwalior (M.P)


    Time Of Birth: 04:53 A.M


    Date Of Birth: 25/09/1973



    Pls reply to my above Query ASAP





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