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  1. Did you he tell you? Or are you speculating?
  2. Jerry Rubin David Dellinger Rennie Davis Tom Hayden (yes the politician) John Froines Lee Weiner Bobby Seale Now tell us what that has to do with this forum?
  3. You do not know what is in the person's heart. We are all servants of the Lord and the affixes are reminders of that. Perhaps you should add dasa to the end of your handle so you can remind yourself and all others that you are servant of Govinda, Rama, Balarama.
  4. After a bit of research I have found that Prabhupada most often quoted over 250 Bhagavad Gita Verses. I do not know out of that number of verses which ones were quoted more than the others which might be what you are referring to in your questions concerning the 150 verses. I also ask that you find the quote from Prabhupada on this matter. I have seen and heard people say things like there are 50 most important verses or 108 or 110 and so on and on. I suggest you consider and treat every verse with equal importance.
  5. and contact the seller by the name of Villageindia. This seller sells exactly the pics you need and takes paypal payments.
  6. my room is called Prabhupada's Original Hare Krisna Nectar. I don't always have it open. It was open for a long while earlier today and I may open it again later this evening. Govindaram also has his own room and there are several others. Sometimes the conversations are extremely stimulating and as always there are debates but also nice association and nectar. Sometimes the rooms will have many people in them at one time with rolicking kirtans and Haribols!!!!!
  7. Sometimes there are lots and lots of devotees on and sometimes just a few but I have found always some association no matter what time of day. I have my room open for a short time about half an hour ago and had 5 devotees drop in and visit. It was very nice.
  8. I had the same problem with irc. Paltalk is extremely simple to download and there always seem to be devotees on in the Religious section. I am in there now and besides my room I see at least three other devotee rooms open.
  9. I also have a paltalk chat room where I play Prabhupada lectures and bhajans. My room is called, " Prabhupada's Original Hare Krishna Nectar". My room is not open 24 hours a day but I try to open it several different times a day. There are a couple of chat rooms like mine on there so at any given time of the day or night you can get direct association. I have recently met Govindaram on paltalk.
  10. Bhaktivedanta Manor is not the only ISKCON temple in the UK. The temples there have been around for a very long time. I do not know where you live so perhaps you live far away from the temples. You might check to see if there are any Namahatta programs in your area. [moderators note: correction made] (thank you moderator for your help /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. That is a good Shivaji! This is indeed sectarianism gone wild. How sad we become like the people we don't want to be.
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