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  1. i drink lots of water daily - i have for years - i probably go through at least 1.5 liters a day if not more. i would love to be able to grow my own herbs and make fresh preparations. there is a local herb farm in the area that offers a fantastic seasonal selection. i would need to do some research on types of herbs to grow and methods of preparing them. does indeed sound fun despite the extra effort. and to the the topic of the hair loss, i think i've found an answer to why this might be happening so rapidly for me. i went on a crash diet about 4-5 months ago and lost quite a few pounds. there is a condition called "telogen effluvium" which causes accute loss of hair due to physiological stresses on the body. this is seemingly common for dieters 3 to 6 months after the stressful event. the good news is that it's temporary, which i'm happy about, needless to say. i would still like to find herbal supplements to take to help noursish my hair back to health though. i know it may seem vain, but loosing your hair so suddenly can really freak you out! thanks!
  2. good point - the supplement i take is called "garlicin" which does contain cayenne pepper (15mg) per tab (as well as v e as d alpha tocopheryl [15iu] and calcium as dicalcium phosphate [26mg]), perhaps i should just go for the cayenne tabs as well. i am not vegetarian and i do not eat alot of red meat - chicken and fish mostly. i just know that garlic is a great antioxidant. i will check into an accupuncturist as i think my ins may cover certain altenative practices - if not, i can always file a claim aginst my fsa. i have read elsewhere that thyroid function is correlated to hair-loss. perhaps this is an area to explore. in the mean-time, can you reccommend any herbs that will support kidney function? i have noticed my kidneys being tender as of late and wonder if i shouldn't try to add something to my regimine to support their function. any reccommendations would be greatly received. btw, i just bought a new batch of "yerba prima" for my source of fiber - psyllium husk powder contatining ginger root, senna extract (10% sennoisides), apple pectin extract, red clover tops extract 4:1, dandelion root & leaf extract 4:1. hopefully, w/ the fortification of ginger root, senna, red clover, and dandelion root & leaf, this will increase the effectiveness of my colonic cleanse. any thoughts on the efficacy of yerba prima? thanks!
  3. hiya - new to the board - and am very interested in ayurvdeic therapies w/ regard to liver/and/or kidney function in corealtion w/hair-loss. i have recently started a consitent regimine of milk thistle/dandelion root (about 1-2 capsules/day of milk thistle/dandelion root concentrate via capsule [400 mg/cap]- whole foods, eclectic institute brand) - to absolve an elevated liver enzyme count by way of a recent physical done (reporting high enzyme-count). within the past 3 month period, i have noticed considerable hair loss - not sure if it is co-related - just a huntch - wondered if there were any other members who had similar experiences. i have since (as of 3 weeks ago) resorted to an herbal alternative to rogaine - which has not, as of yet, stabilized my hair-loss. i am not sure if there is an interaction or correlation - just assuming and hoping that others might respond. if anyone has experienced similar side-effects, please let me know - just wondering if this is normal or not. thaks!
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