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    sadhu sanga

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  1. We often read that spiritual happiness is far, far greater than the type of happiness we experience in this world. That it is unlimited and eternal, and so on… It is said that the highest spiritual ecstasy is so great that it causes the shedding of tears, trembling, standing of hair on the body, etc. So much so that is actually impossible for the material body to experience it, and thus it may fall unconscious. However, the above external manifestations can also be experienced through material happiness, for example if someone wins the lottery. Can someone explain this please? Also… There are questions in my mind as to the quality of this type of happiness (spiritual). What makes it so different and superior? Can we compare it, for example 10 times better then material happiness? To define something as unlimited is difficult to comprehend for the material mind and senses, so how do we measure it? Basically, what is so good about it and why should I believe in it as it’s not something I can experience? There are many religious and spiritual groups that get themselves all physced up and become gullible and imagine many ridiculous things. Watch this movie for an example: http://www.bulletsofsorrow.co.uk/jesus.wmv I love Krishna Consciousness and Srila Prabhupada and consider myself extremely lucky to have come upon it. I believe in Srila Prabhupada’s books and the ancient histories such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana. It’s just that sometimes I feel that people kid themselves about what they’re feeling and believe it to be real, or pretend to feel something that is different than ordinary mundane sensations.
  2. Here's a shot I took with my new digicam. Makes quite nice wallpaper. Try it! http://www.bulletsofsorrow.co.uk/nw.jpg (To set as desktop background simply view image, right-click and select 'set as desktop backround')
  3. Haribol!! I just wanna hear from all you devotees the thoughts that inspire you the most, especially through times of difficulty and doubt. What aspects of KC do you think about to make you firm again? I am young and my will is weak. Especially with summer around the corner all I can think about is calling up some old friends and go cruising, clubbing, drinking & chasing girls. Sometimes I feel so depressed, that I have no attraction for Krishna and so much attraction for material life. I sometimes wish that I never learnt the truth like .. plug me back into the matrix/images/graemlins/cool.gif. I cannot enjoy material life because I know it’s not real, and at the same time, I totally suck at KC. Anyone ever feel like this? It’s like aaaagggghhhhhh!!!! Just leave me alone MAYA!!! Its easy if your living in the temple or in India or something, but when you have to live outside in the real world its not so easy to be a devotee. For me anyway. I know I will never make it back to Godhead in this lifetime, so might as well give up trying whats the point lol /images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. Your quotes were very helpful Sumedh thanks once again!!!
  5. Ok thankyou Sumedh that has cleared that up!
  6. Haribol ... 1. Does anyone if the appearance of Lord Caitanya is mentioned in the vedas and if so where? 2. He is not counted as on of the ten incarnations of God. Does He appear in every Yuga cycle? If not, why did he appear in this particular cycle?? Thankyou.
  7. Thankyou for your reply Sumedh. Are you saying that kripacarya was not a devotee of lord Krishna and was therefore unable to see him? I have just read elsewhere that so many had seen the Visvarupa of Krishna including personalities like Karna, Duryodhana & Duhsasana (http://www.vnn.org/editorials/ET0003/ET10-5657.html) who are domniac in nature. What is the meaning of this? Sure a reference on that curse would be nice. Thankyou Prabhu for your time!
  8. Haribol! I have a couple of questions that I would like to ask on behalf of a friend of mine. Well, first she would like to know why when Krishna revealed his universal form in the court of Dhrtarastra, not everyone could see that, especially Kripacarya who is certainly a great personailty. Why was he not able to see that form when others were? Secondly she is curious about the curse of Ashwatthama at the end of the war. How is it that a soul can be eternally condemned by God himself to remain in this material world and what were the specifics of that curse? Thankyou!! /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  9. Satyaraj, what happened to you? Were you always like that? I used to respect you immensely. But now, I don't what to think. Do you really believe the rediculous things you state, or are you only joking. Even if you are only joking, it's too much for my neophyte ears to bear.
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