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  1. Ok and how should the prayers be done.I mean is there any way to be followed.
  2. Hi I want to know what pooja can be done that is worship of which diety can be done that is good for giving peace of mind and cooling the mind I get angry very frequently and I am not able to control my emotions.
  3. Hi Can some one tell me about Sawitri Devi and how to worship her
  4. Webyogi ji do u charge for providing professional consultations if yes please mail me the details where and how can I meet you if not possible to meet then how to get consultations from you please send me a personal message.
  5. Sir thanks for your excellent replies Sir I had tried to message you personally I have seen your replies on this forum I want to know are you professional astrologer and do you charge for consultations.Sir I want to know how much do I need to pay please send me the details and any mail id of yours where I can contact you.
  6. There is some one who can help you he does not takes any money for any thing he helps genuine people Hasnain Kidwai 9335276474 A good time to call him is night 10-11 and better is Sunday night.
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