Ram Raksha Balaji
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Foolish Hindus, You are fighting within yourselves! There is a hidden Christian here! This fellow, R.Sajan seems to be a prominent Hindu hater. He has given this blasphemy that Shankara "killed" Buddhists and Jains, in so many websites and forums. I myself traced and found the nature of this anti-Hindu. Please, please be careful! He may even be an evangelist. I personally apologize to all Vaishnavas here, please be united!!
Another blatant Vaishnava lie! You want to know what did Swami Vivekananda really say about Shankara Bhagavadpada? “But India has to live, and the spirit of the Lord descended again. He who declared, “I will come whenever virtue subsides”, came up again; and this time the manifestation was in the South, and up rose that young Brahmin boy of whom it has been declared that at the age of sixteen he had completed all his writings; the marvelous boy Shankaracharya arose. The writings of this boy of sixteen are the wonders of the modern world, and so was the boy. He wanted to bring back the Indian world to its pristine purity, but think of the amount of the task before him. I have told you a few points about the state of things that existed in India. All these horrors that you are trying to reform are the outcome of that reign of degradation…. That was the inheritance which that boy got from the Buddhists, and from that time to this, the whole work in India is a reconquest of this Buddhist degradation by the Vedanta. It is still going on, it is not yet finished. Shankara came, a great philosopher, and showed that the real essence of Buddhism and that of the Vedanta are not very different, but that the disciples did not understand the Master and have degraded themselves, denied the existence of the Soul and of God, and have become atheists. That was what Shankara showed, and all the Buddhists began to come back to the old religion. When atheists and agnostics have destroyed the nation again, it was found out that Advaita was the only way to save India from materialism…. Again materialism came to the fore, taking the form of license with the higher classes and superstition with the lower. Then Shankaracharya arose and once more revivified the Vedanta philosophy. He made it a rationalist philosophy. In the Upanishads the arguments are often very obscure. By Buddha, the moral side of the philosophy was laid stress upon, and by Shankaracharya, the intellectual side. He worked out, rationalized, placed before me the wonderful coherent system of Advaita. Shankaracharya had caught the rhythm of the Vedas, the national cadence. Indeed I always imagine that he had some vision such as mine when he was young, and recovered the ancient music that way. Anyway, his whole life’s work is nothing but that, the throbbing of the beauty of the Vedas and the Upanishads. And the great glory of Bhagavan Bhashyakara Shankaracharya is that it was his genius that gave the most wonderful expression to the ideas of Veda Vyasa. The greatest teacher of the Vedanta philosophy was Shankaracharya. By solid reasoning he extracted from the Vedas the truths of Vedanta, and on them built up the wonderful system of Jnana that is taught in his commentaries. He unified all the conflicting descriptions of Brahman and showed that there is only one Infinite Reality. He showed too that as man can only travel slowly on the upward road, all the varied presentations are needed to suit his varying capacity. Next in the authority is the celebrated Gita. The great glory of Shankaracharya was his preaching on the Gita. It is one of the greatest works that this great man did among the many noble works of his noble life- the preaching of the Gita and writing the most beautiful commentary upon it. Books cannot teach God, but they can destroy ignorance; their action is negative. To hold to the books and at the same time open the way to freedom is Shankara’s great achievement.” The above words are from the book "Sri Shankaracharya- Life and Philosophy:- An elucidative and Reconciliatory Interpretation" written by Swami Mukhyananda, the peethadhipathi of the Belur Ramakrishna Math, Howrah, West Bengal. This is given in pages 142 and 143 (Appendix C). If you don't trust me, visit the Ramakrishna Math near your house and refer this book. It costs Rs.50. He would have known more about Swami Vivekananda than you. You think we are all UKG students, to believe whatever you blabber? If you say Shankara was a fanatic, you will get worms in your tongue! He was fanatic to the Buddhists? Know this, Gaudapada, the Paramaguru of Shankara (that is Shankara was the disciple of Govindapada who inturn was the disciple of Gaudapada) had deep respect for the Buddha and the Buddhists. Gaudapada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... Go through this page. As I already said, there is no point fighting over our acharyas and peethadhipathis. We have to be united to protect our religion and nation from the impending Christian/Muslim danger. Please let us leave our differences aside and get united! Let me say I am a Shaiva ans support Adi Shankara also. At the same time, I find more peace and happiness in Venkateswara temple. I am no more concerned about sampradayas, sects or anything else. I think it is better to go to Ilayazhwar sabai (math of Sri Ramanujacharya) rather than going to Pentecostal sabai or Aposthala aikkiya sabai (Christian churches that convert people cruelly). Hope you will understand! Sanatana Dharma ki Jai!!
Ha, when did Swami Vivekananda tell this? You think you are so clever? Furnish the evidence, if you have any...
I wonder how many people who wrote comments above are Hindus, aka Sanatana Dharmis! The entire thread has been full of venom. If this continues, Muslims and Christians will just eat us with the help of our "rational" politicians. Let me tell you one thing:- My father is a Smartha, and a devout follower of the Late Sri Kaanchi Maha Swamigal Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati. For my mother, on the other hand, everthing in this world is Sri Raghavendra Swami. She comes from an orthodox Madhva family. What sampradaya should I follow? Smartha or Madhva, or shall I take a new one? Allow me to say that I always think of Jagadguru Adi Shankara Bhagavadpada, but at the same time, for the past few days I am crazy of mahaans like Sri Vyasaraja Thirtha, Sri Vaadiraja Thirtha, Sri Chaitanya, etc. I like them very much. I literally cried when I read the Brindavana pravesa of Sri Vyasaraja swami. Yes, I know. Few saints of the Sringeri Sharada math stole the manuscripts from Madhvacharya's library once. It does not mean that Adi Shankaracharya is a bad or useless person! What do you know about him?? I should tell you one thing. Go ask a small child, which sampradaya it follows! Does it know such things?? I adore Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Nimbarka, Vallabhacharya, Chaitanya Prabhu, Nayanmars, Azhwars, and etc etc. I am moved by the compassion of the Buddha and Lord Mahavira! A few stray incidents have happened always. Srila Prabhupada, honorable founder of the ISKCON has done a great job by preaching dharma to the West! But what is the need for scolding the Smarthas as "Mayavadi Rascals" and that too to the Foreigners. If true Godmen do not consider anyone as enemies, why should they speak so? Did Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, Chaitanya or Raghavendra Swami called them so? No. How can a sannyasi call another sannyasi as a RASCAL?? I was shocked. Let me tell you, when I read those lines, Srila Prabhupada vacated his place from my heart!! And I saw someone saying "I dont know any Saivite saints coming to the help of the devotees". Have you ever prayed to a Saivite or a Smartha saint before? Pray sincerely, and then you will know how treacherous your words were!! So if they come, will you rush to them? Suppose that someone says Jesus or Allah come to devotees' rescue earlier than Raghavendra Swami. If so, will you leave Guru Rayaru and go behind them? Is this what Sanatana Dharma teaches you?? It is like some lady saying "that man is more manly than my husband, hence I will abandon my husband and go behind him!" You all know what is the name given to such women!! Do you think Sriman Narayana will be happy if you insult Adi Shankaracharya?? I saw someone from ISKCON forum saying Ramanuja and Madhva incarnated to save people from the bogus idea of Shankara. Idiots! If Shankara's idea was bogus, why did Narasimha moorthy appear to save Shankara when he was about to be killed by the Kaapalika? Why did Narayana appear before him and said my idol is in Alaknanda river. Take it and install it in Badri temple?? If he had'nt done so, will you people go and worship Badri Narayan?? If Shankara's idea was bogus, why did Mahalakshmi immediately shower gold coins when the seven-year old tiny tot chanted the Kanakadhara stothra?? Don't talk rubbish without knowing anything!! What is the difference between you and aggressive Christian missionaries like John Dayal, Judson Abhraham or Dinakaran?? Mind you, Vishnu wont be happy with you people at all! You know what punishment is instore for you?? Punarapi Maranam, Punarapi Jananam, Punarapi Jananae Jagarae Shayanam!! If Shiva worship is false, why did Sri Vyasaraja Thirtha compose a Sivasthuthi on Sri Virupaksheeswara?? Listen, I joined this community on seeing these blasphemous posts. I wanted to tarnish these ill-suited Hindus. What the hell do you think in your mind? How many years will you fools be divided?? From when did these Smartha, Sri Vaishnava, Madhva, Sanakadhi, Rudra or Gaudiya sampradayas emerge?? Is Hinduism only made of these sampradayas?? Before Adi Shankara, were'nt there Hindus? Was'nt there Vedas?? I will tell you something, I stopped putting Vibhoodhi on my forehead before some days, you know why? Because I don't want to confine myself to the Smatha sampradaya! I am a Hindu, I am a Dharmi, I am a Buddhist, I am a Jain!! Final words... Tomorrow, Mullahs and Missionaries will take care of India. At that time, they won't give any concession for a Smartha, a Sri Vaishnava, a Madhva, or a Gaudiya. If you are a Hindu, you will be destroyed. All would have studied the story of four bulls and a lion. Remember, unity is strength! Shame on you people! You are not Hindus at all!!! You know one thing? A French man named Francois Gautier has started a campaign titled "Hindu Gurus come together for protecting dharma", and here you Brahmin aggressors are fighting as to who's acharya is greater. Stupids, go and drink his urine, even then you won't change! What is the need for a French man to be so concerned of Hinduism, he can go in his way. But he is taking pains, and you fools are still fighting! When are you going to change. If anyone had spoken in person before me, I would have assaulted them!! Let Bhagavan, Gods, Demi-gods, Sages, Saints, and yogis teach you what is good!! Jai Shri Ram!!!!!