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  1. The above news article is dated Wednesday, 5 February, 2003, 22:36 GMT Does anyone have any recent information?
  2. Deewani


    I also like to explain the Trinity as - Generator Operator Destroyer
  3. BinduMadhav wrote: Before I commence on my understanding, please forgive me if I have erred. I hope you are able to enlighten us further. Pritha - Daughter of Surasen. Pritha was raised by Surasen's brother Kuntibhoj, and hence Pritha became known as Kunti. Vasudev - Son of Surasen Arjun - Son of Kunti Subhadra - Daughter of Vasudev My sources are the Mahabharat by BR Chopra, texts and also the following website has a link on the family tree: Family tree for Kaurav, Pandav & Krishna Please clarify the relationships if I have been misled.
  4. "According to Hindu System, Unclde is equivalent to father therefore no question of marrying niece or nephew. Even the cousins are considered to be equivalent to own brothers and sisters. Till date even same gotra boys and girls are considered to be brothers and sisters hence no marriages within same gotra." But did not Arjuna marry Subhadra, who was his cousin? Arjun's mother and Subhadra's father were brother and sister.
  5. I have a copy of this book - the limited edition version, which came in the red silk covered box, and also had a beautiful Radha-Krshna print. They also had a standard version which was in a glossy white box. I ordered it 6 years ago directly from Iskcon, and it came via Amsterdam/Belgium or somewhere in Europe (I cannot recall exactly). I found this link: http://seattle.craigslist.org/bks/75339269.html "The Art of Transcendence" is the sequel to the original "Krsna Art" book. Have you tried contacting Iskcon directly? I hope you find the book you're after.
  6. HARIBOL! Hello friends Can anyone give me further information about this fast? The story behind it, its significance, what one should eat/not eat? I know one is supposed to grow wheat, and eat something made of wheat, whilst avoiding salt. Many thanks. D
  7. Hello friends Can anyone give me further information about this fast? The story behind it, its significance, what one should eat/not eat? I know one is supposed to grow wheat, and eat something made of wheat, whilst avoiding salt. Many thanks. D
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