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Everything posted by Umapati_Dasa

  1. I suppose I could've put my forum in the Shakta sections, but I wanted to get the opinions of all Hindus, since Vaishnavas also worship Mother Lakshmi and would know as much as Shaktas about what day is best to worship her.
  2. What is the difference between Mahalakshmi and Durga (Mahishasuramardini)? Isn't Mahalakshmi the killer of Mahisha in Devi Mahatmyam? And, if they are the same, then why are prayers addressed to Mahalakshmi said in front of images of Mother Lakshmi and not Mother Durga? I know this question may sound very stupid, and there's most likely a very simple answer to it, but it's always confounded me.
  3. Where did he get this percentage from? How could he possibly know this? Many great devotees were also married. Devaki and Vasudeva; Kunti; Dasaratha and Kausalya; Yashoda and Nanda; Janaka, Sita's father... So, what is the basis for this quotation and percentage?
  4. I think Radha was already married to someone else when she met Krishna.
  5. What is the best day of the week to worship Goddess Lakshmi? I've heard that Fridays are the best day. Is this true?
  6. I think what she's saying is that she can't physically get to the Kali temple you speak of, although she is devoted to Durga. And that, although devoted to Durga Devi, she thinks that the philosophy of Vishitadvaita (Qualified Non-duality) makes more sense than straight out Advaita, so she doesn't want to go to a temple that emphasizes complete non-duality... that's what I got from it, anyways.
  7. Spirit possession is very popular across cultures. When it occurs in India, it is generally a form of Devi that possesses the person. However, this is not the only place it occurs. Spirit possession also occurs in religions such as Pentecostal Christianity, Santeria, Vodou, and Candomble.
  8. I can see we're not going to agree on this. I see no reason why a mushroom would be bad for the soul or mind... you apparently do... let's just agree to disagree.
  9. Ugh... just because they have a slight similarity in names doesn't mean they are the same entity. Why can't Hinduism just be Hinduism? Why does it also now have to be Christianity, Islam, and Judaism? Isn't it good enough by itself? I don't see any Christians, Muslims, or Jews trying to claim that "YHWH is the god of the Hindus", "Jesus is the god of the Hindus", "Allah is the god of the Hindus", or any other outlandish claims.
  10. Lotuses grow out of the mud, are they also tamasic? And, just because it is classified as a fungus, doesn't mean that it doesn't still have many beneficial properties.
  11. No. Garlic and onion are very good anti-inflamatory herbs. The only reason people don't eat onion and garlic is because they are considered to be rajasic foods by Vaishnavas. They also think that mushrooms, which have been considered as anti-virals, are rajasic and avoid them.
  12. So then you do recognize Shiva as a form of God?
  13. Just a question, where does Brahma Samhita call Krishna "Jehovah" or "Allah"? You call Lord Shiva a demigod because there is no evidence that he and Krishna are the same being, but you accept Jehovah and Allah as "alternate names of Krishna" with no evidence. This is utter nonsense.
  14. How is Vaishnavism not a form of Hinduism? Hinduism is the religion whose beliefs involve the gods Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and Devi. Vaishnavism's beliefs include these figures. What you're saying is like a Sunni Muslim saying that Sunni Islam isn't a form of Islam. Or a Roman Catholic saying that Roman Catholicism isn't a form of Christianity. It makes no sense.
  15. I said Vaishnavism, a sect of Hinduism, is Krishna consciousness. Meaning that one form of Hinduism is devoted to Krishna consciousness. Advaita Vedanta, a different sect of Hinduism, is Nirguna Brahman consciousness.
  16. That's a very good mantra to Durga in the form of Chamundi. I, however, pray to Mother Durga using the mantra Aum Doom Durgayei Namaha.
  17. I don't understand ISKCON either. They say that Shiva and Devi are less than Krishna, but then go on to say that gods from other religions are Krishna. It's certainly very strange.
  18. Baglamukhi Devi is extremely powerful. Everything I've prayed to her for has come true. All that I do is place her yantra on an altar and pray to her using the mantra Aum Hareeng Bagalamukhi Namaha after offering flowers to her yantra.
  19. Pray to ShantaDurga Devi. She stopped the feuding between Vishnu and Shiva and she is prayed to for peace (her name means "Peaceful Durga"). You can pray to her by reciting the mantra from the Chandi that goes "Yaa Devi sarva bhuteshu Shanti roopena samsthita namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namoh namah". It means "I take refuge in Devi, who lives within everyone in the form of peace".
  20. Hinduism is one way that spirituality can be expressed. It is merely the designation that sets the spirituality of those who worship Krishna, Devi, Shiva, etc... apart from that of people who worship Allah or Jehovah or Olorun. It's not that Hinduism is non-spiritual, it's just that it is a medium through which spirituality is expressed. Vaishnavism is synonomous with "Krishna consciousness", which means that form of Hinduism is synonymous with "Krishna consciousness"... unless you think that consciousness of Krishna is different from worship and love for Krishna?
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