"Stay away from anybody' who blashphemes devotees"
So if I believe in the ritvik system I blapheme.
Whats the big deal. I thought ...well I dont know just seems in all the books I read Prabhupad says to chant Hare Krishna & all is good.
I dont get it. It all seemed so simple before I got online.
I read, chanted, contibute to the BBT etc. Now I see there are these opposing ISKCON factions over details.
I read some ritvik stuff last night like right here and it seems reasonable to me but there is so much on both sides I dont have several months to study it all.
In the 17 years Ive been reading KC books Ive only meet 2 devotees & never meet a Guru, Master, or whatever but I consider myself a disciple of Prabhupad.
As far as Im concerned if you chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra your cool.