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  1. Try these links. They will point you in the right direction. I'm not a good writer so this is the best I can do. Short explanation-http://krsna_katha.tripod.com/purport1.html Long explanation- http://www.mantra-meditation.com/peace-formula.html
  2. "You must be a demon. Krsna doesn't kill his devotees." I havent been personaly taken out so I guess Im not one yet
  3. I pray Lord Kalki will take me out. Being personally taken out by the Lord means you go to directly to his abode.
  4. "Stay away from anybody' who blashphemes devotees" So if I believe in the ritvik system I blapheme. Whats the big deal. I thought ...well I dont know just seems in all the books I read Prabhupad says to chant Hare Krishna & all is good. I dont get it. It all seemed so simple before I got online. I read, chanted, contibute to the BBT etc. Now I see there are these opposing ISKCON factions over details. I read some ritvik stuff last night like right here and it seems reasonable to me but there is so much on both sides I dont have several months to study it all. In the 17 years Ive been reading KC books Ive only meet 2 devotees & never meet a Guru, Master, or whatever but I consider myself a disciple of Prabhupad. As far as Im concerned if you chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra your cool.
  5. Try ground cinnamon and/or ground cloves. They are both suppost to repel ants. Havn't done it myself but its worth a try.
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