when you visit Mantralaya do "Seva"either with Sankalpa or otherwise.Take bath in Holy TungabhadraRiver & in wet clothes only do Pradakshina of The Vrindavana of Shri Raghavendrawamy.Perform SashtangaNamaskar 8 times for each Pradakshina.Perform atleast 108 Pradakshina,if your body permits.Recite the Holy Mantra"Om Shri Rahavendraya Namah" while doing Seva.Then take Darshan& Midday Meals as Prasad.Inthe evening attend Arti,Bhajan of Shri Rayaru as he is lovingly called by his devotees.
If one is very devotedly performs the Seva, he will have a Dream in which Shri Rayaru will Bless&guide the dear devotee.May Shri Hari Bless us all.*HARI OM TAT SAT*