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  1. Can you give details of your spouse?? so that I can see if your 1st match still be restored
  2. Hi Anusha, I see some Dosha, 6/8 sadastak and also Mahadosha's are not neturalized..... So, they will be divorced most probably Regards
  3. Thanks for the response guruji. I had provided latitude, Longitude information also Girls data: DOB : 30 May 1988 Time : 20:40 Country : India Birth place : TUNI , Andhrapradesh India Latitude : 17N21 Longitude: 82E35 My data: DOB : 01 July 1978 Time : 02:55 Country : India Birth place : Rajahmundry, Andhra pradesh India Latitude : 17N0 Longitude : 81 E 48 I found from one of my friend who is an astrologer that synastry result is bad He said 'SADASTAK 6/8' dosha is there..and that is between ascendants... Asc / Asc 6/8 Bad Moo / Moo 6/8 Bad
  4. Dear gurus, Please help to my above query. I am going to see the girl day after tomorrow...before that I want to make sure..
  5. I hope my query will be answered soon.. Hoping to listen for our astro friends here
  6. I am planning to marry a girl Girls data: DOB : 30 May 1988 Time : 20:40 Country : India Birth place : TUNI Latitude : 17N21 Longitude: 82E35 My data: DOB : 01 July 1978 Time : 02:55 Country : India Birth place : Rajahmundry Latitude : 17N0 Longitude : 81 E 48 I found from one of my friend who is an astrologer that synastry result is bad He said 'SADASTAK 6/8' dosha is there..and that is between ascendants... Asc / Asc 6/8 Bad Moo / Moo 6/8 Bad What can I do now...should avoid this match?? I had to confirm my decision to her parents, with in short period of time. I had upload the horo here for quick look it contains charts also: http://www.esnips.com/doc/a03167ca-27f7-43de-87f6-39aae35c99ca/ajay-vs-sowmya Reg AJAY SWAMI NATHAN
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