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  1. Name Atul Date of Birth 5th September 1963 Place New Delhi Time 13.36 afternoon talked to some experts but they keep guessing or make general remarks Questions : How is my financial state or career - is it job or business & Will I ever be in serious financial mess ever in my life. Have been applying for jobs but am not getting much responses and things not materialising.
  2. Name Raj Date of Birth 5th September 1963 Place New Delhi Time 13.36 afternoon talked to some experts but they keep guessing or make general remarks Questions : How is my financial state or career - is it job or business & Will I ever be in serious financial mess ever in my life
  3. Dineshji, Kindly look into my kundli and advise how I can avoid financial mess. Have sent you personal message with all required details. Atul
  4. Dear Learned Gentlemen, I add my thoughts with all modesty without any offence to any religion or any human being. Religion is a term used to divide humanity - if I say I am a Budhist I am dividing myself or segregating myself from people who do not call themselves followers of Budhism. It is a set of beleifs, traditions and practices. For most of us religion is what our parents call themselves as following, and they also follow it as their parents followed it. For e.g. If my parents are Hindus then I call myself Hindu, and my parents are hindus because my grandparents were hindus. If you try this hypothesis on yourself then you will see most of us will answer yes to this. Only a very few learned human beings will say no to this - and they are the ones who studied different religions and finally chose what they thought was the best one. Again in olden days due to illitracy or non dispersal of knowledge - Religion was necessary as Parents had to pass on some values to you and that was in form of Religion. This practice has gone on without any thought for it's necessity as these are passed on to us in our childhood without any questions asked ( as we all have only a kid's intelligence level) and then it becomes our beliefs. IT IS JUST LIKE WE CAN SAY MOST OF US ARE MEAT EATERS IF OUR PARENTS ARE MEAT EATERS OR VICE-VERSA. But in today's times there is enough knowledge to be shared with books, internet etc., so one can study each school of thoughts to start following his own set of beleifs. WE SHOULD ALL EXPLORE ALL RELIGIONS IF POSSIBLE TO ADOPT THE BEST RULES AND PRINCIPLES - FROM ALL RELIGIONS AFTER PONDERING OVER THEM AS TO THEIR MEANIGFULNESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND ADD THEM TO THEIR SET OF BELIEFS. And then it is ones duty to share that beleif with others without enforcing these on that person. I want to quote the Learned one's comments - J. Krishnamurti on religion Krishnamurti: Sir, what is religion? Actually, what is religion? First of all to find out what is religion we must negate what it is not. What it is not; then it is. It's like seeing what is not love. Love is not hate, love is not jealousy, love is not ambition, love is not violence. When you negate all that, the other is, which is compassion. In the same way if you negate what is not religion then you find out what is true religion; that is, what is the truly religious mind. Belief is not religion, and the authority which the churches, the organized religions assume, is not religion. In that there is all the sense of obedience, conformity, acceptance, the hierarchical approach to life. The division between the Protestant, the Catholic, the Hindu, the Moslem, that's not religion. When you negate all that, which means you are no longer a Hindu, no longer a Catholic, no longer belonging to any sectarian outlook, then your mind questions, asks what is true religion? This is free from their ritual, without their masters, without their Saviour; all that is not religion. When the mind discards that, intelligently, because it has seen that it's not religion, then it can ask what is religion. Religion is not what I think, but religion is the sense of comprehension of the totality of existence, in which there is no division between you and me. Then if there is that quality of goodness which is virtue, real virtue not the phony virtue of society, but real virtue, then the mind can go beyond and find out, through meditation, through a deep, quiet silence, if there is such a thing as reality. Therefore a religious mind is a mind that is constantly aware, sensitive, attentive, so that it goes beyond itself into a dimension where there is no time at all.
  5. Rishi Ji, Thank you so much for the response and the time taken for writing to my post. I reallyu want to coomend on your spirit and thoughts as I read your code of conducts of an Astrologer some time last week. Restaurant is located in Woodbridge Ontario near Toronto in Canada. I chant "Om Namah Shivaya" & "Om Gan Ganpataye Namah" & "Om Shreem Om" & "Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai" all the time when ever possible. I consume meat and have alcohol also but am not overdoing the consumption of both. My Restaurant is getting very good reviews and ppl who come cannot stop talking about the ambience and tasty food. Evrybody tells me that since it is just that it is 1.5 years old, it will eventually pick up. To wear 7 mukhi rudraksha I have to be on Non Veg Diet or Veg diet? Please check me if there was a Typo error earlier as u wrote Non Veg diet. Previous astrologers have all told me things will get better after 10th Dec 2009 and there is nothing to worry as no serious threat to Financial state and money will come and go till then. They have told me to wear Triangular Monga ring (in rt hands finger next to smallest) and diamond ring (in lft hands index finger) . Also I have kept 5 pcs of raw haldi pieces in cash register tied in yellow cloth. I have done all this and recently also kept a small Lakshmi yantra in my cash register. Please check and advise if I will be financially ok as my funds have finished and am badly ridden with debts for loans taken for business and am falling short to pay rent every month. Could u advise some simple remedies to boost sales and getting out of this mess. Also if you can guide me with some guiding time frames to keep my moral high and get past this low phase in my life. Also btw I did not mention earlier I am also a Chartered accountant and have taken 180 degree turn in my career to fulfil my life long dream of owning and running my own restaurant. Thnx
  6. Please help ASAP as I am nearing financial mess Male DOB- 5th Sept 1963 Time of Birth 1.36 pm in afternoon Place of Birth : Delhi Presently live in Brampton Ontario Canada Wife's Dt of birth 13 jan 67 at 6.45 morning in Nasirabad Rajasthan Married in 27 Nov 1991 love marriage after 7 yrs of knowing 3 daughters aged 17, 15 & 9. Two sisters one elder & one younger both settled married in uk london. Parents sponsored and living with me and father has severe arthritis I have been facing serious financial problems since last years. Even after putting a lot of effort in my Fine Dining Indian Restaurant, have not been able to break even my monthly expenses and am putting money from my pocket. I have been a professional accountant a qualified Chartered Accountant and have been doing very well till 1998. Then from then was doing decently ok financially till May 2006. After that I have been tight and lost a steady job as accountant, and have been financially tight. From 2008 january I started my own restaurant pursuing my life long dream to own & run a restaurant. Since then I have been putting in money from borrowing to keep my restaurant running, Now it has reached the saturation point and cannot put more money since I have exhausted all resources - and my business is still not doing as good. As for efforts I have never worked as hard and dedicatedly as I have in the last one and half years. Also though my wife is very understanding and we love eachother a lot. in this last one year we have been fighting for small reasons and not talking to each other for many weeks and then we make up. Astrologers have been telling me it will work out ok eventually but I want some one expert to look into my horoscope and please advise - - When and if I will come out of this mess soon or not? Or will I go Bankrupt? - What can I do to get out of this mess without losing the restaurant if according to my Horoscope I shoiuld run a restaurant or food related business. - How do I avoid fighting with my wife Kindly help me and please provide the appropriate solutions / remedies so that all the success doors get open and peace of mind arrives. Atul
  7. Please help ASAP as I am nearing financial mess Male DOB- 5th Sept 1963 Time of Birth 1.36 pm in afternoon Place of Birth : Delhi I have been facing serious financial problems since last years. Even after putting a lot of effort in my Fine Dining Indian Restaurant, have not been able to break even my monthly expenses and am putting money from my pocket. I have been a professional accountant a qualified Chartered Accountant and have been doing very well till 1998. Then from then was doing decently ok financially till May 2006. After that I have been tight and lost a steady job as accountant, and have been financially tight. From 2008 january I started my own restaurant pursuing my life long dream to own & run a restaurant. Since then I have been putting in money from borrowing to keep my restaurant running, Now it has reached the saturation point and cannot put more money since I have exhausted all resources - and my business is still not doing as good. As for efforts I have never worked as hard and dedicatedly as I have in the last one and half years. Also though my wife is very understanding and we love eachother a lot. in this last one year we have been fighting for small reasons and not talking to each other for many weeks and then we make up. Astrologers have been telling me it will work out ok eventually but I want some one expert to look into my horoscope and please advise - - When and if I will come out of this mess soon or not? Or will I go Bankrupt? - What can I do to get out of this mess without losing the restaurant if according to my Horoscope I shoiuld run a restaurant or food related business. - How do I avoid fighting with my wife Kindly help me and please provide the appropriate solutions / remedies so that all the success doors get open and peace of mind arrives. Atul
  8. Respected Rishi ji, Can u please elaborate on his career moves. Will he do better as a Restaurant owner or should he change his line. If his restaurant will do better - form when? What kind of ailments do u forsee for him? Please advise. Thanks
  9. Respected Gurujis, I am giving below details of a Restaurant owner who has shown his kundli to many astrologers . The general predictions from all astrologers for this horoscope was very good for his shukra mahadasha. No serious financial mess will be faced. But from 2007 onwards the person has been suffering from monetary crises and losses till today. His business was started in 2008 and never has done well. I would be grateful if someone could explain the reason of his problems and if his condition will get any better. Also suggest remedies, as he is already wearing a triangular moga ring and diamond ring. MALE DOB-5th Sept 1963 Time 1-36 pm in afternoon Place Delhi Regards, Atul
  10. Just a thought that came to my mind. What would u say about TAKING the milk away from the calf - and drinking it. Cow does not willingly gives it away. I think even that is wrong. What are your thoughts.
  11. Dear Sir, Can u advise in detail what is in store for him and when will good times come. Can u also suggest what remedial measures he should take to avoid bankcruptcy and other forms of financial mess. Thanks in advance.
  12. Respected Gurujis, I am giving below details of a Restaurant owner who has shown his kundli to many astrologers . The general predictions from all astrologers for this horoscope was very good for his shukra mahadasha.(2000 onwards). But from 2007 onwards the native has been suffering from monetary crises and losses till today. His business was started in 2008 and never has done well. I would be grateful if someone could explain the reason of his problems and if his condition will get any better. MALE DOB-5th Sept 1963 Time 1-36 pm in afternoon Place Delhi Regards, Atul
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