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Posts posted by p_shripad

  1. Hi Madhava,


    My name is Shripad Patwardhan and i am staying in India. I know Guni very well. She had received most of the help from Govind (Dada) Gokhale ( My Grandfather) from Pune. I am very sorry to inform you that Guni Hesting is no more, she passed away on 12 April 2007 at 11.20.


    I am very glad to see something about her on this web and this is available on Google.


    Guni Hensting has published a book on " Sury Namaskar" for which my grandfather Govind A Gokhale (Pune Maharashtra India) has helped by providing his pictures for all "Sury Namaskar " and Other "Yoga" positions.


    He is now running 86 and staying in Pune.


    I was the only one, who was continuously in touch with Guni and her family.



    Patwardhan Shripad

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