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Everything posted by trishaa

  1. Thanks for your response!!!! ------------- Though sarp dosh is seen in your husband's chart, there are many positive things too. Profession lord, moon is vargottam ----------- Profession lord, moon is vargottam????What it is mean and how reduce the sarp dosh. I would like know about my husband job also .He is preparing for govt bank job Like IT MANGER .Is he doing good way or not.Please reply for the same. Any gems prescribe for my husband and me??? Regards Trisha
  2. Hello Sir, About my self, I am preparing for govt bank job like State Bank etc for last 2 yrs .Could you please analysis my chart when i can get god job in govt banking sector. About my husband, He was good interms of money and job till 12 Dec 2008 but he is not in job rightnow and searching for good job. If a husband prepare for govt bank he will success or not. we r facing too much of financial problems and now it is difficult to maintain everything .we r presently in Delhi. is this place ok for us ? PLEASE SUGGEST HOW WE CAN REDUCE THIS PROBLEM.COULD YOU SUGGEST ANY GEMS STONE FOR ME AND HUSBAND? ---------------------- My Birth Details Name : Trisha DOB: 28 August 1982 Place: Kishanganj,Bihar Time: 1:06 PM(Noon time) ----------------------- Husband's Details Name: PAPPU DOB: 09-09-1977 Place: Madhubani,bihar Time: 08:30 AM(Morning) ----------------------- Regards Trishaa:)
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