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can anyone explain to me how the chakras and the 8 or 9 elements krishna speaks of in the Gita and the 3 gunas work together? what is their relation? thanks in advance /images/graemlins/smile.gif
SIGH, for the 1002th time, i do not criticise chanting hare krishna mantra. you criticise my way, i do not criticise yours. i didnt mean to say vaishnava are cheaters. since vaishnava is also a christian God, its just the name that differs and i could consider myself vaishnava. religion means connection to God, yes, and there are different connections. Okay. I KNOW krishna talks in ways you dont think of as godly and i KNOW he doesnt speak like those gurus. For one thing, in His perfect state, his intonation and melodic voice tells more than about his qualities than the words which he speaks, but because hes already master of Yoga, he doesnt need all the things your busy with and he can speak with the same purity about womanising as about the heavens. in every airplane it should be known its not the only one. God id love it when the 1000yr reign starts. no more quarrelling. What i wanna unite? Gods followers. i didnt start a quarrel. i asked questions, i did not criticise your way and i encourage singing all day long.
for the 1001th time, I appreciate chanting hare krishna. I just say that that is not all you should do and there are other ways to God. If you chant all day but dont give a .... about the least of his brethren, then don't think god will speak well of you. no, im not a common man. but im also not a hindi who was raised with a loving mom in a loving house with a loving easy to handle religion. i have something you dont know. its called problems. Whom for Gods sake i have to and will conquer and live thru. " you are showing no seriousness" But god knows i am serious, just like he knows i love him.
Whats to explain. books can be written about it. what matters is doing the will of God. Who alone has perfect plans and rules the universe from the best perspective which is best for everything. I know that God brought us all here on earth for a reason and we all have our job to do here and we are going against Gods plan-of course he can make things right after we error- if we stop the life of one of our fellow human beings. Until God decides to kill someone thru our swords, as he did thru the hands of the jews in the past and im sure he does it now also. animals and plants were created for us, both as food, but also to care about and love. But gods idea of what (a) 'Life' is might be very more complex. purusha. everything which stops people from being 'alive' might be a sin. also, jesus said that there is written thou shalt not kill, but he said:everyone who calls his brethren a fool or emptyhead will be the victim of (gods) judgement. godbless /images/graemlins/smile.gif
i believe in krishna also and whethen you like it or not you are my brethren as well.
" Secondly, these themselves are of dubious nature because they come from Aquarian gospel which most christians themselves do not believe in anyways. " Are you sure thats their origin? well i dont know, i just wanted to search for truth which i once knew but forgotten. "A few senior devotees have explained these with the Vedic knowledge, but we should not try such things. We must be like a honey-bee but first we must be qualified to understand what the nectar is." who decides who is qualified? you can study for ages and sit in the temple for 80 years and some still are only wise on the outside. "Then the snippets you gave have been interpolated and there is no mention of Vedas or timurti etc. being false in the originals. Instead if you read the second link it says that Jesus read the Vedas in the Jagannath temple and explained their full meanings clearly. " that doesnt have to contradict but if your right im only glad /images/graemlins/smile.gif " All vaishnava Masters already oppose the behaviour of smarta brahmana community which has really digressed from Vedas. But since you have not tried to understand these things your conclusions have been quite wrong. " could be. just trying to locate God here. " How they have been offensive is simple, though you will not realize it. The quote said and you supported the thesis that Jesus rejected the Vedas, trimurti, etc. in favour of his own conception of God -- "no, if jesus says something about God, than he tells the truth of God himself, he doesnt make things up. "from the point of view of one who understands Vedas this means that Jesus rejected God/Krishna because Krishna Himself says that He is the Veda and compiler of Vedanta-Sutra and Vedas talk of God full with six opulences. " whats opulence? /images/graemlins/smile.gif " For the vaishnavas who understand Deity worship this means that Jesus did not even know what Deity worship means, or how is it any different than worshipping a mental conception of unmanifest God (or cross), or that when he says "idols or lesser gods" it means nothing for there is only one God. "Of course not. if i were to bow down in worship for you or a statue representing nothing, i would be idolising. Worshipping Krishna is different from that. "This means that by presenting this and justifying it you effectively rejected that Jesus was a Guru. And such a conclusion is offensive to both Jesus and Krishna." jesus is son of God. if i reject anything, its the gurus of this age before jesus. as i said, we are in kali yuga arent we. So those outside wise people might be rotten to the core. "I have been trying to explain that Truth cannot be have had by reading and pasting things from internet from xyz sites. There are three ways to get there: by Guru, Sadhu and Shastra. Guru has two aspects -- one sad-Guru or external Guru and other chaitya-Guru meaning the Lord in the heart. In the absence of our capability to recognize a Sadhu, or a sad-Guru nor being able to clearly listen to chaitya-Guru the way to understand a spiritual discipline is to read its authorized books and practise it which is particularly true of the Vaishnava philosophy. Without practising it for some time it is not possible to understand it. Then the way to do it is to read Sri Ishopanishad, booklets like Perfect Questions and Perfect Answers, Bhagavad-Gita as it is, Srimad-Bhagavatam in that order before going to Chaitanya-Charitamrta, Brahma-Samhita etc. (all these are available in the books section of this site) and try and practise it. It takes some time particularly with the vaishnava disciplines. (there are many unauthorized and incorrect translations of Gita floating around, so if you want to read from Krishna-Consciousness point of view you will need to get this version)"ill see that ill read one day them all and find out what its all about /images/graemlins/smile.gif i know this: Vishnu wants love for himself and others. hed rather have an illiteral child running toward him than a proud man who has read many books but who would betray him immediately if they were subjected to torture. "So the questions from your side should have been of the kind of trying to understand verses or meanings from scriptures or the practise/philosophy, rather than comparing status of scriptures or trying to find errors in them using quotes from here and there. "I try to find the truth actually, but i stumble on errors or contradictions. "You should realize that there are many-many quotes which can show the multitude of errors in Bible but that will hardly serve any purpose. I sincerely want you to be successful in your endevour and find all the pearls i have found and more, " I will be succesful and see my Abba and Lords face again as i continuely did when i was a child. " but there is a procedure for this which will show our sincerity. The only thing that is wanted is to leave this "quotes from websites" thing and read the authorized books instead, and then everyone will be happy. " ...
"--because in this text jesus put in discussion many principles of vedic culture. But we know that jesus is a pure dharmic spiritual master, so this text is a fake. Please, what's the use to discuss of a text who has dubious authenticity? We want to know god, not to fantasize about god" Might I remind you of one thing? This is Kali Yuga! you know, that age of darkness and no moral! So maybe you were the ones who has over time misused and flasified all the sacred texts and their meaning! If Jesus says it, i believe him over other gurus any time, given that hes son of God. "--first practice and learn at least ONE religion then we will have a common ground to discuss. " I believe in one God, not one religion. In one church or temple 2 people might coexist professing to have the same religion but one is MUCH closer to God and has much more divine qualities. "You are in a forum called "hare krsna", we follow such process.. if you want to discuss with people who follow this process and maybe to put this process in discussion you have to learn it and follow it. So study carefully the bhagavad gita ( http://www.asitis.com/ ) "gladly "and ask verse for verse to clarify your doubts and to share your realizations. You have also to chant the hare krsna mantra at least for five minutes every day (hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare, hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare). " what makes 5 minutes of singing that a necesity, when i just spend 3 hours singing and reciting psalms? God is Happy and comes closer with EVERY genuine offering. " In this way you will know us and the purpose of this site.. in this way, knowing us, you also will able to do some objections if you feel useful. Now you do not have the language, the notions necessary to start a true communication.. so study and practice, then you will communicate. " do not think Krishnas language will be the same as those of all the gurus and yourself. His ways are much higher. " Imagine to go in a forum of airplane pilotes and giving critics and opinions having never been in an airplane. So study and practice our "airplane" or the converstation with you will never be useful.. " good parable. might i add:the airforce base is called God, and there is more than one airplane there, all loved by God, all useful, some in other ways... and they should not argue but unite under one banner. "--you simply do not know what's my belief and you show to believe simply in yourself "you dont know mine either so tell this to yourself, it was never my intention to come here and quarrel. " i have already said it.. if you want to speak with me about my religion you have to know what's my religion... so study and practice, otherwise you are only a disturbance " youll get back on that.
Hare Krishna! Have to go soon, ill be quick just go it point by point if thats ok 1.indeed, nothing is coincidence /images/graemlins/smile.gif 2.well for me, it is exactly the good reason for infinite suffering, because people are not God and often people have no compassion and very harsh judgement on others whom they see as evil and they wouldnt care if that person suffered for eternity, let alone if they find out they are MUCH worse people. but i dont know, ill just stay open and see what happens. 3.again, infinite punishment means that we ourselves have judged ourselves that hard. it means we judged others who were like us in life just that hard but wenever realised we were just as evil as they were. if not more evil. Yes, i believe you. hes been doing that all my life /images/graemlins/smile.gif and stioll doing it. I hope your right, but I know:God is just. remind me, i have to go in 5 minutes to work at church. hmm, i dont know. i have 2 books, one is like a big story, and the other is the texts in hindi, dutch, comments, and daily devotional. its written by uhm Mansukh patel and some others /images/graemlins/smile.gif sjalom gotta love ya and gotta go.
1.You dont know what im practising all day long and how i am searching out God and acting as he wishes me to do all day long, and im not Gonna tell you, because Jesus forbade to do your good deeds to get the honor of people. I did not say all ways are equal. I have faith. Thats why many of my prayers, which are asking God for things which i always get. 2.For the 1000th time, I AM NOT AGAINST SINGING HARE KRISHNA MANTRA! its just your way , not mine. I dont criticise it, and if i ever should have a sleepover with you, you might wake me up at night to start praising together, whether that means reading christian psalms or hare krishna mantra! 3.to know my religion you have to know me. but the basics of my religion you can understand are all clearly written out in the jewish man-NDE. thats right the NDE in which the man saw that the Hare Krishna who sang all day was CLOSEST to God because he had greatest love for God. So how could i ever be against that! 4.I was in contact with God and I could do that and more as a child. ive told once on this forum what happened with me in one sentence and with what kind of person i live under one roof, and i got mocked. 5.That you dont recognise me for who I am is certain. But Im surely not the only one you dont recognise for who he is. So, until you too have the power to read minds thru Gods Spirit, refrain from judgement. 6.Where do I criticise Krishna???? you are criticising me and think you have the only right path. The light of God is more than singing his holy name-that is one way. There are many forms of Yoga. 7.I show to God all they long I wish to follow Him. I will study.
Man, I love you, but you really don't know a thing about how serious I am, simply because i do not chant in your way! God is all on my mind the entire day! But your right i was not serious as a hindu, because i never was a hindu, not in that way. I worship God, thats hindu enough for me. and I believe Krishna. GOD FORBID THAT I WOULD STOP YOU FROM ACHIEVING KC, AND PRACTICE KC! Loveya, godbless
Hello Guest Hey, I never said Vedic isnt full of wisdom. How is this text depicting Jesus as an asura? I didnt blaspheme, i quoted and wish to know your ideas about the text. What is the true religion? How is worshipping the eternal not the true religion? How is it not the true religion to say that God loves all his Children? How is it not true religion to say that the lower castes have a right to read the text? Im not here to take anyone away. im here to talk about my beliefs, our Lord. I believe slightly different than you, thats all. loveya and godbless
yes,, he creates nonchristians at his will. he also creates fools like me, or vaishnavas, at his will /images/graemlins/smile.gif Loveya
Hello Friend Well either i missed one link, because i have visited one link you gave me. but its VERY long and i cant read it all on a single night. I'm sorry you feel this way about me. You are wrong, I do want the truth. the site from which i plucked Saint Issa's story is a site which combines every religion. How could I claim a false God? I proclaim Krishna Jesus, the Eternal One. which one is false? I want to learn KC philosophy, if its from God, but i will always have in the back of my head that human wisdom is foolishness by God. KC philosophy is just as much written in the bible (NT) as in your texts. I love to read them both. yesterday i was quite busy. How do I blasphemise jesus and krishna? I think they are one. thats all. So no, i do not show jesus his superiority. that would be like saying im superior to myself. Godblessyou
You MIGHT also be so openminded and acknowledge the vedas do not hold the supreme truth about God but that he has revealed himself thru the bible as well. Jesus irreligious? why is it irreligious to bring a perfect religion which worships only the true God, instead of idols and lesser gods? he hardly destroys dharma with stating that the texts are also for lower castes and that any restrictions on that is manmade, not Godly.