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About MrLJM

  • Birthday 07/20/1990

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey there, I'm just posting to ask you all a question about self-initiation. Not being a Hindu myself and only being explained this by a Hindu, it's difficult to put this into the correct words. I'm sure you know what I mean by "initiation", in the sense of someone being initiated into meditation. Considering a personal experience that happened to me yesterday, I was wondering how many people have initiated themselves (as opposed to going to a school or consulting a guru)? I've only found one case and that is Sri Ananandamayi Ma. I'm just wondering how common it is, because my Hindu friend told me, "I've never heard of it happening." Well, she said that until yesterday of course because she says that I've initiated myself. It was an incredible experience, to say the least. She was baffled at just how I managed to do it and how I managed to hold it on for so long (I kept the meditation going on even when I was talking and moving around). I'm just wondering if it is as rare as she claimed, or if it is actually quite common.
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