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  1. FARM IN SPAIN A group of experienced Vaisnava ecologists, under the guidance of Badraseva Prabhu, Anadir Prabhu, and Prataka Prabhu are developing a Vedic village concept. www.vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/8/farm.in.spain.html KURDS AND VEDIC INDIA The Kurd people live in some remote territorities of Eastern Turkey and Iraq. They are not actually at home in the Muslim environment, although at present there is hardly any possibility of establishing Kurdistan proper www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/8/kurds.vedicindia.html FIRST RATHA-YATRA IN CAITANYA BAITAG On June 19, 2004 the first Ratha Yatra Festival was celebrated in Caitanya Baitag where Sri Caitanya came to take rest. Desiring to introduce this festival to this holy place, Pujyapad Bhakti Pradip Paryatok Maharaja constructed a Chariot for Lord Jagannath, who was brought to Vrindavan by Murari Gupta, Sri Caitanya's associate. www.vina.cc/stories/GENERAL/2004/8/ratha.yatra.html IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE In order that the prophecy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu be fulfilled we need an army of pure preachers. If we desire that the Holy Name be chanted everywhere, we will need countless gurus guiding countless disciples in their spiritual life. www.vina.cc/stories/WVA/2004/8/every.town.village.html ++++++++++++ VINA Update: 26. August, 2004 VINA Web-site: www.vina.cc
  2. FARM IN SPAIN A group of experienced Vaisnava ecologists, under the guidance of Badraseva Prabhu, Anadir Prabhu, and Prataka Prabhu are developing a Vedic village concept. www.vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/8/farm.in.spain.html KURDS AND VEDIC INDIA The Kurd people live in some remote territorities of Eastern Turkey and Iraq. They are not actually at home in the Muslim environment, although at present there is hardly any possibility of establishing Kurdistan proper www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/8/kurds.vedicindia.html FIRST RATHA-YATRA IN CAITANYA BAITAG On June 19, 2004 the first Ratha Yatra Festival was celebrated in Caitanya Baitag where Sri Caitanya came to take rest. Desiring to introduce this festival to this holy place, Pujyapad Bhakti Pradip Paryatok Maharaja constructed a Chariot for Lord Jagannath, who was brought to Vrindavan by Murari Gupta, Sri Caitanya's associate. www.vina.cc/stories/GENERAL/2004/8/ratha.yatra.html IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE In order that the prophecy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu be fulfilled we need an army of pure preachers. If we desire that the Holy Name be chanted everywhere, we will need countless gurus guiding countless disciples in their spiritual life. www.vina.cc/stories/WVA/2004/8/every.town.village.html ++++++++++++ VINA Update: 26. August, 2004 VINA Web-site: www.vina.cc
  3. PURUSHOTTAMA I offer my obeisances to Navaghanashyam (Krishna, Who has the color of a fresh rain cloud), Who is holding the flute with His two hands. I worship Purushottama Who is so beautiful in His yellow dress. http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7/purushottam.html TEMPLE RESTORATION IN BENGAL AND ORISSA Sripad Sankarshan das Brahmachari, the disciple of Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaja, is helping the people in Bengal and around Vraja Mandal by establishing and saving many shrines and ashramas in remote village areas. http://www.vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/7/temple.restoration.html CANDIDASA Candidasa was born in the village of Nanura, which is also in the same Birbhum district of Bengal as Jayadeva Goswami's birthplace. He was born of a brahmana family, and it is said that he also took birth in the beginning of the Fourteenth Century, Sakabda Era. http://www.vina.cc/stories/VAISHNAVAS/2004/7/candidasa.html BRAHMA'S PRAYER TO LORD SRI KRISHNA Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore I offer my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You. http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7/brahmas.prayer.html SRI RADHA DAMODAR KARTIK FESTIVAL Like every year the festival of 34 days will be celebrated on the grand occasion of 'Month of Kartik' also known as 'Month of Damodar' in Sri Radha Damodar Mandir, Sri Vrindavan Dham. http://www.vina.cc/stories/GENERAL/2004/7/kartik.damodar.html NEW MOSCOW TEMPLE PROJECT WEB-SITE The devotees in Moscow Russia have opened a beautiful website today dedicated to the new $12,000,000 Cultural Center/Temple they are building. Srila A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was very keen on having a Moscow temple. http://www.vina.cc/stories/BRHATMRDANGA/2004/7/moscow.temple.html ****************************************************** VINA Update: Saturday, July 24, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml
  4. PURUSHOTTAMA I offer my obeisances to Navaghanashyam (Krishna, Who has the color of a fresh rain cloud), Who is holding the flute with His two hands. I worship Purushottama Who is so beautiful in His yellow dress. http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7/purushottam.html TEMPLE RESTORATION IN BENGAL AND ORISSA Sripad Sankarshan das Brahmachari, the disciple of Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaja, is helping the people in Bengal and around Vraja Mandal by establishing and saving many shrines and ashramas in remote village areas. http://www.vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/7/temple.restoration.html CANDIDASA Candidasa was born in the village of Nanura, which is also in the same Birbhum district of Bengal as Jayadeva Goswami's birthplace. He was born of a brahmana family, and it is said that he also took birth in the beginning of the Fourteenth Century, Sakabda Era. http://www.vina.cc/stories/VAISHNAVAS/2004/7/candidasa.html BRAHMA'S PRAYER TO LORD SRI KRISHNA Lord Brahma said: My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore I offer my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You. http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7/brahmas.prayer.html SRI RADHA DAMODAR KARTIK FESTIVAL Like every year the festival of 34 days will be celebrated on the grand occasion of 'Month of Kartik' also known as 'Month of Damodar' in Sri Radha Damodar Mandir, Sri Vrindavan Dham. http://www.vina.cc/stories/GENERAL/2004/7/kartik.damodar.html NEW MOSCOW TEMPLE PROJECT WEB-SITE The devotees in Moscow Russia have opened a beautiful website today dedicated to the new $12,000,000 Cultural Center/Temple they are building. Srila A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was very keen on having a Moscow temple. http://www.vina.cc/stories/BRHATMRDANGA/2004/7/moscow.temple.html ****************************************************** VINA Update: Saturday, July 24, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml
  5. PURUSHOTTAM MAS VRATA' 2004 Purushottam mas vrata' 2004, Calcutta, Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math. His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj is observing Purushottama-Vrata in Calcutta Math from 17th July to 16th August, 2004. http://www.vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/7/purushottam.mas.html PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE KIRTANA When the sastra tells us just how high our ideal is and just how precise the path ultimately is, we should be encouraged that we are on such an exalted path and that an advanced devotee has acknowledged our presence there. http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7professional.kirtana.html CRISIS IN MAYAPUR The present government of West Bengal is working on a development plan for Mayapur, which includes erecting a bridge between Mayapura and Navadwip and widening the roads. http://www.vina.cc/stories/DHAM/2004/7/crisis.in.mayapur.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VINA Update: Saturday, July 17, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml
  6. PURUSHOTTAM MAS VRATA' 2004 Purushottam mas vrata' 2004, Calcutta, Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math. His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj is observing Purushottama-Vrata in Calcutta Math from 17th July to 16th August, 2004. http://www.vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/7/purushottam.mas.html PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE KIRTANA When the sastra tells us just how high our ideal is and just how precise the path ultimately is, we should be encouraged that we are on such an exalted path and that an advanced devotee has acknowledged our presence there. http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7professional.kirtana.html CRISIS IN MAYAPUR The present government of West Bengal is working on a development plan for Mayapur, which includes erecting a bridge between Mayapura and Navadwip and widening the roads. http://www.vina.cc/stories/DHAM/2004/7/crisis.in.mayapur.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VINA Update: Saturday, July 17, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml
  7. THE SCIENCE OF RELATIONSHIPS by Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti Spiritual life is the science of wonderful relationships based on love. One of our main problems in this world is that we scarcely have good and loving relationships. This is also why we seek liberation from material existence and try to attain a higher truth. We desire real love and happiness. www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7/science.of.relationships.html SRILA GOPAL BHATTA GOSWAMI by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaja President of the WVA On the occasion of the disappearance day of Srila Gopal Bhatt Goswami (7 July 2004), The following is an excerpt from the book "Sri Chaitanya: His Life and Associates" by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj. www.vina.cc/stories/VAISHNAVAS/2004/7/gopal.bhatta.goswami.html MERCY AND CHEATING by Madhavananda das The following article appeared in Sri Krishna Kathamrita magazine issue 7 "Lord Shiva the Greatest Vaishnava", published by ISKCON Gopal Jiu Publications. www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7/mercy.and.cheating.html BUDDHISM AND VEDANTA by Swami B.V. Tripurari "While Buddhism is about the negation of suffering, Vedanta, meaning the conclusion of knowledge, is about never-ending love, a love that reaches its zenith in Radha-Krsna." www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/7/buddhism.vedanta.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VINA Update: Thursday, July 08, 2004 gkdas@mac.com VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml To change your E-mail address or to be removed from our list send us a note to: E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org
  8. EULOGY OF SRILA BHAKTIVINODA THAKURA by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura It is not empiric wisdom that is the object of quest of the devotee. Those who read the scriptures for gathering empiric wisdom will be pursuing the wild goose chase... FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/6/eulogy.html CHARIOT FEST ROLLS INTO SPANISH FORK by Amy Choate / Desert Morning News Dark clouds filled with rain weren't enough to stop Lord Jagannath from going on vacation Saturday night. Spectators gather in front of the Hare Krishna temple to watch dancers during Saturday's festival. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/6/chariot.fest.2.html PRAYERS FOR JAHNAVI by Indupati das Dear Vaisnavas and Vaisnavis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga! Jahnavi was admitted to Shands hospital on Friday. On Saturday night she developed a lung problem and was taken to intensive care. They found one lung severely infected with pneumonia, and the other lung collapse after some procedure. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/VAISHNAVAS/2004/6/prayers.jahnavi.html BANKE BIHARI & DHAM GHATI TEMPLE UNDER RECEIVERSHIP by WVA Vrindavan Dham Preservation Committee The government of India has recently placed two major temples in Vraja Mandala under receivership. Due to regular disputes and court cases surrounding donations coming into the Bankebihari Temple in Vrindavan and the Dham-ghati temple in Govardhan FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/BRHATMRDANGA/2004/6/kirtan.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VINA Update: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml To change your E-mail address or to be removed from our list send us a note to: vina@wva-vvrs.org
  9. EULOGY OF SRILA BHAKTIVINODA THAKURA by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura It is not empiric wisdom that is the object of quest of the devotee. Those who read the scriptures for gathering empiric wisdom will be pursuing the wild goose chase... FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/6/eulogy.html CHARIOT FEST ROLLS INTO SPANISH FORK by Amy Choate / Desert Morning News Dark clouds filled with rain weren't enough to stop Lord Jagannath from going on vacation Saturday night. Spectators gather in front of the Hare Krishna temple to watch dancers during Saturday's festival. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/6/chariot.fest.2.html PRAYERS FOR JAHNAVI by Indupati das Dear Vaisnavas and Vaisnavis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga! Jahnavi was admitted to Shands hospital on Friday. On Saturday night she developed a lung problem and was taken to intensive care. They found one lung severely infected with pneumonia, and the other lung collapse after some procedure. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/VAISHNAVAS/2004/6/prayers.jahnavi.html BANKE BIHARI & DHAM GHATI TEMPLE UNDER RECEIVERSHIP by WVA Vrindavan Dham Preservation Committee The government of India has recently placed two major temples in Vraja Mandala under receivership. Due to regular disputes and court cases surrounding donations coming into the Bankebihari Temple in Vrindavan and the Dham-ghati temple in Govardhan FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/BRHATMRDANGA/2004/6/kirtan.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VINA Update: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml To change your E-mail address or to be removed from our list send us a note to: vina@wva-vvrs.org
  10. dear Govindaram prabhu, script error? you are the first to report (not the first who visits the site :-) and Vishnu Maharaj was made Vice-president, president is Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaja
  11. THE VISION OF A VAISHNAVA by Srila B.B.Tirtha Goswami Maharaja President of the WVA Question: How could Vaishnavas come to a better understanding among each other? With our http://www.vina.cc website we try to promote this type of consciousness and for that we need the blessings of all the Acaryas. Answer: Vaishnavas are mutually always in the best relationship, otherwise they cannot be Vaishnavas. The only target of Vaishnavas is to satisfy Vishnu. By serving Vishnu, they give contentment to Vishnu and contentment to all. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/6/vaishnava.vision.html "NO TIME" by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada When we approach some gentleman and request him to become a reader of "Back to Godhead," sometimes we are replied with the words "NO TIME." FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/6/no.time.html CHARIOT FEST by Caru das The Chariot Festival will be held Saturday June 26th at the Krishna Temple one mile south of Spanish Fork on Main St. This festival is modeled after the oldest ongoing festival known to man. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/6/chariot.fest.html ADVERTISE YOUR DEVOTIONAL PROGRAM by Gokula Kirtan dasa Jai Radhe I have created a new website for the use of the vaisnava community around the world, it is a bulletin board to advertise your devotional program, kirtan or festival, speaking engagement or feast, any thing you want. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/BRHATMRDANGA/2004/6/kirtan.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VINA Update: Monday, June 21, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml
  12. THE VISION OF A VAISHNAVA by Srila B.B.Tirtha Goswami Maharaja President of the WVA Question: How could Vaishnavas come to a better understanding among each other? With our www.vina.cc website we try to promote this type of consciousness and for that we need the blessings of all the Acaryas. Answer: Vaishnavas are mutually always in the best relationship, otherwise they cannot be Vaishnavas. The only target of Vaishnavas is to satisfy Vishnu. By serving Vishnu, they give contentment to Vishnu and contentment to all. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/6/vaishnava.vision.html "NO TIME" by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada When we approach some gentleman and request him to become a reader of "Back to Godhead," sometimes we are replied with the words "NO TIME." FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/6/no.time.html CHARIOT FEST by Caru das The Chariot Festival will be held Saturday June 26th at the Krishna Temple one mile south of Spanish Fork on Main St. This festival is modeled after the oldest ongoing festival known to man. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/MISSION/2004/6/chariot.fest.html ADVERTISE YOUR DEVOTIONAL PROGRAM by Gokula Kirtan dasa Jai Radhe I have created a new website for the use of the vaisnava community around the world, it is a bulletin board to advertise your devotional program, kirtan or festival, speaking engagement or feast, any thing you want. FULL STORY: http://vina.cc/stories/BRHATMRDANGA/2004/6/kirtan.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VINA Update: Monday, June 21, 2004 VINA website: http://vina.cc E-mail: vina@wva-vvrs.org VINA is the official news-site of the World Vaishnava Association WVA website: http://www.wva-vvrs.org Track VINA News with a RSS News-reader: http://vina.cc/vina.xml
  13. Question: How could Vaishnavas come to a better understanding among each other? With our http://www.vina.cc website we try to promote this type of consciousness and for that we need the blessings of all the Acaryas. Answer by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaja: Vaishnavas are mutually always in the best relationship, otherwise they cannot be Vaishnavas. The only target of Vaishnavas is to satisfy Vishnu. By serving Vishnu, they give contentment to Vishnu and contentment to all. Prahlad Maharaj said to his father Hiranyakshipu, “My dear father! Please give up your demoniac mentality. Do not discriminate in your heart between enemies and friends; make your mind equipoised toward everyone. Except for the uncontrolled and misguided mind, there is no enemy within this world. When one sees everyone on the platform of equality, one then comes to the position of worshiping the Lord perfectly.” (Translation by Srimat Bhakti Vedanta Swami Maharaj) Last message of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur to all ascetic and household devotees was this: “All of you should remain in close co-operation with the objective to propitiate the Supreme Lord with wholehearted allegiance to the grace incarnate form, Gurudeva, who is the Absolute Counterpart of the Supreme Lord. All of you should somehow maintain your livelihood in this most perishable non-eternal world, with the only objective of satisfying Supreme Lord. Don't give up worship of God inspite of hundreds of troubles, hundreds of humiliations and hundreds of abuses. Don't be discouraged by seeing that most of the conditioned souls in this world are not accepting the service of Sri Krishna sincerely, without deceitfulness. Never give up your own worship, and never give up your only wealth, the 'be-all and end-all' of your life, which is the hearing and chanting of the glories of Sri Krishna. Always do Harikirtan with the qualities of being humbler than blade of grass and more forbearing than tree.” So the conclusion is that the root cause of all troubles and sufferings is aversion to Sri Krishna, and that the problems of this world cannot be removed by retaining the nescience. http://www.vina.cc/stories/PHILOSOPHICAL/2004/6/vaishnava.vision.html
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