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  1. Gomed is for Rahu, and this dahsa of Rahu is not good for you. Pukhraj is for Jupiter, and this planet is enemy of Rahu, so that it cannot help very much if you wear a Rahu gem with it. Jupiter is not friendly to Mercury or Budha. You can try to wear yhe Pukhraj only, that probably can help.
  2. I use to wear a Turquoise for Ketu, because it is very very benefic for me, for my health end for everything in my life. It is a lucky stone for me. I’m born in Ashwini, and Ketu is this Naskshatra’s Lord, moreover my Ketu is in the second house with good planets. But I noticed that when there is in the sky the full moon, for few days, always, Ketu gems are not ok for me anymore, because they give to me a lot of nervousness. Is this normal? My Lagna is Taurus and my Moon is in the 12th house, being Ashwini Nakshatra. Thank a lot for your kind replies.
  3. For scars is very good to apply Mosqueta Rose Oil, avoiding sun exposure. This is a special rose from Chile. Ciao!
  4. I was born on 29 may 1954 in Roma, Italy - 5,30 am. I am Taurus lagna, Aries Moon, and Leo lagna in Navamsa. Jupiter is lord of the bad 8th house in rasi chart, and also in navamsa; but it is lord of the good 9th house both in rasi and navamsa. In rasi it is also the 11th house lord, and in navamsa the 5th house lord. In rasi it is posited in 2nd house, and in navamsa in the 5th house (his own house). Can someone help me to understand if I can use Yellow Topaz? I love this gem very very much!!! Thank You!
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