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  1. Adarniya Guru Shri Sandhu.jp Ji, I have read your Upayas (remedies) according to the benefic and malefic effects for all planets and found it to be very informative and helpful. The problem is that according to my horoscope I don’t know which planets are benefic and which planets are malefic. So I am unable to decide on my remedies. Could you please let me know the benefic and malefic planet in my horoscope? Guruji, my birth details are 21-Sep-1969; 23:11 PM; Kanpur (UP), currently residing in New Delhi. Guru Ji, I thank you in advance for your kind guidance and suggestions. Sadar Parnaam, Your’s sincerely. Ashish Bhardwaj
  2. Adarniya Guru Sandhu.JP Ji, Guru Ji, I thank you for your kind guidance and suggestions. Sadar Parnaan Your’s sincerely Ashish Bhardwaj
  3. Adarniya Guru Shri Sandhu.jp Ji, :pray: Thank you for your reply to my post, link pasted below for reference : http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/1411533-adarniya-guru-ji-s-i-am-so-confused-about-different-opinions-two-guru-ji-s.html I am pasting your reply below for reference… “quote” “You don't need a stone for Jup it has 8 ashtak varg points , moreover in transit its in Pisces the karma sthan of your kundli and aspecting natal jup , morever it has defeated mer in grah yudha and is victorious ,the problem seems to be the transit of sat over natal 4th house and planets and inability of lagnesh to do good,reciting vishnu sahasarnaam will definitely help you, things will tend to improve after oct, partnerships are not for you. Rahu in 9th house ,house of fortune is not good as it leads you away from ,dharma and elders and their sound practical advice thus jupiter as a dharam guru becomes agitated and furious,you need to respect the religious places and elders for some form of balance in your life. Moon in 8th is in shock in moksha trikona house , bring a bottle of water from cremation ground and place it in your bedroom for it. May god bless you to succeed.” “unquote” I apologize for taking your time and disturbing you with my queries. Kindly let me know when (day of week) to bring water from cremation ground? Any particular day or time and any particular direction of the room where the bottle is to be kept? ( in open or can I keep it inside wall mounted wooden almirah that is in east direction of my bedroom)? Guru Ji, if possible regarding gem stone. What should I wear? Guruji, my birth details are 21-Sep-1969; 23:11 PM; Kanpur (UP), currently residing in New Delhi. Guru Ji, I thank you in advance for your kind guidance and suggestions. :pray:Sadar Parnaam, Your’s sincerely. Ashish Bhardwaj
  4. Adarniya Guru Shri Sandhu Ji, I again apologize for taking your time and disturbing you with my queries. Kindly let me know when to bring water from cremation ground. a) Any particular day or time? b) The bottle is to be kept in a particular direction of the room - in open or can I keep it inside wall mounted wooden almirah that is in east direction of my bedroom? c) Guru Ji, if possible regarding gem stone. Guru Ji, I thank you in advance for your kind guidance and suggestions. Sadar Parnaam, Your’s sincerely. Ashish Bhardwaj
  5. Hello Sis, During site surfing I found your post and because I knew the answers I decided to post reply in the mean time you await Guru Ji's reply. I am also a visitor here just like you waiting for a reply from Guru Ji. The link below will take you to Gayatri Mantra. Gayatri.jpg (image) Alternatively you can listen to Gayatri Mantra at: One mala means 108 times. May god bless you with all the happiness in life. Regards, PS: Respected Guru Ji's please forgive me for this.
  6. Adarniya Guru Ji, Saadar Charansparash, I am highly obliged for your kind guidance and advices. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me your precious time and your valuable advices. Guru Ji, you are very true about: This is very true, some times rather I should say most of the times I don’t listen to my elders sound advice and later I regret / suffer. Now I know the reason why I am like this. Thank you, I have registered it to the bottom of heart/mind and from now onwards I will not loose my temper and follow my elder’s advice. And also start reciting Lord Vishnu Sahasarnaam. Guruji, sorry to bother you again but I have a certain queries regarding the remedies: 1) Does this mean that I remove pukhraj during this transit (Pisces) only or I don’t wear it at all? 2) Will it be beneficial to wear Panna for Mer? Is there any chance of starting my own Computer Training Institute or any other business (without partnership)? Any particular day and time for this or it can be brought any day any time? The bottle is to be kept in particular direction of the room - in open or can I keep it inside wall mounted wooden almirah that is in east direction of my bedroom? Guru Ji, I am still confused with regard to Gem Stones (Panna, Moti, Neelan and Opel) what to wear? Guru Ji, any suggestions to increase my concentration / interest during studies. I again apologize for taking your time and disturbing you with my queries. I sincerely thank you wholeheartedly for your valuable guidance and advices. Saadar pranaam, Your's sincerely, Ashish Bhardwaj
  7. Respected Guru Ji’s Sadaar charah sparsh, Jai Guru Dev. By the grace of ‘Almighty God’ while browsing thru the internet I came across this site and thought I can get expert Guru Ji's opinions to my confusions. Adarniya Guru Ji’s I am so confused about different opinions by two Guru Ji’s. Who is correct? In November 2009 after consulting one Guru Ji I had quit my job (worked over six years) and joined an existing Computer Training Institute as a partner as well as networking trainer. I was told by Guru Ji that this will be a profitable venture for me. But unfortunately it turned out to be a total failure. After waiting for three months I visited Guru Ji again and told him about the outcome. This time Guru Ji asked me to wear Panna in silver in my right hand little finger. For the past 7-8 years I had Pukhraj in index finger and Moti in little finger. Guru Ji asked me to put Moti in left hands little finger. As per his advise I wore Panna and Pukhraj in right hand and moti in left hand but still no improvement. After seeing the response I visited another Guru Ji who told me that according to horoscope I should not be doing the business (at all) and that too in partnership and suggested me to look for a job again. Guru Ji also told me that Pukhraj and Panna cannot be worn together asked me to remove Panna totally and wear Moti in right hand little finger. And he also suggested me to wear Opel. I am now looking for a job but I have to study some more training subjects before I can get a job as a trainer. Though I have started studying but I am loosing my concentration / interest during studies. Guru Ji’s I shall be highly obliged to you for your guidance in this regard. Please help me so that I can choose the right path. Please guide me with the following : 1) Business or Job ( I have received another business offer from a Computer Training Institute). If Job… by when do you thing I’ll get it. 2) Suitable Stones : Pukhraj (due to Guru Bhraspati’s mahadasha) and Moti or Neelam and Panna or any other that you feel is suitable for me. 3) Please guide me with some remedies so that my life is stabilized (career and finance). Guruji, my birth details are 21-Sep-1969; 23:11 PM; Kanpur (UP), currently residing in New Delhi. Guru Ji's, I thank you in advance for your kind guidance and suggestions. Sadar Parnaam, Your’s sincerely. Ashish Bhardwaj
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